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Nagarajan, V. and Dr. V.Madha Suresh “Consumer Health Protection” in Martin J. Bunch, V. Madha Suresh and T. Vasantha Kumaran, eds., Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Environment and Health, Chennai, India, 15-17 December, 2003. Chennai: Department of Geography, University of Madras and Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University. Pages 306 – 314.


The principal risks to human health are associated with the consumption of contaminated or poor quality water. Drinking water is one of the speediest vehicles for disease transmission. The consumer health under the prevailing environmental scenario encompasses the study of those things that affect the health and well being of the public at large. The consumer health aspects are of such importance and complexity, they have to be evaluated using constantly updated drinking water standards.

An overview of the legislation on water service protection and water disinfection treatment methods implemented/practised in Italy have been studied in this paper. The co-author has been to Italy to study these aspects among other environmental measures.

In Italy, the water service has been subjected to a wide reorganisation process for a long time so as to achieve higher service levels, in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, within a regulatory framework. The Italian Government, according to the directives of the European Union, has made mandatory and non-mandatory standards that must be met at the consumers tap. The core aims in environmental quality protection are detailed in the Italian Government decree during 1999, which is the transposition of 1991.

The Water Protection Plan (WPP) is considered an important sectorial plan, and the extract of it guarantees the aim of the Italian decree on Environmental Quality Protection (EQP). Cartographic representation is effectively applied in WPP. For surface water it covers ecological and chemical conditions. Similarly, for ground water it includes chemical and quantitative conditions. Analysis of Anthropogenic impacts and its results are given due consideration in the Water Protection Plan.

The disinfection methods practised include the latest technology of advanced oxidation process (AOP) among others. The Water Supply schemes (WSS) generally under practice are closed system for on-site reuse and closed system for urban reuse. The case study on the above said water supply scheme has been presented in the paper so as to make a self-assessment and to reach the goal of an improved consumer health protection in India.

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