Future Cinema

Course Site for Future Cinema 1 (and sometimes Future Cinema 2: Applied Theory) at York University, Canada

Week 7 questions from Mizusa

Reflecting on “Bias in the Algorithm”:

Q1. I wonder what kind of bias will become apparent when future cinema intensely relies on high techs, such as immersive technology. How can that bias be removed from the terrain of the high-tech cinema creation?

Q2. To contemplate ethical issues and cultural considerations, what field of people should get involved in the area of film making?

Reflecting on “Microsoft’s Japanese schoolgirl AI has fallen into a deep, creepy depression”:

Q3. With what characteristic should an AI robot is expected to get created? Rinna made a joke for advising her TV drama, and it would be interesting to question why the author of the blog felt Rinna’s depressing comment creepy?

Reflecting on “Artificial intelligence is automating Hollywood. Now art can thrive.”

Q4. On the website, there is a statement that foreseeing a future creative people get to keep on being creative as they work alongside the time-saving machines that will make their jobs simpler and less mundane. Who are the “creative” people? Who feels pleased with their careers to be simpler and less mundane?

Tue, October 22 2019 » Future Cinema
