Readings on Revising and Editing 

in Eight Languages

©Brian Mossop 2015

Latest update: 23 April 2024


I have attempted to give full coverage of studies in English of revision of other people’s translations. These items are marked (R), as are a selection of such studies in other languages. Self-revision as well as revision of machine translation and translation memory outputs are covered only in part, as are studies of quality assessment and quality assurance and studies of trans-editing. Publications about editing of original writing rather than translation revision are marked with an *. Studies in languages other than English are covered only in part.


Note: Clicking on links in this list may not work. Paste the URL into your browser or enter the first few words of the title. Links may not have been recently checked.


Want to suggest additions? Write to me at


1. In English



(R) Ababilova, N. M. (2023) 'Revision as a Key Stage of the Translation Process'. Науковий Вісник Міжнародного Гуманітарного Університету, 128-131.


Allen, Jeffrey (2003) ‘Post-editing’ in Harold Somers (ed.) Computers and Translation: A translator’s guide, 297–317.


(R) Allman, Spencer (2008) ‘Negotiating Translation Revision Assignments’, in Ian Kemble (ed.) Translation and Negotiation. Proceedings of the Conference held on 10thNovember 2007 in Portsmouth, 35-47.


Alves, F., Pagano, A. & Da Silva, I. A. (2009) 'A new window on translators’ activity: methodological issues in the combined use of eye tracking, key logging and retrospective protocols'. In I. M. Mees, F. Alves & S. Göpferich (eds.), Methodology, technology and innovation in translation process research: a tribute to Arnt Lykke Jakobsen, 267-291.


Alves, Fabio & Daniel Couto Vale (2011) ‘On drafting and revision in translation: a corpus linguistic oriented analysis of translation process data’ Translation: Computation, Corpora, Cognition 1(1).


Angelone, Erik (2013) ‘The impact of process protocol self-analysis on errors in the translation product’ Translation and Interpreting Studies 8(2) 253–271.


Antunović, Goranka & Nataša Pavlović (2011) ‘Here and now: Self-revision in student translation processes from L2 and L3’ Across Languages and Cultures 12(2) 213–234.


ASTM (2006/2014) Standard Guide for Quality Assurance in Translation (F-2575).


(R) Arthern, Peter (1983) ‘Judging the Quality of Revision’ Lebende Sprachen 28(2) 53-57.


(R) Arthern, Peter (1987) ‘Four Eyes are Better than Two’ in C. Picken (ed.) Translating and the Computer 8: A Profession on the Move, 14-26.


(R) Arthern, Peter (1991) ‘Quality by numbers: Assessing revision and translation’ in Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting.


Asadi, Paula & Candace Séguinot (2005) ‘Shortcuts, strategies and general patterns in a process study of nine professionals’ Meta 50(2) 522-547.


Austermuhl, Frank (2001) Electronic Tools for Translators.


*Baron, Naomi (2000) From Alphabet to Email.


*Bell, Allan (1991) The Language of News Media.


*Benson, Morton et al (2010) BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English.


Bernofsky, Susan. (2013). Translation and the Art of Revision. In Esther Allen & Susan Bernofsky (Eds.), In translation : translators on their work and what it means, 223-233. Columbia University Press.


Biel, Łucja (2011) ‘Training translators or translation service providers? EN 15038:2006 standard of translation services and its training implications’ Journal of Specialised Translation 16.


Bielsa, Esperança & Susan Bassnett (2009) Translation in Global News. 


*Bisaillon, Jocelyne (2007) ‘Professional Editing Strategies used by Six Editors’ Written Communication 24(4) 295-322. 


Bisiada, Mario (2018) ‘Editing nominalisations in English-German translation: when do editors intervene?’ The Translator 24(1) 35-49.

Bisiada, Mario (2018) ‘The editor’s invisibility: Analysing editorial intervention in translation’ Target 30(2) 288-309.

Bisiada, Mario (2018) ‘Translation and editing: a study of editorial treatment of nominalisations in draft translations’ Perspectives 26(1) 24-38.


*Bodine, Anne (1974) ‘Androcentrism in prescriptive grammar: singular ‘they’, sex indefinite ‘he’, and ‘he or she’’ Language in Society 3(4) 129-146.


Borg, Claudine (2018) 'The Effect of Self-Revision on the Target Text: Do Self-Revisions Deliteralise the Final Translation?' Transletters. International Journal of Translation and Interpreting 1, 15-36


Borg, Claudine (2024) 'Revising a literary translation for publication 

Insights from an autoethnographic study' Translation Spaces  online first


Bowker, Lynne (2002) Computer-Aided Translation Technology: a  practical introduction.


Bowker, Lynne and J. Pearson (2002) Working with Specialized Language: A practical guide to using corpora, Chapter 11.


Bowker, Lynne & Michael Barlow (2008) ‘A comparative evaluation of bilingual concordancers and translation memory systems’ in Elia Yuste-Rodrigo (ed.) Topics in language resources for translation and localisation, 1-22.


Breedveld, Hella (2002) ‘Translation processes in time’ Target 14(2) 221–240.


Brunette, Louise (2000) ‘Toward a Terminology for Translation Quality Assessment: a comparison of TQA practices’ The Translator 6(3) 169-182.


(R) Brunette, Louise, Chantal Gagnon & Jonathan Hine (2005) ‘The GREVIS project: revise or court calamity’ Across Languages and Cultures 6(1) 29-45.


Bundgaard, Kristine, Tina Paulsen Christensen & Anne Schjoldager (2016) ‘Translator-computer interaction in action — an observational process study of computer-aided translation’ Journal of Specialised Translation 26.  


*Burrough-Boenisch, Joy (2002) Culture and conventions: writing and reading Dutch scientific English.


*Burrough-Boenisch, Joy (2003) ‘Shapers of published NNS research articles’ Journal of Second Language Writing 12, 223-243.


*Burrough-Boenisch, Joy (2013a) Righting English That’s Gone Dutch 3rd edition. 


*Burrough-Boenisch, Joy (2013b) ‘The authors’ editor: working with authors to make drafts fit for purpose’ in V. Matarese (ed.) Supporting Research Writing, 173-189.


