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Graduate Student Exchange Program at the University of Germany

Graduate Student Exchange Program at the University of Germany


The Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, in cooperation with the City Institute and the Graduate Program in Geography, offer one or two study abroad opportunities to spend one or two semesters during the 2024-5 academic year at the Department of Human Geography, Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany).

While there is no funding available through this program at the current time, we will work with interested students to open opportunities for subsidies for travel and accommodation through York International.

Exchanges can happen at any time during the academic year. However, the Frankfurt summer semester starts in April and ends in July and since our winter term ends in late March, this would be a perfect time for York graduate students to go on this exchange. You can consider this option for fall or spring (see below).

Frankfurt program description: The Department of Human Geography at the Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany) has set up a two-year program called “Geographies of Globalization” with possible specialization in two fields: Economic Geography and Urban Studies. York University exchange students will be able to participate in courses and have access to academic advisors who speak English.

In the past, both masters and PhD students from York University have used this exchange opportunity to do research on aspects of their degree projects or to work with scholars in Frankfurt on questions of mutual interest.

Eligibility: York University Masters or PhD students

Language requirement: Basic knowledge of German is an advantage but not a requirement.

Application: The application entails a two-step process.

1. There is a York-internal selection of candidates. Normally, the expectation is that we can send up to 2 students to Frankfurt each academic year. Applications can be handed in any time. The positions are open until filled. At this stage, we need:

· Letter of application containing a statement of how the Frankfurt exchange will contribute to your program at York University (MES students: please include plan of study);

· One letter of reference from a relevant York faculty member;

· CV/resume with any information relevant to this application.

2. Once accepted by the committee at York (consisting of FES and City Institute professors), you will have to apply to be accepted at Goethe University. This is not an onerous process but there are deadlines you need to keep in mind (Dates will be posted on this website once confirmed)

York International will assist you at that state of the application.

For more information and to send the application contact Professor Roger Keil ( There is more information to convey which we are happy to make available to interested students on demand.