Index of Theories to explain Auschwitz
1st Theory: Denial of Auschwitz
2nd Theory: Auschwitz as an inevitable product of chance ("Functionalists")
3rd Theory: Auschwitz as Himmler's conspiracy
4th Theory: Auschwitz as the culmination of the Empire
5th Theory: Auschwitz at Hitler's personal behest
6th Theory: Eternal inexplicability of Auschwitz
7th Theory: "Thou shalt not make theories about Auschwitz"
8th Theory: Disputed uniqueness of Auschwitz, or: The victims from left and right
9th Theory: Auschwitz as genocide with long advance warning
10th Theory: "Complicity of the victims" as undisputed unicum of the Auschwitz genocide
11th Theory: Auschwitz as population reduction for releasing the productive capacity of Eastern Europe
12th Theory: Auschwitz as liberation of the modern world from an archaic cultural fossil
13th Theory: Auschwitz as a deliberate impediment to the modernisation of Europe
14th Theory: Auschwitz as revenge for the defeat at Stalingrad
15th Theory: Auschwitz for the appropriation of Jewish assets and Jewish forced labour by German capitalists
16th Theory: Auschwitz as a distraction from the internal difficulties of the German Reich
17th Theory: Auschwitz as a terror research establishment and permanent reminder to people of their insignificance
in the totalitarian system
18th Theory: Auschwitz as a gigantic human sacrifice
19th Theory: Auschwitz as the culmination of "Christian" anti-Semitism
20th Theory: Auschwitz as the Jews' punishment for overcoming female deities
21st Theory: Auschwitz as the way from metropolis to necropolis
22nd Theory: Auschwitz as the work of a "Christ-like" apocalyptist for final salvation
23rd Theory: Auschwitz because the whole world wanted it
24th Theory: Auschwitz as Hitler's negative proof of the existence of God
25th Theory: Auschwitz "for our sins"
26th Theory: In Auschwitz Jews died for the sins of the world
27th Theory: Auschwitz because the sanctity of life prescribed by the Jewish Law applies even to Hitler
28th Theory: Auschwitz as mankind's salvation from Hitler's atom bomb
29th Theory: Auschwitz as a Zionist-fascist conspiracy to select only the fittest Jews for the building of Israel
30th Theory: Auschwitz as a product of the Germans' collective hate
31st Theory: Auschwitz as the work of a psychopathic Hitler
32nd Theory: Auschwitz as a "heroic work of art"
33rd Theory: Auschwitz for the re-establishment of Israel, in order that all surviving Jews should be re-united there
and thus fulfil the condition for the Christian God to bring about the end of all things
34th Theory: Auschwitz as punishment for the Zionists' plans to re-establish Israel
35th Theory: Auschwitz as allegedly justifiable self-defence
36th Theory: Auschwitz as a response to a Jewish declaration of war upon the German Reich
37th Theory: Auschwitz as disproportionate killing of hostages in order to intimidate partisans
38th Theory: Auschwitz as retribution for the forced relocation of the Volga Germans
39th Theory: Auschwitz as a blow against Bolshevism
40th Theory: Auschwitz as an imitation of Marxist socio-political class murder by Nazi socio-biological genocide
41st Theory: Auschwitz against the "Eternal Left"
42nd Theory: Auschwitz as an attack upon the intellect of mankind
Heinsohn, Gunnar: Why Auschwitz? - Hitlers plan and the perplexity of the future generations, Rowohlt, Germany, 1995, p.213
44th Theory: .....