*Butcher, Judith et al (2006) Butcher’s Copy-editing: the Cambridge Handbook for Editors, Copy-editors and Proofreaders 4th edition.


Canadian General Standards Board / Office des normes générales du Canada (2008/2017) Translation services/ Services de traduction  (CAN/CGSB-131.10).


Cao, Lu, Stephen Doherty and James F. Lee (2023) 'The process and product of translation revision: empirical data from student translators using eye tracking and screen recording'. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 17(4).


Carl, Michael, Arnt Lykke Jakobsen & Barbara Dragsted (2011) ‘A taxonomy of human translation styles’, Translation Journal 15:2.


Carl, Michael, Silke Gutermuth & Silvie Hansen-Schirra (2015) ‘Post-editing machine translation: efficiency,  strategies and revision processes in professional translation settings’. In Aline Ferreira & John Schwieter (eds) Psycholinguistic and Cognitive Inquiries into Translation and Interpreting.


(R) Chakhachiro, Raymond (2005) ‘Revision for Quality’ Perspectives 13(3) 225-238.


*Chandler, Daniel (1993) ‘Writing Strategies and Writers’ Tools’ English Today 9(2) 32-38.


Chodkiewicz, Marta. (2018). How Successful Are Undergraduate Students in Revising and Justifying Different Types of Translation Decisions in Response to Instructor Feedback? Między Oryginałem a Przekładem, 24(4), 53-73.


Christensen, Tina Paulsen & Anne Schjoldager (2010) ‘Translation-Memory (TM) Research: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?’ Hermes – Journal of Language and Communication Studies 44, 1-13.


(R) Ciobanu, Dragos, Valentina Ragni & Alina Secara (2019) 'Speech synthesis in the translation revision process' Informatics 6:4.


Colina, Sonia (2008) ‘Translation Quality Evaluation. Empirical Evidence for a Functionalist Approach’ The Translator 14(1) 97-134.


Colina, Sonia (2009) ‘Further evidence for a functionalist approach to translation quality evaluation’ Target 22(2) 235-264.


Corpas Pastor, Gloria & Isabel Durán-Muñoz (2018) Trends in E-tools and Resources for Translators and Interpreters.


*Crystal, David (2007) The Fight for English: how language pundits ate, shot and left.


*Crystal, David (2011) Internet linguistics: a student guide.


*Crystal, David (2015) Making a Point:  the persnickety story of English punctuation



Daems, Joke & Lieve Macken (2021) 'Post-editing human translation and revising machine translations: impact on efficiency and quality' in Koponen et al (eds) 2021.


*Dayton, David (2003) ‘Electronic editing in technical communication: a survey of practices and attitudes’ Technical Communication 50(2) 192-205.


*Dayton, David (2004a) ‘Electronic editing in technical communication: the compelling logics of local contexts’ Technical Communication 51(1) 86-101.


*Dayton, David (2004b) ‘Electronic editing in technical communication: a model of user-centered technology adoption’ Technical Communication 51(2) 207-223.


*Dayton, David (2011) ‘Electronic editing’, chapter 6 of Rude & Eaton 2011.


Delisle, Jean et al (eds)(1999) Translation Terminology


Department of the Secretary of State of Canada (1985) Reviser’s Handbook. English adaptation of Guide du réviseur by Vic Bucens, Brian Mossop and Ingrid Roed.


Desjardins, Renée (2012) Translation and social media.


(R) do Carmo, Félix & Joss Moorkens (2021) 'Differentiating editing, post-editing and revision' in Koponen et al (eds) 2021.


*Dragga, Sam & G. Gong (1989) Editing: The Design of Rhetoric.


Dragsted, Barbara & Michael Carl (2013) ‘Towards a classification of translation styles based on eye-tracking and keyloggging data’ Journal of Writing Research 5(1) 133-158.


Drugan, Joanna (2013) Quality in Professional Translation: Assessment and Improvement.


Duběda, Tomáš (2021) 'Legal translation into a non-mother tongue: the role of L1 revision' Target 33(2) 207-227


*Editors’ Association of Canada (2015) Editing Canadian English 3rd edition.


*Editors’ Association of Canada (2015) Editorial Niches: a companion to Editing Canadian English.


Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen (2006). Revising and editing English in Switzerland: Some considerations for native speakers. Hieronymus, 4, 20-25.


Englund Dimitrova, Birgitta (2005) Expertise and Explicitation in the Translation Process sections 2.3.5, 4.5, 4.6.4 and 6.2.2.


(R) European Commission, Directorate General for Translation (2010) Revision Manual.


(R) European Commission, Directorate-General for Translation (2015) DGT Translation Quality Guidelines.


European Union (2012) ‘Quantifying Quality Costs and the Cost of Poor Quality in Translation’.


Feinauer, Ilsa & Amanda Lourens (2017) ‘The loyalty of the literary reviser: Author, source text, target text or reader?’ Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 53, 97-118. 


(R) Feinauer, Ilsa & Amanda Lourens (2021) Another look at revision in literary translation' in Koponen et al (eds) 2021.


Fidalgo, Marta. (2020). A Text-Linguistic Approach to Translation Standards. Implications for Revision in the Portuguese Context. In Anne Ketola, Tamara Mikolič Južnič, & Outi Paloposki (Eds.), New Horizons in Translation Research and Education , 64-80. Tampere University.


Flanagan, Mary & Tina Paulsen Christensen (2014) ‘Testing post-editing guidelines: how translation trainees interpret them and how to tailor them for translator training purposes’ The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 8(2) 257-275


Fonseca, Norma (2015) ‘Directionality in translation: investigating prototypical patterns in editing procedures’ Translation and Interpreting 7(1) 111-125. 


(R) García, Ignacio (2008) ‘Translating and revising for localisation: what do we know? What do we need to know?’ Perspectives 16(1-2) 49-60. 


García, Ignacio (2011) ‘Translating by post-editing: is it the way forward?’ Machine Translation 25(3) 217-237.


García, Ignacio (2012) ‘A brief history of postediting and of research on postediting’ Anglo Saxonica III (3) 291-310.


