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All Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- 312. Regan D (2008). Some Early Uses of Evoked Brain Responses in Studies of the Human Visual System. Vision Research (Eds. V. Lamme and D. Regan), 47, 6, v-vii.
- 311. Regan D and Gray R (2008). Binocular Processing of Motion: Some Unresolved Questions. Spatial Vision, Special Issue on Unresolved Questions in Stereopsis (Ed. D. Regan), Under Review.
- 310. Regan D and Gray R (2008). Commentary on Lee (1976). Perception, in press,
- 309. Gray R and Regan D (2007). Glare Susceptibility Test Results Correlate with Temporal Safety Margin When Executing Turns Across Approaching Vehicles in Simulated Low-Sun Conditions. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 27, 5, 440-450.
- 308. Regan D and Regan M (2007). Methods for Recording and Quantifying Evoked Potentials and Evoked Magnetic Fields. New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, G. Adelman and Bh Smith (Eds),
- 307. Gray R and Regan D (2006). Unconfounding the Direction of Motion, Time to Passage and Rotation Rate of an Approaching Object. Vision Research, 46, 2388-2402.
- 306. Gray R and Regan D, Castaneda B, Sieffert R (2006). Role of Feedback in the Accuracy of Perceived Direction of Motion-In-Depth and Control of Interceptive Action. Vision Research, 46, 1676-1694.
- 305. Regan D, Regan M and Harnanansingh D (2006). Convergence of Boundary and Body Information in the Visual Processing of Aspect Ratio. Vision Research, 46, 3451-3461.
- 304. Gray R and Regan D (2005). Perceptual Processes Used by Drivers During Overtaking in a Driving Simulator. Human Factors, 47, 394-417.
- 303. Gray R, Macuga K, and Regan D (2004). Long Range Interactions Between Object Motion and Selfmotion in the Perception of Movement in Depth. Vision Research, 44, 179-195.
- 302. Regan D and Regan MP (2004). The Processing of Spatial Form by the Human Brain Studied by Recording the Brains Electrical and Magnetic Responses to Visual Stimuli. Seeing Spatial Form Jenkin M and Harris L (Eds.), 91-159.
- 301. Regan D (2003). Early Visual Processing of Spatial Form. Plkaufman and Aalm (Eds.). Adler's Physiology of the Eye, 470-483.
- 300. Regan D (2003). Evoked Potentials, Visual, Human. G. Adelman and Bh Smith (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Neuroscience,
- 299. Regan D and Gray R (2003). A Step by Step Approach to Research on Time to Contact and Time to Passage. Time to Contact (Eds. H. Hecht, Gjp Savelsburg). Amsterdam: Elsevier, 172-228.
- 298. Regan D and Regan MP (2003). Evoked Potentials, Recording Methods. G. Adelman and Bh Smith (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Neuroscience,
- 297. Regan MP and Regan D (2003). Techniques for Ininvestigating and Exploiting Nonlinearities in Brain Responses Evoked by Sensory Stimuli. Zl Lu. G. Sperling and L. Kaufman (Eds.). Magnetic Source Imaging of the Human Brain, 135-158.
- 296. Gray R and Regan D (2002). The Use of Time to Contact Information. Time to Contact (Eds. H. Hecht, Gjp Savelsburg). Amsterdam: Elsevier, 303-326.
- 295. Grove PM and Regan D (2002). Spatial Frequency Discrimination in Cyclopean Vision. Vision Research, 1837-1846.
- 294. Kohly R and Regan D (2002). Fast Long Range Interactions in the Early Processing of Luminance Defined Form. Vision Research, 49-63.
- 293. Kohly R and Regan D (2002). Fast Long Range Interactions in the Early Processing of Motion Defined Form and of Combinations of Motion Defined, Luminance Defined, and Cyclopean Form. Vision Research, 42, 969-980.
- 292. Regan D (2002). Binocular Information About Time to Collision and Time to Passage. Vision Research, 42, 2479-2484.
- 291. Regan D (2002). Proctor Lecture: an Hypothesis Based Approach to Clinical Psychophysics and to the Design of Visual Tests. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci, 43, 1311-1323.
- 290. Regan MP and Regan D (2002). Orientation Characteristics of a Mechanism in the Human Visual System Sensitive to Cyclopean Form. Vision Research, 42, 661-668.
- 289. Kohly RP and Regan D (2001). Long Distance Interactions in Cyclopean Vision. Proc Roc. Soc, 268, 213-219.
- 288. Regan D and Gray R (2001). Hitting What one Wants to Hit, and Missing What one Wants to Miss. Vision Research, 41, 3321-3329.
- 287. Regan MP and Regan D (2001). Simulated Hair Cell Transduction of Quasi-Frequency-Modulated and Amplitude-Modulated Tones. Hearing Research, 158, 65-70.
