Choose from the following:
- inheriting the right genetic makeup
- getting crayons on your 4th birthday
- being punished for drawing on the kitchen wall
- not being punished for drawing on the kitchen wall
- having an insatiable curiousity
- getting praised for your first painting of a house
- being abused as a child
- building tunnels in the dirt to play with toy trucks
- being abused as an adult
- having been taken to art galleries instead of soccer games
- having a crush on Andy Warhol
- having inherited enough money to live without a job
- having only enough money to buy paint and wine
- being a voyeur
- taking art history courses
- taking any courses
- being male
- being female
- doing creative hobbies on weekends
- belonging to an art club
- going to the right art academy
- being well travelled
- doing at least one spiritual journey
- knowing more than one language
- having an obsession to collect and organize things
- constantly daydreamimg
- having nightmares
- suffering persecution for your beliefs
- producing a lot of work
- having a good art agent
- having a lust for power
- attending all the right exhibitions
- attending all the openings of the right exhibitions
- being willing to reject your conservative upbringing
- being a part of the avant-garde
- figuring out what the avant-garde is
- rejecting the avant-garde
- making work that people like
- making work that people don't like
- hating speeches
- being able to do at least three jobs at once
- going to parties that begin at 2 a.m.
- having a good agent or manager
- 'showing' at the right gallery
- being willing to live in a squalid environment
- desiring to live in the most exotic environments
- learning to enjoy warm beer and cold pizza - for breakfast
- carrying condoms at all times
- having a sales stragedy
- having an accountant
- being willing to write dozens of applications
- being able to endure rejection from dozens of art juries
- having press photos available at all times
- learning to write your own letters of reference
- accepting gender differences
- rejecting gender differences
- making friends with financially secure people
- having mainly insecure friends
- pretending to like the businessman who commissioned your work
- having a part-time teaching job at an Art Academy
- having a full-time teaching job at a University
- fighting censorship
- being arrested at least once for protesting - anything
- learning how to use new technologies
- learning how to not use new technologies
- having a need to be in control by redesigning everything around you
- actually redesigning things around you
- becoming a politician in order to apply your views about art
- becoming an artist in order to apply your political views
- loving the colour red, or blue or black or green or ...
- go to, or consider going to a therapist
- wondering how you will support yourself in your old age
- committing suicide
- none of the above
- all of the above