General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the PRC  (2003; revised 2008) Specification for Translation Service – Part 1 Translation (GB/T 19363).


General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China, Standardization Administration of the PRC (2005) Target text quality requirements for translation services (GB/T 19682).


Ginovart Cid, Clara & Carme Colominas Ventura (2021) 'The MT post-editing skill set: course descriptions and educators' thoughts' in Koponen et al (eds) 2021.


Girletti, Sabrina (2022) 'Working with Pre-translated Texts: Preliminary Findings from a Survey on Post-editing and Revision Practices in Swiss Corporate In-house Language Services' In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Ghent, Belgium: European Association for Machine Translation, 269-278. 


*Gopen, George & Judith Swan (1990) ‘The Science of Scientific Writing’ American Scientist 78, 550-558 (Nov-Dec issue).


Göpferich, Susanne & Riitta Jääskeläinen (2009) ‘Process research into the development of translation competence: Where are we, and where do we need to go?’ Across Languages and Cultures 10(2) 169-191.


*Gowers, Ernest (revised by Sidney Greenbaum & Janet Whitcut) (1987) The Complete Plain Words.


*Gowers, Ernest (revised by Rebecca Gowers) (2014) Plain Words.


Graham, J.D. (1989) ‘Checking, revision and editing’ in C. Picken (ed.) The translator’s handbook 59–70.


Greenbaum, Sidney (1996) The Oxford English Grammar.


*Greene, Anne (2013) Writing Science in Plain English.


Guerberof, Ana (2013) ‘What do professional translators think about post-editing?’ Journal of Specialised Translation 19.


Guerberof, Ana (2009) ‘Productivity and quality in MT post-editing’.


Guerberof, Ana (2009) ‘Productivity and quality in the post-editing of outputs from translation memories and machine translation’ International Journal of Localisation 7(1) 11-21.


Guzmán, Rafael (2007) ‘Manual MT Post-editing: if it’s not broken, don’t fix it!’, Translation Journal 11(4).


Hague, Daryl, Alan Melby & Wang Zheng (2011) ‘Surveying translation quality assessment: A specification approach’ The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 5(2) 243–67.


Hajmohammadi, Ali (2005) ‘Translation Evaluation in a News Agency’ Perspectives 13(3) 215-224.


*Halliday, Michael (1989) Spoken and Written Language.


*Halliday, Michael & Ruqaiya Hasan (1976) Cohesion in English.


Hagemann, Susanne (2020) 'Translation 'errors', trans-kom 13(1), 1-22.


Hagemann, Susanne (2019): 'Directionality in translation and revision teaching: A case study of an A–B teacher working with B–A students', The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 13(1): 86–101.


(R) Hamilton, Grant (2015) ‘Could someone please review this for me?’ Circuit 127, 2  


(R) Hansen, Gyde (2009) ‘The speck in your brother's eye – the beam in your own: Quality management in translation and revision’ in G. Hansen, A. Chesterman and H. Gerzymisch-Arbogast (eds) Efforts and Models in Interpreting and Translation Research, 255-280.


Hansen, Gyde (2009) ‘A classification of errors in translation and revision’ in M. Forstner, H. Lee-Jahnke and P. A. Schmitt (eds) CIUTI Forum 2008: Enhancing Translation Quality: Ways, Means, Methods, 313-326.


Heath, G. D. (2001) ‘The Meticulous Editor as a Translation Quality Resource’ ATA Chronicle 30(5). 


Hersant, Patrick. (2022). John Rodker, revising author and revised translator. In Dominique Faria, Marta Pacheco Pinto, & Joana Moura (Eds.), Reframing Translators, Translators as Reframers (pp. 13-33). Routledge.  


Hine, Jonathan (2003) ‘Teaching text revision in a multilingual environment’ in B. Baer & G. Koby (eds) Beyond the ivory tower: rethinking translation pedagogy, 135-156.


(R) Hirci, Natasa & Agnes Pisanski Peterlin (2020) 'Face-to-face and Wiki revision in translator training: exploring the advantages of two modes of collaboration' The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 14(1) 38-57.


*Hirsch, E.D. (1977) The Philosophy of Composition.


(R) Huang, J. (2018). Working styles of student translators in self-revision, other-revision and post- editing. In C. Walker, & M. Federico Federici (Eds.), Eye tracking and Multidisciplinary studies on translation, 145–184. 


Hou, S & Xuanmin Luo (2017) 'Response by Hou and Luo to “Translation and the materialities of communicationTranslation Studies 10(1) 87-92.


Hursti, Kristian (2001) ‘An Insider’s View on Transformation and Transfer in International News Communication: An English-Finnish Perspective’ The Electronic Journal of the Department of English at the University of Helsinki 1, 1-8. 


International Organization for Standardization (2012), Translation projects – General guidance (ISO/TS 11669).


International Organization for Standardization (2015), Translation services – Requirements for translation services (ISO 17100).


International Organization for Standardization (2017), Translation services – Post-editing of machine translation output - Requirements (ISO/DIS 18587).


(R) Ipsen, A. Helene & Helle V. Dam (2016) ‘Translation revision: correlating revision procedure and error detection’ Hermes – Journal of Language and Communication in Business 55143-156.


Jakobsen, Arnt Lykke (2002) ‘Translation drafting by professional translators and by translation students’ in Empirical Translation Studies: Process and Product, Copenhagen Studies in Language 27, 191-204.


(R) Jakobsen, Arnt Lykke (2018) ‘Moving translation, revision and post-editing boundaries’ in H. Dam et al (eds) Moving Boundaries in Translation Studies.


Jiménez-Crespo, Miguel (2017) Crowdsourcing and online collaborative translations.


Journal of Specialised Translation Issue 31 (2019) devoted to post-editing.


*Judd, Karen (2001) Copyediting: A Practical Guide 3rd edition.


(R) Kabiri, Ahmad & Marzieh Izadi (2021) 'Revision teaching and revision competence acquisition in Iranian universities: an exploratory study' Translation Studies, Vol 19 No. 74, 7-24. DOR: 20.1001.1.17350212.1400.


