Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada


1. Jeff Hull in the VICE article claims that “anything” can be a game. How does his definition intersect or differ with Anthropy’s definition (”games have rules”)?

2. Kim et al say, “as usual, digital games are on the forefront of this technology use, creating and shaping various attempts to use new media in pursuit of different objectives.” Have games pioneered tech or innovations in the past that we take for granted today?

3. Kim et al’s article gives five ARG examples: all are tie-ins, showing that the influence of Hollywood played a significant role in the medium’s development. Why might this be?

4. One interesting ARGNet was the No Man’s Sky ARG, which expands on the game’s narrative and lore. As we saw in class, No Man’s Sky is light on traditional story, and it seems this ARG makes up for the narrative that the game lacks (recently, Halo 5 did the same thing with its viral “Hunt the Truth” campaign). How can ARGs maybe be used to  supplement narratives in other media? What might the advantages to doing this? Disadvantages?

Thu, November 22 2018 » Future Cinema
