Current Announcements
The marks for the final exam, and the final grades for the course, are posted
here for undergraduate (AP/ECON 4380)
students, and here for graduate (GS/ECON
5950) students.
updated email addresses : S. Bucovetsky (instructor) : and R.
Wu (t.a) :
Answers to the (Feb. 10) midterm are posted here
Here is a tentative version of the course outline.
The main textbook for the course (which is worth buying ; I'll rely on it a fair bit) is "Political Economics : Explaining Economic Policy", by T. Persson and G. Tabellini (MIT Press, paperback, 2002).
There's also a workbook which accompanies this text, which is recommended, not required : "Workbook to Accompany Political Economics : Explaining Economic Policy", by I. Brocas, M. Castanheira, R. Razin and D. Stromberg (MIT Press, 2000).
Other useful supplementary texts are "Principled Agents? The Political Economy of Good Government", by T. Besley (Oxford), "Analyzing Politics (Second Edition)", by K. Shepsle (Norton, 2010), "A Primer on Social Choice Theory (Revised Edition)", by W. Gaertner (Oxford U.P., 2009), and "Public Choice III" by D. Mueller (Cambridge U.P., 2003 ).