Kang, Ji-Hae (2007) ‘Recontextualization of news discourse: a case study of translation of news discourse on North Korea’ The Translator 13(2) 219-242.


*Kirkman, John (2005) Good Style: Writing for science and technology 2nd edition.


Klaudy, Kinga (1995) ‘Quality assessment in school vs professional translation’ in C. Dollerup and V. Apple (eds) Teaching Translation and Interpreting 3197-204.


(R) Ko, Leong (2011) ‘Translation checking: a view from the translation market’ Perspectives 19(2) 123-134.


Koby, Geoffrey (2007) ‘Computer editing as a translation efficiency skill: Summary evidence from keystrokes’ Translation and Interpreting Studies 2(2) 93–125.


(R) Konttinen, Kalle, Leena Salmi & Maarit Koponen (2021) 'Revision and post-editing competences in translator education' in Koponen et al (eds) 2021.


Koponen, Maarit & Leena Salmi (2015) ‘On the correctness of machine translation: a machine translation post-editing task’ Journal of Specialised Translation 23.


Koponen, Maarit (2016). ‘Is machine translation post-editing worth the effort: a survey of research into post-editing and effort’ Journal of Specialised Translation 25.


Koponen,  Maarit  & Leena Salmi (2017) ‘Post-editing  quality:  Analysing  the  correctness  and  necessity  of  post-editor  corrections’ Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series 16, 137–148.


(R) Koponen, Maarit, Brian Mossop, Isabelle Robert & Giovanna Scocchera (eds) (2021) Translation revision and post-editing: industry practices and cognitive processes. 

Editors' introduction 1-17.


(R) Korhonen, Annamari (2021) ' From language check to creative editing: exploring variation in the revision stage of the LSP workflow' in Koponen et al (eds) 2021.


(R) Korhonen, Annamari (2023) “When and how to revise: Building a cognitive dyad of translator and reviser through workflow adjustment”  Translation, Cognition and Behaviour 5(2), 165-186


(R) Koskinen, Kaisa (2019) 'Revising and retranslating', chapter 20 of Routledge Handbook of Literary Translation.


Krings, Hans (2001) Repairing Texts: Empirical investigations of machine translation post-editing processes.


*Kruger, Haidee (2008) ‘Training Editors in Universities: considerations, challenges and strategies’ in  J. Kearns (ed.) Translator and Interpreter Training39-65.


(R) Künzli, Alexander (2005) ‘What principles guide translation revision? A combined product and process study’ in Ian Kemble (ed.) Translation Norms: What is 'normal' in the translation profession? Proceedings of the Conference held on 13th November 2004 in Portsmouth, 31-44.


(R) Künzli, Alexander (2006) ‘Teaching and learning translation revision: Some suggestions based on evidence from a think-aloud protocol study’ in Mike Garant (ed.) Current trends in translation teaching and learning, Helsinki Department of Translation Studies Publication III, 9-24 


(R) Künzli, Alexander (2006) ‘Translation revision - A study of the performance of ten professional translators revising a technical text’ in M. Gotti & S. Sarcevic (eds), Insights into specialized translation, 195-214. 


(R) Künzli, Alexander (2007) ‘Translation Revision: a study of the performance of ten professional translators revising a legal text’ in Y. Gambier, M. Shlesinger & R. Stolze (eds), Translation Studies: doubts and directions, 115-126. 


(R) Künzli, Alexander (2007) ‘The ethical dimension of translation revision: an empirical study’ Journal of Specialised Translation 8.


Künzli, Alexander (2009) ‘Address pronouns as a problem in French-Swedish translation and translation revision’ Babel 55(4) 364-380.


Lafeber, Anne (2012) ‘Translation skills and knowledge -  preliminary findings of a survey of translators and revisers working at inter-governmental organizations’ Meta 57(1) 108-131.


(R) Lafeber, Anne (2018) 'The Skills Required to Achieve Quality in Institutional Translation: The Views of EU and UN Translators and Revisers' in Fernando Prieto Ramos (ed) Institutional Translation for International Governance. Enhancing Quality in Multilingual Legal Communication, 63-80. 


Latorraca, Rossella and Jacqueline Aiello (2021) 'Investigating translation trainees’ self-perceived competence: A process-oriented, collaborative seminar on translation and translation revision' Babel 67(4) 460-481


Lauscher, Susanne (2000) ‘Translation quality assessment: Where can theory and practice meet?’ The Translator 6(2) 149–68.


LeBlanc, Matthieu (2021) 'Non-professional editing in the workplace: examples from the Canadian context' in Koponen et al (eds) 2021.


(R) Lee, H. (2003) ‘Definition of translation revision’ Conference Interpretation and Translation  5(1) 163-181.

(R) Lee, H. (2004) ‘Evolution of revision parameters’ Conference Interpretation and Translation 6(2) 59-79. 


Lehka-Paul, Olha and Bogusława Whyatt (2016) 'Does personality matter in translation?' Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 52(2), 317–349.


Lehka-Paul, Olha (2018) ‘Between translation process and product: personality and translators’ behaviour during self-revision’ in S. Barschdorf & D. Renna (eds) Translating boundaries: constraints, limits, opportunities.


Lehka-Paul, Olha (2020) Personality matters: the translator's personality in the process of self-revision.


Liang, Haiyan (2021) Initial translation interference to reviser trainees in English-LOTE translation revision tasks. Translation & Interpreting 13(2).


Liang, Yaqing et al (2022) 'A Study on Peer Mediation in Dynamic Assessment

of Translation Revision Competence' Language Assessment Quarterly 20(1) 108-126


Lu, Guang-hui & Ya-mei Chen (2011) ‘The mediation of reader involvement in soft news transediting’ Translation and Interpreting 3(2) 48-66. 


* Lupton, Ellen (2010) Thinking with Type 2nd edition. 


Malkiel, Brenda. (2009) ‘From Ántonia to My Ántonia: tracking self-corrections with Translog’ in S. Göpferich, A. L. Jakobsen & I. M. Mees (eds) Behind the Mind, 149–166. 


