Ancient Astronomy


This page includes references to ancient astronomy other than Ptolemy. For Ptolemy see my discussion of the Copernican Revolution, which appears as another web page. Students should follow up Ptolemy via the Copernican Revolution leads. Also, my article entitled “What the Copernican Revolution is All About” included in the book The Nature of Science goes over some of the same ground.


Here I have included references to the other topics that were included in my presentation of astronomy leading up to Ptolemy. There is not much here that is not in the printed lecture notes except the references to particular web sites that illustrate and clarify the points that were made in class.


Eratosthenes of Cyrene (about 275 – 194 BCE)


After Euclid set out the corpus of mathematics in his Elements around the year 300 BCE, astronomers were quick to use the mathematical theorems in Euclid to calculate many things about the heavens, and ultimately, to work out a complicated system that accounted for the apparent motions of the heavenly bodies, especially the planets. There were several important mathematicians and astronomers in the period following Euclid, most of them working at Alexandria at the great museum there. Of these, I will mention two prior to Ptolemy.


The first is Eratosthenes of Cyrene, nicknamed “Beta” because his goal was to be the second-best at every subject to which he turned his attention. Those subjects included poetry, history, mathematics, astronomy, and geography. He is remembered most today for his ingenious use of simple Euclidean geometry to come up with a quite respectable estimate for the size of the earth.


A brief illustration and explanation of his method can be found at


Hipparchus (around 150 BCE)


About a century after Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, another astronomer working in Alexandria, developed a number of very useful tools for studying the heavens. Hipparchus used Euclidean geometry in a way similar to Eratosthenes to try to determine the size of the sun and the moon. However, while his method may have been sound, his results were wildly inaccurate because he had to measure some very small angles with the naked eye and poor instruments. (For an illustration of his method, see


Slight inaccuracies in these measurements led to large inaccuracies in his calculations. However, we was able to calculate accurately a very slight pattern in the apparent motions of the heavens that causes the vernal equinox to occur about 20 minutes earlier every year (the year being measured by the cycle of the sun against the heavens). That phenomenon is known as precession of the equinoxes. Hipparchus was able to calculate (correctly) that it took about 26,000 years for the heavens to come back to the same alignment.


More importantly, Hipparchus developed a mathematical tool for measuring the relative distances of objects from each other compared to the observed angle between them, for example, the relative distance between two stars (relative to the distance that we are from them) as indicated by the angle between them. This relationship he recorded in a complex table that measured the comparative lengths of a radius of a circle to a chord of the circle and related this to the angle subtended by the chord. This relationship which he discovered and recorded is in fact the same as the principle of trigonometry. For a brief illustration see



Hipparchus is also the probable originator of the idea of planets moving on an epicycle and deferent system. A web site with a brief explanation is


The next major development in ancient astronomy was a full 300 years later, around 150 CE (A.D.) with the work of Claudius Ptolemy that built directly upon Hipparchus’ ideas and observations. For Ptolemy, see the separate web page on the Copernican Revolution.