Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada


Territory As Interface

I find the idea of networked user generated content tied to a GPS enabled device very interesting.  What kind of content do you think this kind of tech would generate?

Spaces Between

Klein presents a view that the scale of database novels has the opportunity to be more intimate, unfinished and human as they reinvent the form.  Do you think this is true of all media in the hypertext era?


Wed, February 6 2013 » futurecinema2_2012

One Response

  1. Morgan I.P. Fics February 7 2013 @ 2:42 am

    “networked user generated content tied to a GPS enabled device”


    I had to read your question and the section from the article over and over again just to be capable of comprehending the possibilities for a concept that seems so fleeting despite owning and loving my smart phone.

    Perhaps in an interactive narrative augment automated texting, GPS activated, could be used to contact multiple users within a given perimeter. This could entice and even bottleneck other users to seek each other out in order to continue or progress through the experience. I like the idea of “forming parties”, much like “Quest to Learn” in NYC or any really good/tough MMORPG, to accomplish tasks that would otherwise be impossible without assistance.

    But in relation to “Archeology: Sampling the Park”, perhaps users should be allowed to post their own memories created in the park via mobile technology (either still or moving image or recorded audio captured on location and then uploaded on location via the network allowing instant access to all users within the GPS location of recording). If users could also be given the opportunity to comment on new uploads (like youtube comments) the interaction could be empathetic in nature much like social networking sites.