(R) Marashi, Hamid & Mehrnaz Okhowat (2013) ‘The comparative impact of editing texts translated into Farsi with and without the original English texts’ 

Perspectives 21(3) 299–310.


(R) Marin-Lacarta, Maialen & Mireia Vargas-Urpi (2019) 'Translators revising translators: a fruitful alliance' Perspectives 27(3), 404-418.


*Marsh, David (2013) For Who the Bell Tolls: one man’s quest for grammatical perfection.


(R) Martin, Charles (2012) ‘The dark side of translation revision’ Translation Journal 16(1).


(R) Martin, Tim (2002) Is Revision always Helpful? T&T. Terminologie et traduction, 2, 64-71.


(R) Martin, Timothy (2007) ‘Managing risks and resources: a down-to-earth view of revision’  Journal of Specialised Translation 8.


(R) Martinkovič, Matej (2020) 'Revisions in literary translation' Bridge:Trends and Traditions in Translation and Interpreting Studies 1(1), 88-100.


Mason, Ian (1987) ‘A text linguistic approach to translation assessment’, in Translation in the Modern Languages Degree, London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, 79-87.


Mateo, Roberto, Silvia Martínez & Arsenio Guijarro  (2017) ‘The Modular Assessment Pack: a new approach to translation quality assessment at the Directorate General for Translation’ Perspectives 25(1) 18-48.


Matis, Nancy (2011) ‘Quality assurance in the translation workflow – a professional’s testimony’ in I. Depraetere (ed.) Perspectives on Translation Quality, 147-159.


*McArthur, Tom (1998) The English Languages.


(R) McDonough Dolmaya, Julie (2015) ‘Revision history: Translation trends in Wikipedia’ Translation Studies 8(1) 16-34.


Mellinger, Christopher & Gregory Shreve (2016) ‘Match evaluation and over-editing in a translation memory environment’ in Muñoz Martín (ed.) Reembedding Translation Process Research.


(R) Mellinger, Christopher (2018) ‘Re-thinking translation quality: revision in the digital age’ Target 30(2) 310-331. 


Merkel, Magnus (1998) ‘Consistency and Variation in Technical Translation: A Study of Translators’ Attitudes’ in L. Bowker, M. Cronin, D. Kenny & J. Pearson (eds) Unity in Diversity? Current Trends in Translation Studies, 137-149.


*Milroy, James & L. Milroy (2012) Authority in Language: investigating standard English 4th  edition. 


Mizon, M. Isabel & M. Isabel Diéguez (1996) 'Self correction in translation courses: a methodological tool' Meta 41(1), 75-83.


Moorkens, Joss et al (2018) Translation Quality Assessment: From Principles to Practice.


Mossop, Brian (1982) ‘A Procedure for Self-Revision’ Terminology Update 15(3) 6-9. 


(R) Mossop, Brian (1992) ‘Goals of a Revision Course’ in C. Dollerup & A. Loddegaard (eds) Teaching Translation and Interpreting, 81-90.


(R) Mossop, Brian (2001, 2007, 2014, 2020) Revising and Editing for Translators.


Mossop, Brian (2006) ‘From culture to business: federal government translation in Canada’ The Translator 12(1) 1-27, section 3.1.


(R) Mossop, Brian (2007) ‘Empirical studies of revision: what we know and need to know’ Journal of Specialised Translation 8. 


(R) Mossop, Brian (2011) ‘Revision’ in Yves Gambier & Luc van Doorslaer (eds), Handbook of Translation Studies Vol. 2135–139.  Updated online version 2016 at John Benjamins website, along with French and Ukrainian translations.


(R) Mossop, Brian (2018) ‘Editing in translation: Revision’ in Sin-wai Chan (ed.) An Encyclopaedia of Practical Translation and Interpreting.


(R) Mossop, Brian (2022) 'Could research help revisers?' Perspectives online first


(R) Mossop, Brian (2022) 'Taking Canadian revision workshops to institutions abroad'  in Institutional Translator Training, eds. Tomáš Svoboda, Łucja Biel, Vilelmini Sosoni


(R) Mossop, Brian (2023) 'Reading order during bilingual quality checking of translations: An issue in search of studies' Ampersand online


(R) Munday, Jeremy (2012) Evaluation in Translation Chapter 12.


Muñoz Martín, Ricardo (2014) ‘A blurred snapshot of advances in translation process research’ Revistas – MonTI, Special Issue 1: Minding Translation, section 6.


*Murphy, Amanda (2013) ‘Incorporating Editing into the Training of English Language Students in the Era of English as a Lingua Franca’ Interpreter and Translator Trainer 7(2) 235-255


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2. In French


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(R) Brunette, Louise (1997) Contribution à la pédagogie de la révision en pays bilingue : le cas du Canada [pedagogy for revision in a bilingual country: the case of Canada]. Éditions du Septentrion.


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Brunette, Louise (2002) ‘Normes et censure : ne pas confondre’ [don’t confuse standards with criticisms] TTR 15(2), 223-233.


(R) Brunette, Louise (2003) ‘Révision et mesure de la qualité des traductions’ [revision and the measurement of translation quality]


Brunette, Louise (2003) ‘Révision pédagogique et interférences linguistiques’ [pedagogical revision and linguistic interferences]. In Geneviève Mareschal, Louise Brunette, Zélie Guével and Egan Valentine (eds) La formation à la traduction professionnelle, 141-151. 


(R) Brunette, Louise (2007)  ‘Relecture-révision, compétences indispensables du traducteur spécialisé’ [re-reading and revision as essential abilities of the specialized translator] in Lavault-Olléon (ed.), Traduction specialisée : pratiques, théories, formation, 225-235.


(R) Brunette, Louise (2007) ‘Les risques de la révision unilingue en traduction’ [the risks of unilingual revision of translations] in J. Bisaillon (ed.) La révision professionnelle: processus, stratégies et pratiques, 167-87.


(R) Brunette, Louise. (2007). Introduction. The Journal of Specialised Translation, 8, 2-4.


