Scientific Discovery and Scientific Method


Scientific Discovery


The Crown Problem



Kekulé’s Dream



Scientific Method

·         How scientific discoveries are verified (and therefore become “discoveries”)

·         The basis of confidence in hypotheses, supporting claims of knowledge


The Common Sense View – T.H. Huxley


Testing Hypotheses


The Case of Puerperal Fever


Modus Tollens

·         A form of the syllogism that demonstrates that the major premise is inconsistent with the minor premise.

·         This is modus tollens: If H is true, then I is true. But I is not true. Therefore H is not true.

·         Or,       H ® I

            __not I  

                        \ not H


The Fallacy of Affirming the Consequent

·         An incorrect form of the syllogism that is similar in structure to modus tollens.

·         The fallacy: If H is true, then I is true. I is true. Therefore H is true.

·         Or,       H ® I


\ H