Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

GPS Film Nine Lives: experimenting with new forms of narrative and moving pictures, An interview with Scott Hessels

- First thing I noticed when reading this article was the fact that the interview was conducted just over 4 years ago now. I’m wondering how much the technology has evolved in 4 years, considering it’s such so fast growing.

- The interviewer asks Hessels about the distances between shooting locations, and how long it would take a person watching the film to get from one location to another. He replies by saying how they determined the zones by simply walking to them, and how easily they broke up into sections. In this moment, he actually mentions the code process and math. Albeit “pretty minimal math” he says. However I do find it rather interesting how much math is involved in the technology of something that we’re attempting to look at from an artistic perspective. It seemed to always have been ingrained in our brains from childhood, how one needs to separate math/science with the arts. It isn’t until you begin to work with new technologies (or old technologies for that matter) that you realize how big a role math can play in the artistic process.

- Hessels also goes into detail about the logistics of shooting an ambitious project like this, and various issues they had to keep in mind. For example deciding where to use more or less dialogue. And the issues involved with writing a story out of sequence.


Thu, January 17 2013 » futurecinema2_2012
