
"How we treat the 'least' of beings amongst us,
determines our own humanity."
Author Unknown.
Dr. van Daalen-Smith teaches community nursing, women's health and child-centred nursing for the school of nursing. She is cross-appointed to the school of women's studies where she "viscerally enjoys" teaching mature students in the evening as they return to school. She's also created electives in girls' studies and women and madness. There, she is also the founder of a hub focusing on girlhood studies. Recently, she's been seconded to the Children's Studies program within the division of Humanities, and brings her unique lens on children's health quality of life through a rights-based lens.
A well-known feminist nurse whose practice is rooted in social justice, her agenda is always emancipatory. For example, her work regarding children's rights in health care settings is cutting edge. Her research exploring girls' anger broke down barriers between service providers and the girls and young women they serve. One of her professional goals is to transform how children and youth are viewed and believes that they should be viewed as citizens worthy of both voice and choice. [ read more... ]