- 286. Gray R and Regan D (2000). Adapting to Expansion While Driving: a Possible Cause of Overtaking Road Accidents, and a tool for Investigating Drivers Visual Information Processing. Accident analysis and Prevention, Under Review.
- 285. Gray R and Regan D (2000). Estimating the Time to Collision with a Rotating Nonspherical Object. Vision Research, 40, 49-63.
- 284. Gray R and Regan D (2000). Risky Driving Behaviour: a Consequence of Visual Motion Adaptation for Visually-Guided Goal-Directed Motor Action. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 26, 1721-32.
- 283. Gray R and Regan D (2000). Self Motion Causes Error in Judging Time to Collision: Implications for Highway Safety. Current Biology, 10, 587-590.
- 282. Gray R and Regan D (2000). Simulated Self-Motion Alters Perceived Time to Collision. Current Biology, 10, 587-590.
- 281. Kohly RP and Regan D (2000). Coincidence Detectors: Visual Processing of a Pair of Lines and Implications for Shape Discrimination. Vision Research, 40, 2291-2306.
- 280. Kohly RP and Regan D (2000). Long Distance Interactions in Cyclopean Vision. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 268, 213-219.
- 279. Regan D (2000). Human Perception of Objects: Early Visual Processing of Spatial Form Defined by Luminance, Color, Texture, Motion, and Binocular Disparity. Sunderland, Ma: Sinauer, 577 pp.
- 278. Regan D and Gray R (2000). Visually Guided Collision Avoidance and Collision Achievement. Trends in Cog. Sci, Vol. 4, No.3, 99-107.
- 277. Regan D and Kohly RP (2000). Selective Feature-Based Attention Directed to a Pair of Lines: Psychophysical Evidence and a Psychophysical Model. Cambridge University Press, L. Harris and M. Jenkin (Eds.). Vision and Attention, 253-280.
- 276. Steeves JKE, Gray R, Steinbach MJ and Regan D (2000). Accuracy of Estimating Time to Collision Using only Monocular Information in Unilaterally Enucleated Observers and Monocularly Viewing Normal Controls. Vision Research, 40, 3783-3789.
- 275. Gray R and Regan D (1999). Adapting to Expansion Increases Perceived Time to Collision. Vision Research, 39, 2602-2607.
- 274. Gray R and Regan D (1999). Do Monocular Time to Collision Estimates Necessarily Involve Perceived Distance?. Perception, 28, 1257-1264.
- 273. Gray R and Regan D (1998). Accuracy of Estimating Time to Collision Using Binocular and Monocular Information. Vision Research, 38, 499-512.
- 272. Gray R and Regan D (1998). Motion in Depth: Adequate and Inadequate Simulation. Perception and Psychophysics, 61, 236-245.
- 271. Gray R and Regan D (1998). Spatial Frequency Discrimination and Detection Characteristics for Gratings Defined by Orientation Texture. Vision Research, 38, 2601-2617.
- 270. Kohly R and Regan D (1998). Evidence for a Mechanism Sensitive to the Speed of Cyclopean Form. Vision Research, 39, 1011-1024.
- 269. Kwan L and Regan D (1998). Orientation - Tuned Spatial Filters for Texture - Defined Form. Vision Research, 38, 3849-3855.
- 268. Regan D, Gray R, Portfors CV, Hamstra SJ, Vincent A, Hong XH, Kohly R and Beverley KI (1998). Catching, Hitting and Collision Avoidance. L. Harris and M. Jenkin (Eds.) Vision and Action. New York, Cambridge University Press, 181-214.
- 267. Giaschi D and Regan D (1997). Development of Motion - Defined Figure - Ground Segregation in Preschool and Older Children, Using a Letter - Identification Task. Optometry and Vision Science, 74, 761-767.
- 266. Giaschi DE, Lang a and Regan D (1997). Reversible Dissociation of Sensitivity to Dynamic Stimuli in Parkinsons Disease: Is Magnocellular Function Essential to Reading Motion-Defined Letters?. Vision Research, 37, 3531-3534.
- 265. Portfors CV and Regan D (1997). Just-Noticeable Difference in the Speed of Cyclopean Motion in Depth and of Cyclopean Motion Within a Frontoparallel Plane. J. Exp. Psychol. : Hum. Percept and Perform, 23, 1074 - 1086.
- 264. Portfors-Yeomans CV and Regan D (1997). Discrimination of the Direction and Speed of a Monocularly-Visible Target From Binocular Information Alone. J. Exp. Psychol.: Hum. Percept and Perform, 23, 227-243.
- 263. Voisin A, Elliott DB and Regan D (1997). Babe Ruth: with Vision Like That, How Could He Play Baseball?. Optom. and Vis Sci, 74, 144-146.