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(R) Brunette, Louise & Chantal Gagnon (2013) ‘Enseigner la révision à l'ère des wikis : là où l'on trouve la technologie alors qu'on ne l'attendait plus’ [teaching revision in the wiki era] Journal of Specialised Translation 19  


(R) Circuit 69, Automne 2000, numéro consacré à la révision


(R) Circuit 127, Été 2015, dossier sur la révision


Darbelnet, Jean (1977) ‘Niveaux de la traduction’ Babel 23(1), 6-17 [an early statement of revision parameters].


(R) Guasco, Patrizia (2013) La révision bilingue: principes et pratiques [French-Italian bilingual revision: principles and practices]. 


(R) Hernández-Morin, Katell (2009) ‘Pratiques et perceptions de la révision en France’ [practices and perceptions of revision in France] Traduire 221, 58-78.


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(R) Horguelin, Paul & Louise Brunettte (1998) Pratique de la révision [the practice of révision] 3e édition. 


(R) Horguelin, Paul & Michelle Pharand (2009) Pratique de la révision [the practice of revision] 4e édition.


Joyal, Bernard (1969) ‘Initiation à la traduction par la révision’ [introduction to translating through revision] Meta 14(2) 98-100.


Künzli, A. (2003), Stratégies et principes en traduction technique français-allemand et français-suédois [strategies and principles in French-German and French-Swedish technical translation] Cahiers de la recherche 21. Stockholm: Universität Stockholm, Institut für Französisch und Italienisch.  


*Lachance, Ginette (2006) La révision linguistique en français [linguistic editing in French]. 


Laflamme, Caroline (2007) 'L’autorévision et la révision professionnelle: un regard sur les contextes de l’activité révisionnelle' [ self-revision and professional revision: the contexts of revision work] In La révision professionnelle: processus, stratégies et pratiques, 21-47.


(R) Lee, Hyang (2006) ‘Révision : Définitions et paramètres’ [revision: definitions and parameters]  Meta 51(2) 410-419.


Lemaire, Nathalie (2018) ‘Écrire, traduire, réviser les textes expographiques: vers une assurance qualité à six mains’. Forum. Revue internationale d’interprétation et de traduction/International Journal of Interpretation and Translation 16:1, 76–102.


(R) Martin, Charles (2012) 'La face cachée de  la révision' [the hidden side of revision] Traduire 227, 93-100. 


(R) ONU, Section française de traduction de l’Office des Nations Unies à Genève. (2011). Manuel du réviseur.


(R) Oueillet Simard, Josée (1984) Les secrets de la révision. Circuit 5, 3-7.


(R) Ramos Reuillard, Patricia (2018) ‘Traduction et révision : un travail collaboratif’ [translation and revision as cooperative work] in Enrico Monti & Peter Schnyder (eds) Traduire à plusieurs/ Collaborative Translation 271-280.


(R) Prioux, René & Michel Rochard (2007) ‘Économie de la révision dans une organisation internationale : le cas de l'OCDE’ [a cost/benefit approach to revision in an international organization: the case of the OECD] Journal of Specialised Translation 8.


Reliant, Michel (1995) Notes sur la révision. Traduire 165, 52-55.


(R) Robert, Isabelle (2014) ‘La relecture unilingue : une procédure de révision de traduction rapide, fonctionnelle, mais déloyale’ [unilingual re-reading as a rapid, functional but unfaithful revision procedure], TTR 27(1), 95-122.


(R) Robert, Isabelle (2018) ‘La recherche en révision : portrait bibliométrique, questions de recherche et méthodologies’ [revision research: bibliometrics, research issues and methodologies], Parallèles 30(2) 129-152. Contains a lengthy listing of the revision research literature in French as well as in English and other languages.


Rochard, Michel. (1999). Terminologie, traduction et révision : de l’expérience à la pédagogie. Revue des Lettres et de Traduction, 5, 113-126.


(R) Rochard, Michel (2002) ‘La révision: un acte pédagogique et économique’ [revision as a pedagogical and economic act] in Daniel Gouadec (dir.) En bons termes, Actes du colloque international de l'Université de Rennes 2 Spécialités et spécialisations dans la pratique et la formation des traducteurs.  


(R) Rochard, Michel (2004) ‘Le réviseur : Achille ou Mentor’ [the reviser: destroyer or patient teacher?] Traduire 203. Paris : Société française des traducteurs. 




3. In  German 


Canfora, Carmen & Angelika Ottmann (2015) ‘Risikomanagement für Übersetzungen’ [risk management for translations] trans-kom 8(2) 314-346.


(R) Didaoui, M. (2006) “Qualitätslektorat” [reading for quality, i.e. revision] in: Hönig, Hans G. / Kussmaul, Paul /Schmitt, Peter A. et al. (Hrsg.) (2006): Handbuch Translation. 2., verbesserte Auflage. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 381–383.


(R) Krajčovičová, Lenka (2018) Kompetenzprofil für RevisorInnen. Entwurf eines Berufskompetenzmodells im Bereich Translation [Competence profile for revisers. Toward a professional competence model in the field of translation]. Disserta Verlag.


(R) Künzli, Alexander (2006) ‘Die Loyalitätsbeziehungen der Übersetzungsrevisorin’ [loyalty relationships of revisers] in Michaela Wolf (ed.) Übersetzen – Translating – Traduire: Towards a “social turn”?  89-98. 


(R) Künzli, Alexander (2009) ‘Qualität in der Übersetzungsrevision’ [quality in translation revision], in L. Schippel and H. Kalverkämper (eds) Translation zwischen Text und Welt


(R) Künzli, Alexander (2014) ‘Die Übersetzungsrevision – Begriffsklärungen, Forschungsstand, Forschungsdesiderate’ [translation revision: definitions, current state of research and desiderata for future research] trans-kom 7(1).


(R) Nord, Britta (2018) ‘Die Übersetzungsrevision – ein Werkstattbericht’ [translation revision – a report on work in progress] trans-kom 11(1), 138-150. 


