Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Questions inspired by Anthropy’s “Rise of the Videogame Zinesters”

  1. Anthropy argues against “artistic legitimacy” for videogames stating that all creations “[do not] need validation beyond [being art].” In the age of unlimited access and floods of content, shouldn’t we advocate for a team of gatekeepers (I actually prefer the term, “caretakers”) who will monitor what is produced and circulated? She mentions YouTube as an ideal platform, but even YouTube has its police and gatekeepers. If games are indeed ways for creators to “communicate [their] values,” then we are dealing with and sorting through a vast array of them in the spectrum of ‘good’ and ‘bad.’ What would be an ideal way to protect and nurture the art form of digital games moving forward?
  2. I am not convinced that We the Giants is a “compelling way to explore themes of sacrifice.” When I first read about it in the book, I was rather concerned with how the game might diminish the value of life, and de-sensitize the users when it comes to suicide. Am I being overly sensitive, or are there others out there who share similar thoughts on this?
  3. Anthropy draws a distinct line between videogames and film, while drawing on more similarities between videogames and theatre. With the ever-evolving landscape of technology and cinema in mind, I wonder if she would argue differently on this comparison today. I personally see the line becoming blurry as virtual and augmented reality ‘elevating’ both forms to new heights. Both film and videogames are morphing into new creatures as films are becoming more interactive while games are continuously pursuing cinematic styles of storytelling. What are your thoughts?
  4. I applaud Anthropy’s call to reinvent the videogame industry as zinesters “explore different stories to tell.” As someone who has recently attended a zine expo, however, I am not so positive that this is the ideal route we should embark on. As much as I appreciated each and every precious zine I encountered there and all of the efforts that went into creating them, it was such a small event that only appealed to a tiny, niche group of Asian artists. Creating a network that Anthropy envisions will require uprooting of the current sociopolitical and commercial foundations of this industry, and I am just having a hard time envisioning this new paradigm being actualized. Am I the only one?

Wed, November 7 2018 » Future Cinema
