Undergraduate Grades and Grading SchemesExcept for courses taken under the Ungraded Option, courses in the Undergraduate faculties represented in this publication are graded according to the scale below. The grade point values are used to compute averages. For information regarding ungraded option regulations, refer to the Grading information available in your Faculty's section of the Calendar. Note:Only courses taken at York University are included in the Grade Point Average. The percentages indicated are not part of the official grading scheme and are meant only to be used as guidelines. The letter-grade system is the fundamental system of assessment of performance in undergraduate programs at York University.
Definitions of Grading Descriptions and Pass and FailA+ Exceptional A Excellent B+ Very Good B Good C+ Competent C Fairly Competent D+ Passing D Barely Passing E Marginally Failing F Failing Passed Course: A passed course is one in which the student has achieved a grade of D or better. Failed Courses: There are
two failing grades on the Undergraduate Grading Scheme: E (marginal failure)
and F (failure). Grades E and F are calculated into Grade Point Averages. Grading Scheme and Feedback Policy:It is University Policy that the grading scheme for a course (i.e. kinds and weights of assignments, essays, exams, etc.) be announced, and be available in writing, within two weeks of class, and that, under normal circumstances, some graded feedback worth at least 15% of the final grade for Fall, Winter or Summer Term and 30% or "full year" courses offered in the Fall/Winter Term, be received by students in all courses prior to final withdrawal date from a course without receiving a grade, with the following exceptions: a) graduate or senior undergraduate
courses where course work typically, or at the instructor's discretion,
consists of a single piece of work (e.g. honours theses, or graduate research
papers not due by the drop date, etc.) Note: Under unusual and/or unforeseeable circumstances which disrupt the academic norm, instructors are expected to provide grading schemes and academic feedback in the spirit of these regulations, as soon as possible.