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Basic Research on Human Visual Evoked Potentials and Visually-Evoked Magnetic Fields of the Brain
- 312. Regan D (2008). Some Early Uses of Evoked Brain Responses in Studies of the Human Visual System. Vision Research (Eds. V. Lamme and D. Regan), 47, 6, v-vii.
- 308. Regan D and Regan M (2007). Methods for Recording and Quantifying Evoked Potentials and Evoked Magnetic Fields. New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, G. Adelman and Bh Smith (Eds),
- 302. Regan D and Regan MP (2004). The Processing of Spatial Form by the Human Brain Studied by Recording the Brains Electrical and Magnetic Responses to Visual Stimuli. Seeing Spatial Form Jenkin M and Harris L (Eds.), 91-159.
- 300. Regan D (2003). Evoked Potentials, Visual, Human. G. Adelman and Bh Smith (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Neuroscience,
- 298. Regan D and Regan MP (2003). Evoked Potentials, Recording Methods. G. Adelman and Bh Smith (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Neuroscience,
- 297. Regan MP and Regan D (2003). Techniques for Ininvestigating and Exploiting Nonlinearities in Brain Responses Evoked by Sensory Stimuli. Zl Lu. G. Sperling and L. Kaufman (Eds.). Magnetic Source Imaging of the Human Brain, 135-158.
- 292. Regan D (2002). Binocular Information About Time to Collision and Time to Passage. Vision Research, 42, 2479-2484.
- 290. Regan MP and Regan D (2002). Orientation Characteristics of a Mechanism in the Human Visual System Sensitive to Cyclopean Form. Vision Research, 42, 661-668.
- 249. Regan D (1995). Spatial Vision in Children and Adults: a Tribute to Russel Harter Ternat. J. Neurosci, 80, 153-172.
- 248. Regan D and He P (1995). Magnetic and Electrical Brain Responses to Chromatic Contrast in Human. Vision Research, 36, 1-18.
- 247. Regan D and He P (1995). Magnetic and Electrical Responses of the Human Brain to Texture-Defined Form and to Textons. J. Neurophysiol, 74, 1167-1178.
- 241. Regan MP, He P and Regan D (1995). An Audiovisual Convergence Area in Human Brain. Exp. Brain Res, 106, 485-487.
- 191. Regan D and Regan MP (1990). Ultra-High Resolution analysis of Auditory and Visual Brain Responses Using Zoom-Fft. New York: Plenum Press, Sj Williamson, M Hoke, G Stroink and M Kotani (Eds.), Advances in Biomagnetism, 205-207.
- 187. Regan D (1989). Magnetic Fields Generated by the Human Brain. Can. Res, 22, 11-15.
- 183. Regan MP and Regan D (1989). Evoked Potential Investigations of Nonlinear Processing Stages in Human Spatial Vision. Seeing Contour and Colour (Jj Kulikowski (Ed.)), 513-518.
- 178. Regan D and Regan MP (1988). Objective Evidence for Phase-Independent Spatial Frequency analysis in the Human Visual Pathway. Vision Research, 28, 187-91.
- 173. Regan D (1987). Evoked Potentials and Color-Defined Categories. New York: Cambridge Univ Press, Categorical Perception (S Harnad (Ed.)), 443-51.
- 172. Regan D (1987). Human Visual Evoked Potentials. Human Event-Related Potentials (T Picton (Ed.)), Amsterdam: Elsevier, 159-243.
- 168. Regan D and Regan MP (1987). Nonlinearity in Human Visual Responses to Two-Dimensional Patterns and a Limitation of Fourier Methods. Vision Research, 27, 2181-3.
- 167. Regan D and Regan MP (1987). Spatial Frequency Tuning, Orientation Tuning and Spatial Discrimination Ininvestigated by Nonlinear analysis of Pattern Evoked Potentials. Butterworths, SToneham M. A, C. Barber and T. Blum (Eds.) Evoked Potentials Iii, 190-197.
