Sam Bucovetsky : links to journal articles
below are links to versions of papers that I have authored, or co-authored, which are available online
in some cases, of course, the publishers [unconvinced by the work of Boldrin and Levine on intellectual property] have restrictions on access to these websites
"Optimal Jurisdictional Fragmentation and Mobility", Journal of Public
Economics 16 ( 1981 ), October, 171-191
"Inequality in the Local Public Sector", Journal of Political Economy 90
( 1982 ), February, 128-145
"Price Dispersion and Stockpiling by Consumers", Review of Economic
Studies 50 ( 1983 ), July, 443-466 [ correction, January 1985 ]
"On the Use of Distributional Waits", Canadian Journal of Economics 17
( 1984 ), November, 699-717
( with John Chilton )"Concurrent Renting and Selling in a Durable-Goods
Monopoly under Threat of Entry", Rand Journal of Economics 17 ( 1986 ),
Summer, 261-275
"Majority Rule in Multi-Dimensional Spatial Models", Social Choice and
Welfare 7 ( 1990 ), December, 353-368
[abstract only]"Asymmetric Tax Competition", Journal of Urban Economics 30 ( 1991 ), September,
( with John D. Wilson ) "Tax Competition with Two Tax Instruments", Regional
Science and Urban Economics, 21 ( 1991 ), November, 333-350
"Choosing Tax Rates and Expenditure Levels using Majority Rule", Journal
of Public Economics, 46 ( 1991 ), October, 113-131
"Factor Ownership, Taxes and Specialization", Canadian Journal
of Economics, 26 ( 1993 ), May, 317-336
"Rent Seeking and Tax Competition", Journal of Public Economics,
58 ( 1995 ), July, 337-363
"Insurance and Incentive Effects of Transfers between Regions : Equity
and Efficiency", International Tax and Public Finance, 4 ( 1997 ),
December, 463-483
"Federalism, Equalization and Risk Aversion", Journal of Public
Economics, 67 ( 1998 ), March, 301-328
( with Maurice Marchand and Pierre Pestieau ) "Tax Competition and Revelation of
Preferences for Public Expenditure", Journal of Urban Economics,
44 ( 1998 ), November, 367-390 [ correction, March 1999 ]
"Efficient Migration and Income Tax Competition", Journal of
Public Economic Theory, 5 ( 2003 ), April, 249-278
"The Optimal Majority with an Endogenous Status Quo", Social
Choice and Welfare, 21 ( 2003 ), August, 131-148
"Efficient Migration and Redistribution", Journal of Public
Economics, 87 ( 2003 ), November, 2459-2474
"Public Input Competition", Journal of Public Economics, 89, ( 2005 ), September, 1763 - 1788
( with Michael Smart ) "The Efficiency Consequences of Local Revenue
Equalization : Tax Competition and Tax Distortions", Journal of Public Economic Theory, 8 ( 2006 ), February, 119 - 144
( with Andreas Haufler )"Preferential Tax Regimes with Asymmetric Countries", National Tax Journal, 60 ( 2007 ), December, 789 - 795
( with Andreas Haufler ) "Tax Competition when Firms Choose their Organizational Form:
Should Tax Loopholes for Multinationals be Closed?", Journal of International Economics, 74 ( 2008 ), January, 188 - 201,
([unpublished] appendices)
( with Amihai Glazer )"How to Avoid Transferring a Valuable Asset",Public Choice, 138 ( 2009 ), January, 3 - 8
- "An Index for Capital Tax Competition", International Tax and Public Finance, 16 ( 2009 ), December, 727 - 752
Incentive Equivalence with Fixed Migration Costs, Journal of
Public Economics, 95 ( 2011 ), December, 1292 - 1301
"Honor among Tax Havens", Journal of Public Economics, 110
( 2014 ), February, 74 - 81
( with Amihai Glazer )
"Efficiency, Equilibrium and Exclusion when the Poor Chase the
Rich",Journal of Urban Economics, 81 ( 2014 ), May, 166 -