Risku, Hanna (2004). Translationsmanagement. Interkulturelle Fachkommunikation im Informationszeitalter [translation management: intercultural specialized communication in the information age] sections and


(R) Schnierer, Madeleine (2019) Qualitätssicherung. Die Praxis der Übersetzungsrevision im  Zusammenhang mit EN 15038 und ISO 17100 [quality assurance: the practice of translation revision in relation to EN 15038 and ISO 17100]. Berlin: Frank & Timme


Schopp, Jürgen, (2007) ‘Korrekturlesen - ein translatorisches Stiefkind?’ [proofreading: translation’s poor cousin?] Lebende Sprachen 52:2, 69-74.



4.  In Italian 


Aston, Guy (2012) ‘Tecniche per migliorare la traduzione automatica: post-editing e pre-editing’ [techniques to improve machine translation: post-editing and pre-editing] in Bersani Berselli, Gabriele (ed) Usare la Traduzione Automatica [using machine translation], 33-45.


(R) Bertaccini, Franco & Sara Di Nisio (2011) ‘Il traduttore e il revisore nei diversi ambiti professionali’ [the translator and the reviser in various professional environments] in Danio Maldussi and Eva Wiesmann (eds), Specialised Translation II, Special Issue of Intralinea


Magris, Marella (1999) ‘Il processo della revisione e la qualità del testo finale: alcune riflessioni basate su un manuale di infermieristica [the process of revision and the quality of the final text: some reflections based on a nursing handbook]’ Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione 4133-156.


(R) Notaristefano, Maristella (2010). La revisione di una traduzione specializzata: interventi e profilo del revisore [revision of specialized translation: interventions and profile of the reviser] Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione: Volume 12, Single Issue (online), 215-226.


(R) Rega, Lorenza (1999) ‘Alcune considerazioni sul problema della revisione nell’ambito della traduzione’ [considerations on the problem of translation revision] RivistaInternazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione 4, 115-131.


Scarpa, Federica. (1992). Traduzione specializzata e revisione: osservazioni sulla non-anglicizzazione di un testo geografico tradotto dall'inglese in italiano [specialised translation and revision: observations on the non-anglicization of a geography text translated from English into Italian]. Rivista Internazionale di Tecnica della Traduzione, 0, 79-86.


(R) Scocchera, Giovanna (2016) ‘Dalla cacofonia all’armonia: il ruolo della revisione collaborativa nella traduzione editoriale’ [from cacophony to harmony: the role of collaborative translation revision in the publishing industry] mediAzioni 21. 


(R) Scocchera, Giovanna (2017) La revisione della traduzione editoriale dall’inglese all’italianoRicerca, professione, formazione [revision of English-Italian translations in the publishing industry: research, profession, training]. 


5.  In Spanish  


Andújar Moreno, Gemma (2019) El papel de la revisión editorial en la autoría múltiple del texto traducido [the role of editorial revision in the multiple authorship of translated texts] Sendebar 30, 35-60.


(R) Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission (2010). Manual de revisión.


Lorenzo, María Pilar (2002) ‘Competencia revisora y traducción inversa’ [revision competence and translation into the second language] Cadernos de Tradução 10, 133-166.


(R) Parra Galiano, Silvia (2001) La revisión de traducciones en la didáctica de la traducción: cara y cruz de una misma moneda. Sendebar 12, 373-386.


(R) Parra Galiano, Silvia (2006) ‘La revisión y otros procedimientos para el aseguramiento de la calidad de la traducción en el ámbito profesional’ [revision and other procedures for translation quality assurance in a professional context] Turjuman 15(2), 11-48.


(R) Parra Galiano, Silvia (2007) ‘La revisión como procedimiento para el aseguramiento de la calidad de la traducción: grados, tipos y modalidades de revisión’ [revision as a quality assurance process in translation: degrees, types and procedures of revision] Senez 32, 97-122.


(R) Parra Galiano, Silvia (2007) ‘Propuesta metodológica para la revisión de traducciones: principios generales y parámetros’ [methodological proposal for translation revision: general principles and parameters] Trans 11, 197-214.


(R) Parra Galiano, Silvia (2011) ‘La Revisión en la Norma Europea EN-15038’ [revision in the European standard EN-15038] Enculturas 3


(R) Parra Galiano, Silvia (2015) ‘El conocimiento experto (pericia) en la revisión de traducciones: clave en la gestión y propuestas de investigación’ [expertise in translation revision – a key element in translation project management and research proposals] in Amigo Extremera, Jose Jorge (ed.) Traducimos desde el sur. Actas del VI Congreso Internactional de la AIETI.


(R) Parra-Galiano, Silvia (2017) ‘Conceptos teóricos fundamentales en la revisión de traducciones y su reflejo en el Manual de revisión de la DGT y en las Normas ISO 17100:2015 y EN 15038:2006’ [basic theoretical concepts in translation revision and their reflection in the DGT revision manual and in ISO 17100] Hermeneus 19, 270-308.


(R) Parra-Galiano, Silvia (2021) 'Riesgo y esfuerzo: factores decisivos en la revisión de traducciones' [risk and effort: decisive factors in translation revision]. Revista Internacional de Lenguas Extranjeras 15.


(R) Parra-Galiano, Silvia (2022) '¿Correcciones o mejoras textuales? Cuándo intervenir en la revisión y corrección de traducciones' [textual corrections or improvements? when to intervene in translation revision and correction]. In Fernández-Quesada and Rodríguez-Rubio (eds.) Detección y tratamiento de errores y erratas: un diagnóstico para el siglo XXI, 103-121.


(R) Parra-Galiano, Silvia (2023) 'El tiempo invertido en la autorrevisión: ¿un indicador sobre el aprendizaje en la formación de traductores?' [time invested in self-revision: an indicator of learning performance in translator training?] Onomázein, Número especial XII (NEXII), 57–78.


(R) Pontrandolfo, Gianluca (2017). La revisión de traducciones jurídicas y la evaluación de su calidad en el ámbito profesional [revision of legal translations and assessment of its quality in professional contexts]. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 3:1, 114-144.


(R) Rodríguez Rodríguez, Beatriz María (2012) ‘El enfoque constructivista en el aprendizaje de las competencias de revisión de traducciones’ [the constructivist approach in learning translation revision skills] Entreculturas 4, 15–38.


