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Basic Research on Visual Psychophysics
- 311. Regan D and Gray R (2008). Binocular Processing of Motion: Some Unresolved Questions. Spatial Vision, Special Issue on Unresolved Questions in Stereopsis (Ed. D. Regan), Under Review.
- 310. Regan D and Gray R (2008). Commentary on Lee (1976). Perception, in press,
- 307. Gray R and Regan D (2006). Unconfounding the Direction of Motion, Time to Passage and Rotation Rate of an Approaching Object. Vision Research, 46, 2388-2402.
- 306. Gray R and Regan D, Castaneda B, Sieffert R (2006). Role of Feedback in the Accuracy of Perceived Direction of Motion-In-Depth and Control of Interceptive Action. Vision Research, 46, 1676-1694.
- 305. Regan D, Regan M and Harnanansingh D (2006). Convergence of Boundary and Body Information in the Visual Processing of Aspect Ratio. Vision Research, 46, 3451-3461.
- 303. Gray R, Macuga K, and Regan D (2004). Long Range Interactions Between Object Motion and Selfmotion in the Perception of Movement in Depth. Vision Research, 44, 179-195.
- 301. Regan D (2003). Early Visual Processing of Spatial Form. Plkaufman and Aalm (Eds.). Adler's Physiology of the Eye, 470-483.
- 299. Regan D and Gray R (2003). A Step by Step Approach to Research on Time to Contact and Time to Passage. Time to Contact (Eds. H. Hecht, Gjp Savelsburg). Amsterdam: Elsevier, 172-228.
- 296. Gray R and Regan D (2002). The Use of Time to Contact Information. Time to Contact (Eds. H. Hecht, Gjp Savelsburg). Amsterdam: Elsevier, 303-326.
- 295. Grove PM and Regan D (2002). Spatial Frequency Discrimination in Cyclopean Vision. Vision Research, 1837-1846.
- 294. Kohly R and Regan D (2002). Fast Long Range Interactions in the Early Processing of Luminance Defined Form. Vision Research, 49-63.
- 293. Kohly R and Regan D (2002). Fast Long Range Interactions in the Early Processing of Motion Defined Form and of Combinations of Motion Defined, Luminance Defined, and Cyclopean Form. Vision Research, 42, 969-980.
- 289. Kohly RP and Regan D (2001). Long Distance Interactions in Cyclopean Vision. Proc Roc. Soc, 268, 213-219.
- 288. Regan D and Gray R (2001). Hitting What one Wants to Hit, and Missing What one Wants to Miss. Vision Research, 41, 3321-3329.
- 285. Gray R and Regan D (2000). Estimating the Time to Collision with a Rotating Nonspherical Object. Vision Research, 40, 49-63.
- 283. Gray R and Regan D (2000). Self Motion Causes Error in Judging Time to Collision: Implications for Highway Safety. Current Biology, 10, 587-590.
- 282. Gray R and Regan D (2000). Simulated Self-Motion Alters Perceived Time to Collision. Current Biology, 10, 587-590.
- 281. Kohly RP and Regan D (2000). Coincidence Detectors: Visual Processing of a Pair of Lines and Implications for Shape Discrimination. Vision Research, 40, 2291-2306.
- 280. Kohly RP and Regan D (2000). Long Distance Interactions in Cyclopean Vision. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 268, 213-219.
- 278. Regan D and Gray R (2000). Visually Guided Collision Avoidance and Collision Achievement. Trends in Cog. Sci, Vol. 4, No.3, 99-107.
- 277. Regan D and Kohly RP (2000). Selective Feature-Based Attention Directed to a Pair of Lines: Psychophysical Evidence and a Psychophysical Model. Cambridge University Press, L. Harris and M. Jenkin (Eds.). Vision and Attention, 253-280.
- 275. Gray R and Regan D (1999). Adapting to Expansion Increases Perceived Time to Collision. Vision Research, 39, 2602-2607.