- 158. Regan D and Spekreijse H (1986). Evoked Potentials in Vision Research: 1961-1985. Vision Research, 26, 1461-80.
- 145. Spekreijse H, Dangelie G, Maier J and Regan D (1985). Flicker and Movement Constituents of the Pattern Reversal Response. Vision Research, 25, 1297-1304.
- 140. Regan D (1984). Chapters 11 and 12. Hillsdale, Nj: Erlbaum, In Cognitive Psychophysiology (E Donchin (Ed.)), 303-38.
- 139. Regan D (1984). Spatial Vision: VEP Evidence for Mechanisms Tuned to Spatial Frequency. Butterworth, Boston, R. H. Nodar and C. Barber (Eds.) Evoked Potentials Ii, 287-289.
- 124. Regan D (1983). Spatial frequency mechanisms in human vision investigated by evoked potential recording. Vision Research, 23, 1401-1408.
- 116. Regan D (1982). Comparison of Transient and Steady-State Methods. Proc Ny Acad Sci, 388, 46-71.
- 87. Regan D (1979). Electrical Responses Evoked From the Human Brain. Scientific American, 241 (1), 134-46.
- 78. Hillyard SA, Picton TW and Regan D (1978). Sensation, Perception and Attention: analysis Using Erps. New York: Academic, E Callaway, P Tueting and Sh Koslow (Eds), Event-Related Brain Potentials in Man, 223-321.
- 77. Regan D (1978). Assessment of Visual Acuity by Evoked Potential Recording: Ambiguity Caused by Temporal Dependence of Spatial Frequency Selectivity. Vision Research, 18, 439-45.
- 71. Arden GB, Bodis-Wollner I, Halliday AM, Jeffreys A, Kulikowski JJ, Spekreijse H and Regan D (1977). Methodology of Patterned Visual Stimulation. Oxford Univ Press, Visual Evoked Potentials in Man: New Developments (Je Desmedt (Ed.)), 3-15.
- 69. Regan D (1977). Colour and Contrast. Amsterdam: North Holland, H Spekreijse and Lh Van Der Tweel (Eds), Spatial Contrast: Report of a Workshop. Publ for Netherl and S Royal Academy of Sciences, 75-9.
- 68. Regan D (1977). Evoked Potential Indications of the Processing of Pattern, Colour, and Depth Information. Oxford: Oxford Univ Press, Visual Evoked Potentials in Man: New Developments (Je Desmedt (Ed.)), 234-49.
- 66. Regan D (1977). Fourier analysis of Evoked Potentials: Some Methods Based on Fourier analysis. Oxford: Oxford Univ Press, Visual Evoked Potentials in Man: New Developments (Je Desmedt (Ed.)), 110-7.
- 62. Regan D (1977). Steady State Evoked Potentials. J Opt Soc Am, 67, 1475-89.
- 60. Regan D and Spekreijse H (1977). Auditory-Visual Interactions and the Correspondence Between Perceived Auditory Space and Perceived Visual Space. Perception, 6, 133-8.
- 54. Regan D (1976). Latencies of Evoked Potentials to Flicker and to Pattern Speedily Estimated by Simultaneous Stimulation Method. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 40, 654-60.
- 49. Regan D (1975). Colour Coding of Pattern Responses in Man Ininvestigated by Evoked Potential Feedback and Direct Plot Techniques. Vision Research, 15, 175-83.
- 48. Regan D (1975). Recent Advances in Electrical Recording From the Human Brain. Nature, 253, 401-7.
- 44. Cartwright RF and Regan D (1974). Semi-Automatic, Multi-Channel Fourier analyzer for Evoked Potential analysis. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 36, 547-50.
- 41. Regan D (1974). Electrophysiological Evidence for Colour Channels in Human Pattern Vision. Nature, 250, 437-49.