(R) Tardáguila, E. (2009) ‘Reflexiones sobre la revisión de traducciones’ [thoughts on translation revision] Mutatis Mutandis 2(2) 367-376.







6.  In other languages  


Breedveld, Hella & Huub van de Bergh (2002) ‘Revisie in vertaling: waneer en wat’ [revision in translation: when and what] Linguistica Antverpiensia: New Series 1, 327-345.


(R) Максютина О. В. (2014) ‘Редактирование перевода как неотъемлемая часть современного стандарта качества’ [translation editing as an integral part of modern quality standards] TSPU Bulletin 4 (#145)  


(R) Van Rensburg, Alta (2012) ‘Die impak van revisie op vertaalde eksamenvraestelle in ’n hoëronderwysomgewing’ [the impact of revision on translated examination papers in a higher education environment] LitNet Akademies 9(2) 392-412.





7. PhD Dissertations and Master’s Theses in various languages


Allman, Spencer (2006) Master’s essay Birmingham ‘Acknowledging and establishing the hierarchy of expertise in translator-reviser scenarios as an aid to the process of revising’


Brunette, Louise (1995) Doctoral dissertation Sorbonne nouvelle 'Contribution à la pédagogie de la révision en pays bilingue : le cas du Canada' [pedagogy for bilingual revision in a bilingual country: the case of Canada]


Horváth, Péter Iván (2009) Doctoral dissertation Eötvös Loránd University ‘Revision Competence’ [12-page English summary at]


Huang, Jin (2016) Doctoral dissertation Durham 'Working Styles of Student Translators in Revision and Post-editing: an Empirical-Experimental Study with Eye-tracking, Keylogging and Cue-based Retrospection'  


Khalzanova, Serafima (2008) Minor dissertation Universitat Rovira i Virgili   ‘Revision and Time Constraints in Translation’


Laflamme, Caroline (2009) Doctoral dissertation Laval ‘Les modifications lexicales apportées par les réviseurs professionnels dans leur tâche de révision : du problème à la solution’ [lexical changes made by professional revisers]


Meyer, Annina (2013) Master’s thesis Zurich University of Applied Sciences ‘Selbstrevision in der Übersetzung. Eine Untersuchung der Revisionsprozesse von Übersetzungsstudentinnen im Verlauf der Zeit’ [self-revision in translation: an investigation of the revision process of translation students over time’]


Morin-Hernández, Katell (2009) Doctoral dissertation Rennes ‘La révision comme clé de la gestion de la qualité des traductions en contexte professionnel’  [revision as key to managing translation quality in a professional environment]


Orlando, D. (2016). Doctoral Thesis, Trieste. The Trials of Legal Translation Competence: Triangulating Processes and Products of Translators vs. Lawyers. 


Parra Galiano, Silvia (2005) Doctoral dissertation Granada ‘La revisión de traducciones en la Traductología: aproximación a la práctica de la revisión en el ámbito profesional mediante el estudio de casos y propuestas de investigación’  [revision of translations in Translation Studies: approach to the practice of professional revision through case studies and research proposals]


Quenette, Angèle. (2012). Master's thesis Geneva 'La pratique de la révision dans différents services de traduction francophones de la Confédération suisse' [revision at French translation services in Switzerland].


Revuelta Losada, Cristina. (2020). Master's thesis Geneva 'La gestión de la calidad del proceso de traducción en la Sección de Traducción al Español de la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra [translation process quality management at the UN Spanish translation section in Geneva]'.


Riondel, Aurélien. (2023) Doctoral dissertation Geneva 'Le grand écart de la révision. Étude par entretien des politiques de révision et des relations traducteurs-réviseurs' [discrepancies in revision: an interview study of revision policies and the translator/reviser relationship].


Robert, Isabelle (2012) Doctoral dissertation Antwerp ‘La révision en traduction : les procédures de révision et leur impact sur le produit et le processus de révision’ [translation revision procedures and their impact on the product and process of revision] [English abstract in BITRA online bibliography]


Rosmarin, Nicole (1996) Master's thesis York University (Canada) 'L'efficacité de la révision comme méthode de contrôle de la qualité' [effectiveness of revision as a method of quality control]. (available from me:


Schnierer, Madeleine (2018) Doctoral dissertation Geneva 'Qualitätssicherung. Die Praxis der Übersetzungsrevision im Zusammenhang mit EN 15038 und ISO 17100' [quality assurance: the practice of translation revision in relation to EN 15038 and ISO 17100].


Scocchera, Giovanna (2015) Doctoral dissertation Bologna ‘La revisione della traduzione editoriale dall’inglese all’italiano tra ricerca accademica, professione e formazione: Stato dell’arte e prospective future’ [revision of English-to-Italian  translation in the publishing industry between academic research, profession and training; state of the art and outlook]


Shih, Claire Yi-yi (2006) Doctoral dissertation Newcastle-upon-Tyne ‘Translator’s revision processes: global revision approaches and strategic revision behaviours’ [Abstract in BITRA online bibliography]


Sonderegger, Sabine (2011) Master’s thesis Zurich University of Applied Sciences ‘Qualitätsunterschiede in der Übersetzungsrevision’ [quality differences in translation revision] (compares self and other revision)


Šunková, Jana (2011) Master’s thesis Masaryk University ‘Revising Translations: Corpus Investigation of Revision and Self-revision’


Temizöz, Özlem (2013). Doctoral dissertation Universitat Rovira i Virgili ‘Postediting machine translation output and its revision: Subject-matter experts versus professional translators’.  


Uotila, Anna (2017) Master’s thesis Tampere ‘Revision and quality assurance in professional translation: a study of revision policies in Finnish translation companies’


Van Rensburg, Alta (2018) Doctoral dissertation Stellenbosch 'Revisie: een aspek van kwaliteitbestuur in ’n akademiese vertaalkantoor' (revision: one aspect of quality management in an academic translation office), English abstract


Yamada, Masaru (2011) Doctoral dissertation Rikkyo University ‘Revising text: An empirical investigation of revision and the effects of integrating a TM and MT system into the translation process’