- 274. Gray R and Regan D (1999). Do Monocular Time to Collision Estimates Necessarily Involve Perceived Distance?. Perception, 28, 1257-1264.
- 273. Gray R and Regan D (1998). Accuracy of Estimating Time to Collision Using Binocular and Monocular Information. Vision Research, 38, 499-512.
- 272. Gray R and Regan D (1998). Motion in Depth: Adequate and Inadequate Simulation. Perception and Psychophysics, 61, 236-245.
- 271. Gray R and Regan D (1998). Spatial Frequency Discrimination and Detection Characteristics for Gratings Defined by Orientation Texture. Vision Research, 38, 2601-2617.
- 270. Kohly R and Regan D (1998). Evidence for a Mechanism Sensitive to the Speed of Cyclopean Form. Vision Research, 39, 1011-1024.
- 269. Kwan L and Regan D (1998). Orientation - Tuned Spatial Filters for Texture - Defined Form. Vision Research, 38, 3849-3855.
- 268. Regan D, Gray R, Portfors CV, Hamstra SJ, Vincent A, Hong XH, Kohly R and Beverley KI (1998). Catching, Hitting and Collision Avoidance. L. Harris and M. Jenkin (Eds.) Vision and Action. New York, Cambridge University Press, 181-214.
- 267. Giaschi D and Regan D (1997). Development of Motion - Defined Figure - Ground Segregation in Preschool and Older Children, Using a Letter - Identification Task. Optometry and Vision Science, 74, 761-767.
- 265. Portfors CV and Regan D (1997). Just-Noticeable Difference in the Speed of Cyclopean Motion in Depth and of Cyclopean Motion Within a Frontoparallel Plane. J. Exp. Psychol. : Hum. Percept and Perform, 23, 1074 - 1086.
- 264. Portfors-Yeomans CV and Regan D (1997). Discrimination of the Direction and Speed of a Monocularly-Visible Target From Binocular Information Alone. J. Exp. Psychol.: Hum. Percept and Perform, 23, 227-243.
- 261. Gray R and Regan D (1996). Accuracy of Reproducing angles: Is a Right angle Special?. Perception, 531-542.
- 260. Gray R and Regan D (1996). Vernier Step Acuity and Bisection Acuity for Texture-Defined Form. Vision Research, 37, 1713-1723.
- 259. Portfors-Yeomans CV and Regan D (1996). Cyclopean Discrimination Thresholds for the Direction and Speed of Motion in Depth. Vision Research, 36, 3265-3279.
- 258. Regan D (1996). Perceptual Motor Skills and Human Motion analysis. Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, G. Salvendy (Ed.) New York: Wiley, 174-218.
- 256. Regan D, Hajdur LV and Hong XH (1996). Two-Dimensional Aspect Ratio Discrimination for Shape Defined by Orientation Texture. Vision Research, 36, 3695-3702.
- 255. Vincent a and Regan D (1996). Judging the Time to Collision with a Simulated Textured Object: Effect of Mismatching Rates of Expansion of Size and of Texture Elements. Perception and Psychophysics, 59, 32-36.
- 254. Gray R and Regan D (1995). Cyclopean Motion Perception Produced by Oscillations of Size, Disparity and Location. Vision Research, 35, 655-666.
- 253. Hamstra S and Regan D (1995). Orientation Discrimination in Cyclopean Vision. Vision Research, 35, 365-374.
- 251. Regan D (1995). Orientation Discrimination for Bars Defined by Orientation Texture. Perception, 24, 1131-1138.
- 244. Regan D and Vincent A (1995). Visual Processing of Looming and Time to Contact Throughout the Visual Field. Vision Research, 35, 1845-1857.
- 243. Regan D, Gray R and Hamstra SJ (1995). Evidence for a Neural Mechanism That Encodes angles. Vision Research, 36, 323-330.
- 242. Regan D, Hamstra SJ, Kaushal S, Vincent A, Gray R and Beverley KI (1995). Visual Processing of an Objects Motion in Three Dimensions for a Stationary Or a Moving Observer. Perception, 24, 87-103.
