Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Questions From”Augmented Human,” for Consideration

Not entirely certain if this is the place to post these, or if it is too late to do so. I figured I would like to share what I was most deeply concerned with from the text in preparation for today’s class.

  1. In Augmented Human, Papagiannis discusses how the use of UltraHaptics can stimulate the hand to develop emotions? Trying to have a postitive focus on this, how could this technology be used to benefit humankind?
  2. How is ARs use of sensors and monitors similar to that of mechanical support systems, such as ABS and anti-crash braking in cars? Do potential similarities suggest that we are becoming increasingly machine like?
  3. A fair portion of Papagiannis’ examples and case studies cite the importance of immersion in terms of their emerging technology. Why does immersion remain such a selling point in terms of AR, VR, and future cinema technologies?
  4. AR as described in the initial conceptual chapters by Papagiannis seems to be most focused with regulating human flaws and conditions. At what point does constant sensorial regulation cease to be helpful and instead supersedes human responsibility?
  5. Robert Azuma is quoted as saying, “not all stoires have to be written by professional storytellers aimed at a mass market audience,” in relation to ARs potential. To what extent is AR and similarly VR better suited to being an art project over a mass commercial medium? To what extent is it better suited to being a commercial medium?
  6. Suppose you are a High School teacher of a subject of your choosing. How do you think AR would alter the way you teach? Would AR in an educational context be better suited to STEM subject, or humanities?

Wed, October 3 2018 » Future Cinema
