Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Art on the Tracks

I think it was Irene who had the idea for subway tunnel projections. There is a short piece in the Dec. 1-7 issue of NOW Magazine about a new initiative to re-design three subway stations. Designed by Jack Diamond, the stations will include “projected pictures on the tunnel walls and operatic music played when the train rolls in at Osgoode, replicas of Royal Ontario Museum artifacts at Museum and painted horses that gallop to the speed of trains arriving at St. Patrick.” From the photo, it looks like the galloping horses are Muybridge.

For the full article, go to

Wed, December 7 2005 » Future Cinema, articles of interest, screen technologies

2 Responses

  1. helen December 8 2005 @ 12:01 am

    Wow — that looks beautiful… Here’s the image let’s see if images work inside a comment:

  2. helen December 8 2005 @ 12:03 am

    Oh well, guess not! You’ll just have to click on the link to see the image. “Operatic music played when the train rolls in…” — how loud would that have to be to snuff out the sound of the train coming? I still think it’s a neat idea. I wonder if there are other cities doing this kind of thing with projections?