- 240. Simpson TL and Regan D (1995). Test-Retest Variability and Correlations Between Tests of Texture Processing, Motion Processing, Visual Acuity and Contrast Sensitivity. Optom and Vis. Sci, 72, 11-16.
- 239. Vincent A, and Regan D (1995). Parallel Independent Processing of Orientation, Spatial Frequency and Contrast. Perception, 24, 491-499.
- 238. Regan D , Kaushal S (1994). Monocular Judgement of the Direction of Motion in Depth. Vision Research, 34, 163-167.
- 237. Regan D and Hamstra S (1994). Shape Discrimination for Rectangles Defined by Disparity Alone, Disparity Plus Luminance and by Disparity Plus Motion. Vision Research, 34, 2277-2291.
- 236. Regan D and Hong XH (1994). Recognition and Detection of Texture-Defined Letters. Vision Research, 34, 2403-2407.
- 234. Regan D (1993). Binocular Correlates of the Direction of Motion in Depth. Vision Research, 33, 2359-2360.
- 233. Regan D (1993). Detection and Discrimination of Motion-Defined and Luminance-Defined Two-Dimensional Form. L. Harris and M. Jenkins(Eds.)Spatial Vision in Humans and Robots, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 281-312.
- 232. Regan D (1993). The Divergence of Velocity and Visual Processing. Perception, 22, 497-499.
- 228. Regan D, Hamstra S (1993). Dissociation of Discrimination Thresholds for Time to Contact and for Rate of angular Expansion. Vision Research, 33, 447-462.
- 227. Regan D, Hamstra SJ, Hong XH and Kaushal S (1993). Nonlinearities in the Visual Processing of Motion and Form. Proc. Ieee Conf. on Systems, Man and Cyberbetics, 156-159.
- 226. Regan D, Nakano Y and Kaiser Pk (1993). Dissociation of Chromatic and Achromatic Processing of Spatial Form by the Titration Method. J. Opt. Soc. Amer, 10, 1314-1328.
- 218. Regan D and Hamstra S (1992). Dissociation of Orientation Discrimination From Form Detection for Motion-Defined Bars and Luminance-Defined Bars: Effects of Dot Lifetime and Presentation Duration. Vision Research, 32, 1655-1666.
- 217. Regan D and Hamstra S (1992). Shape Discrimination and the Judgement of Perfect Symmetry: Dissociation of Shape From Size. Vision Research, 32, 1845-1864.
- 208. Regan D (1991). Depth From Motion and Motion in Depth. Binocular Vision (D Regan (Ed.)). London: Macmillan, 137-169.
- 207. Regan D (1991). Detection and Spatial Discriminations for Objects Defined by Colour Contrast, Binocular Disparity and Motion Parallax. Spatial Vision (D. Regan (Ed.)). London: Macmillan, 135-178.
- 203. Regan D (1991). Specific Tests and Specific Blindness: Keys, Locks and Parallel Processing. Optom and Vis Sci, Prentice Medal Lecture, 68, 489-512.
- 199. Regan D and Hamstra S (1991). Shape Discrimination for Motion-Defined and Contrast-Defined Form: Squareness Is Special. Perception, 20, 315-336.
- 192. Regan D and Hong X (1990). Visual Acuity for Optotypes Made Visible by Relative Motion. Optom and Vision Science, 67, 49-55.
- 190. Regan D, Frisby J, Poggio G, Schor C and Tyler CW (1990). The Perception of Stereodepth and Stereomotion: Cortical Mechanisms. L. Spillman and J. S. Werner (Eds. the Neurophysiological Foundations of Visual Perception. Academic Press, 317-347.
- 189. Hong X and Regan D (1989). Visual Field Defects for Unidirectional and Oscillatory Motion in Depth. Vision Research, 29, 809-819.
- 186. Regan D (1989). Orientation Discrimination for Objects Defined by Relative Motion and Objects Defined by Luminance Contrast. Vision Research, 29, 1389-1400.