- 36. Regan D (1973). An Evoked Potential Correlate of Colour: Evoked Potential Findings and Single-Cell Speculations. Vision Research, 13, 1933-41.
- 35. Regan D (1973). Evoked Potentials Specific to Spatial Patterns of Luminance and Colour. Vision Research, 13, 2381-2402.
- 34. Regan D (1973). Parallel and Sequential Processing of Visual Information in Man: Investigation by Evoked Potential Recording. New York: Academic, Photophysiology, Vol 8, 185-208.
- 31. Regan D and Beverley KI (1973). Electrophysiological Evidence for the Existence of Neurones Sensitive to the Direction of Depth Movement. Nature, 246, 504-6.
- 30. Regan D and Beverley KI (1973). Relation Between the Magnitude of Flicker Sensation and Evoked Potential Amplitude in Man. Perception, 2, 61-5.
- 27. Regan D and Richards W (1973). Brightness Contrast and Evoked Potentials. J Opt Soc Am, 63, 606-11.
- 24. Regan D (1972). Cortical Evoked Potentials. Adv Behav Biol, 5, 177-92.
- 22. Regan D (1972). Evoked Potentials to Changes in the Chromatic Contrast and Luminance Contrast of Checkerboard Stimulus Patterns. New York: Plenum, The Visual System (Gb Arden (Ed.)), 171-87.
- 21. Spekreijse H, Van Der Tweel LH and Regan D (1972). Terocular Sustained Suppression: Correlations with Evoked Potential Amplitude and Distribution. Vision Res, 12, 521-6.
- 20. Regan D and Richards W (1971). Dependence of Evoked Potentials and Apparent Size. Vision Research, 11, 679-84.
- 19. Regan D and Sperling HG (1971). A Method of Evoking Contour-Specific Scalp Potentials by Chromatic Checkerboard Patterns. Vision Research, 11, 173-6.
- 15. Regan D (1970). Evoked Potentials and Psychophysical Correlates of Changes in Stimulus Colour and Intensity. Vision Research, 10, 163-78.
- 14. Regan D (1970). Objective Method of Measuring the Relative Spectral Luminosity Curve in Man. J Opt Soc Am, 60, 856-9.
- 13. Regan D and Cartwright RF (1970). A Method of Measuring the Potentials Evoked by Simultaneous Stimulation of Different Retinal Regions. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 28, 314-9.
- 11. Regan D and Spekreijse H (1970). Electrophysiological Correlate of Binocular Depth Perception in Man. Nature, 255, 92-4.
- 10. Regan D (1969). Chapters 3 and 4. Evoked Potentials and Psychophysics. Neurosci Res (Dm Mackay (Ed.)), 7, N3,
- 9. Regan D (1969). Evoked Potentials and Colour Vision. Univ of Istanbul, 7th Iscerg Symp, Istanbul, 37-50.
- 7. Van Der Tweel LH, Regan D and Spekreijse H (1969). Some Aspects of Potentials Evoked by Changes in Spatial Brightness Contrast. Univ of Istanbul, 7th Iscerg Symp, Istanbul, 1-11.
- 6. Regan D (1968). A High Frequency Mechanism Which Underlies Visual Evoked Potentials. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 25, 231-7.
- 5. Regan D (1968). Chromatic Adaptation and Steady-State Evoked Potentials. Vision Research, 8, 149-58.
- 4. Regan D (1968). Evoked Potentials and Sensation. Percept Psychophys, 4, 347-50.
- 3. Regan D (1966). An Apparatus for the Correlation of Evoked Potentials and Repetitive Stimuli. Med Biol Engng, 4, 168-77.
- 2. Regan D (1966). An Effect of Stimulus Colour on Average Steady-State Potentials Evoked in Man. Nature, 210, 1056-7.
- 1. Regan D (1966). Some Characteristics of Average Steady-State and Transient Responses Evoked by Modulated Light. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 20, 238-48.