Logo ACCSFF '05

June 4, 2005



The 2005 ACCSFF featured some of the most interesting papers we have had, along with two excellent talks by our academic and writer keynote address speakers.  Veronica Hollinger opened the conference with an account of her own work as one of the pioneers of science fiction scholarship.  Robert Charles Wilson talked about the role of the fantastic in his writing and how science fiction can provide a different perspective on our place in the universe.

The conference was made up of seven papers and a panel discussion on Margaret Atwood's place in science fiction.  Audience participation during the panel and the regular sessions was especially lively. 

In addition to the staff of the Merril Collection, who provided their usual great help, three volunteers ably assisted with the event: David Cheater, Lyn Haliburton, and ErinMarie Hutchinson.  Thanks go to all those who contributed  to the 2005 conference with their donations of time and effort.  Once again, the English Department of York University and the Friends of the Merril Collection provided financial support.