- 174. Morgan MJ and Regan D (1987). Opponent Model for Line Interval Discrimination: Interval and Vernier Performance Compared. Vision Research, 27, 107-18.
- 164. Regan D (1986). Binocular Vision. Encyclopaedia of Physics in Medicine and Biology. Pergamon, 33-4.
- 163. Regan D (1986). Form From Motion Parallax and Form From Luminance Contrast: Vernier Discrimination. Spatial Vision, 1, 305-18.
- 161. Regan D (1986). Visual Processing of Four KInds of Relative Motion. Vision Research, 26, 127-45.
- 159. Regan D and Price P (1986). Periodicity in Orientation Discrimination and the Unconfounding of Visual Information. Vision Research, 26, 1299-1302.
- 155. Regan D, Kaufman L and Lincoln J (1986). Motion in Depth and Visual Acceleration. K. R. Boff L, Kaufman and J. P. Thomas (Eds.) Handbook of Perception and Human Performance , Wiley, New York, 19.1-19.46.
- 152. Regan D (1985). Masking of Spatial Frequency Discrimination. J Opt Soc Am A, 2, 1153-9.
- 150. Regan D (1985). Storage of Spatial-Frequency Information and Spatial-Frequency Discrimination. J Opt Soc Am A, 2, 619-21.
- 149. Regan D (1985). Visual Flow and Direction of Locomotion. Science, 227, 1063-5.
- 148. Regan D and Beverley KI (1985). Postadaptation Orientation Discrimination. J Opt Soc Am A, 2, 147-55.
- 147. Regan D and Beverley KI (1985). Visual Responses to Vorticity and the Neural analysis of Optic Flow. J Opt Soc Am A, 2, 280-3.
- 136. Regan D and Beverley KI (1984). Figure-Ground Segregation by Motion Contrast and by Luminance Contrast. J Opt Soc Am, 1, 433-42.
- 135. Regan D and Beverley KI (1984). Psychophysics of Visual Flow Patterns and Motion in Depth. L Spillman and Br Wooten (Eds), Sensory Experience, Adaptation and Perception. Hillsdale, Nj: Erlbaum, 215-40.
- 129. Beverley KI and Regan D (1983). Texture Changes Versus Size Changes As Stimuli for Motion in Depth. Vision Research, 23, 1387-1400.
- 128. Burbeck CA and Regan D (1983). Dependence of Orientation and Size in Spatial Discriminations. J Opt Soc Am, 73, 1691-4.
- 122. Regan D and Beverley KI (1983). Spatial Frequency Discrimination and Detection: Comparison of Postadaptation Thresholds. J Opt Soc Am, 73, 1684-90.
- 121. Regan D and Beverley KI (1983). Visual Fields Described by Contrast Sensitivity, by Acuity and by Relative Sensitivity to Different Orientations. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 24, 754-9.
- 120. Regan D and Beverley KI (1983). Visual Fields for Frontal Plane Motion and for Changing Size. Vision Research, 23, 673-6.
- 118. Beverley KI and Regan D (1982). Adaptation to Incomplete Flow Patterns: No Evidence for Filling in the Perception of Flow Patterns. Perception, 11, 275-8.
- 115. Regan D (1982). Visual Information Channeling in Normal and Disordered Vision. Psychol Rev, 89, 407-44.
- 113. Regan D and Beverley KI (1982). How Do We Avoid Confounding the Direction We Are Looking with the Direction We Are Moving?. Science, 215, 194-6.
- 106. Petersik JT, Beverley KI and Regan D (1981). Contrast Sensitivity of the Changing-Size Channel. Vision Research, 21, 829-32.
- 101. Regan D and Beverley KI (1981). Motion Sensitivity Measured by a Psychophysical Linearizing Technique. J Opt Soc Am, 71, 958-65.
- 97. Beverley KI and Regan D (1980). Temporal Selectivity of Changing-Size Channels. J Opt Soc Am, 11, 1375-7.
- 96. Beverley KI and Regan D (1980). Visual Sensitivity to the Shape and Size of a Moving Object: Implications for Models of Object Perception. Perception, 9, 151-60.
- 91. Regan D and Beverley KI (1980). Visual Responses to Changing Size and to Sideways Motion for Different Directions of Motion in Depth: Linearization of Visual Responses. J Opt Soc Am, 11, 1289-96.
- 89. Beverley KI and Regan D (1979). Separable Aftereffects of Changing-Size and Motion-In-Depth: Different Neural Mechanisms?. Vision Research, 19, 727-32.
- 88. Beverley KI and Regan D (1979). Visual Perception of Changing-Size: the Effect of Object Size. Vision Research, 19, 1093-1104.
- 86. Regan D and Beverley KI (1979). Binocular and Monocular Stimuli for Motion-In-Depth: Changing-Disparity and Changing-Size Feed the Same Motion-In-Depth Stage. Vision Research, 19, 1331-42.
- 85. Regan D and Beverley KI (1979). Visually-Guided Locomotion: Psychophysical Evidence for a Neural Mechanism Sensitive to Flow Patterns. Science, 205, 311-3.
- 82. Regan D, Beverley KI and Cynader M (1979). Stereoscopic Subsystems for Position in Depth and for Motion in Depth. Proc R Soc Lond B, 204, 485-501.
- 81. Regan D, Beverley KI and Cynader M (1979). The Visual Perception of Motion in Depth. Scientific American, 241 (6), 136-51.
- 75. Regan D and Beverley KI (1978). Illusory Motion in Depth: Aftereffect of Adaptation to Changing Size. Vision Research, 18, 209-12.
- 74. Regan D and Beverley KI (1978). Looming Detectors in the Human Visual Pathway. Vision Research, 18, 415-21.
- 72. Regan D, Beverley KI and Cynader M (1978). Stereoscopic Depth Channels for Position and for Motion. New York: Springer, Sj Cool and El Smith (Eds), Frontiers in Visual Science, 351-72.
- 51. Beverley KI and Regan D (1975). The Relation Between Discrimination and Sensitivity in the Perception of Motion in Depth. J Physiol, 249, 387-98.
- 46. Beverley KI and Regan D (1974). Temporal Integration of Disparity Information in Stereoscopic Perception. Exp Brain Res, 19, 228-32.
- 45. Beverley KI and Regan D (1974). Visual Sensitivity to Disparity Pulses: Evidence for Directional Selectivity. Vision Research, 14, 357-61.
- 38. Beverley KI and Regan D (1973). Evidence for the Existence of Neural Mechanisms Selectively Sensitive to the Direction of Movement in Space. J Physiol, 235, 17-29.
- 37. Beverley KI and Regan D (1973). Selective Adaptation in Stereoscopic Depth Perception. J Physiol, 232, 40-41.
- 32. Regan D and Beverley KI (1973). Disparity Detectors in Human Depth Perception: Evidence for Directional Selectivity. Science, 18, 877-9.
- 29. Regan D and Beverley KI (1973). Some Dynamic Features of Depth Perception. Vision Research, 13, 2369-79.
- 28. Regan D and Beverley KI (1973). The Dissociation of Sideways Movements From Movements in Depth: Psychophysics. Vision Research, 13, 2403-15.
- 26. Richards W and Regan D (1973). A Stereo Field Map with Implications for Disparity Processing. Invest Ophthalmol, 12, 904-9.
- 18. Regan D and Tyler CW (1971). Some Dynamic Features of Colour Vision. Vision Research, 11, 1307-24.
- 17. Regan D and Tyler CW (1971). Temporal Summation and Its Limit for Wavelength Changes: an analog of Bloch's Law for Color Vision. J Opt Soc Am, 61, 1414-21.
- 16. Regan D and Tyler CW (1971). Wavelength-Modulated Light Generator. Vision Research, 11, 43-56.