- 262. Giaschi DE, Trope GE, Kothe AC and Hong XH (1996). Loss of Sensitivity to Motion-Defined Form in Patients with Primary Open angle Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 13, 707-716.
- 261. Gray R and Regan D (1996). Accuracy of Reproducing angles: Is a Right angle Special?. Perception, 531-542.
- 260. Gray R and Regan D (1996). Vernier Step Acuity and Bisection Acuity for Texture-Defined Form. Vision Research, 37, 1713-1723.
- 259. Portfors-Yeomans CV and Regan D (1996). Cyclopean Discrimination Thresholds for the Direction and Speed of Motion in Depth. Vision Research, 36, 3265-3279.
- 258. Regan D (1996). Perceptual Motor Skills and Human Motion analysis. Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, G. Salvendy (Ed.) New York: Wiley, 174-218.
- 257. Regan D (1996). Visual Factors in Catching and Hitting. J Sports Sciences, 15, 533-538.
- 256. Regan D, Hajdur LV and Hong XH (1996). Two-Dimensional Aspect Ratio Discrimination for Shape Defined by Orientation Texture. Vision Research, 36, 3695-3702.
- 255. Vincent a and Regan D (1996). Judging the Time to Collision with a Simulated Textured Object: Effect of Mismatching Rates of Expansion of Size and of Texture Elements. Perception and Psychophysics, 59, 32-36.
- 254. Gray R and Regan D (1995). Cyclopean Motion Perception Produced by Oscillations of Size, Disparity and Location. Vision Research, 35, 655-666.
- 253. Hamstra S and Regan D (1995). Orientation Discrimination in Cyclopean Vision. Vision Research, 35, 365-374.
- 252. Kruk R and Regan D (1995). Collision Avoidance: a Helicopter Simulator Study. Aviat. Space Environ. Med, 67, 111-114.
- 251. Regan D (1995). Orientation Discrimination for Bars Defined by Orientation Texture. Perception, 24, 1131-1138.
- 250. Regan D (1995). Spatial Orientation in Aviation: Visual Contributions. J Vestibular Research, 5, 455-471.
- 249. Regan D (1995). Spatial Vision in Children and Adults: a Tribute to Russel Harter Ternat. J. Neurosci, 80, 153-172.
- 248. Regan D and He P (1995). Magnetic and Electrical Brain Responses to Chromatic Contrast in Human. Vision Research, 36, 1-18.
- 247. Regan D and He P (1995). Magnetic and Electrical Responses of the Human Brain to Texture-Defined Form and to Textons. J. Neurophysiol, 74, 1167-1178.
- 246. Regan D and Hong XH (1995). Two Models of the Recognition and Detection of Texture-Defined Letters Compared. Biological Cybernetics, 72, 389-396.
- 245. Regan D and Simpson T. L (1995). Multiple Sclerosis Can Cause Visual Processing Deficits Specific to Texture-Defined Form. Neurology, 45, 809-815.
- 244. Regan D and Vincent A (1995). Visual Processing of Looming and Time to Contact Throughout the Visual Field. Vision Research, 35, 1845-1857.
- 243. Regan D, Gray R and Hamstra SJ (1995). Evidence for a Neural Mechanism That Encodes angles. Vision Research, 36, 323-330.
- 242. Regan D, Hamstra SJ, Kaushal S, Vincent A, Gray R and Beverley KI (1995). Visual Processing of an Objects Motion in Three Dimensions for a Stationary Or a Moving Observer. Perception, 24, 87-103.
- 241. Regan MP, He P and Regan D (1995). An Audiovisual Convergence Area in Human Brain. Exp. Brain Res, 106, 485-487.
- 240. Simpson TL and Regan D (1995). Test-Retest Variability and Correlations Between Tests of Texture Processing, Motion Processing, Visual Acuity and Contrast Sensitivity. Optom and Vis. Sci, 72, 11-16.
- 239. Vincent A, and Regan D (1995). Parallel Independent Processing of Orientation, Spatial Frequency and Contrast. Perception, 24, 491-499.
- 238. Regan D , Kaushal S (1994). Monocular Judgement of the Direction of Motion in Depth. Vision Research, 34, 163-167.
- 237. Regan D and Hamstra S (1994). Shape Discrimination for Rectangles Defined by Disparity Alone, Disparity Plus Luminance and by Disparity Plus Motion. Vision Research, 34, 2277-2291.
- 236. Regan D and Hong XH (1994). Recognition and Detection of Texture-Defined Letters. Vision Research, 34, 2403-2407.
- 235. Giaschi D, Regan D, Kraft S and Kothe AC (1993). Crowding and Contrast in Amblyopia. Optom. Vis. Sci, 70, 192-197.
- 234. Regan D (1993). Binocular Correlates of the Direction of Motion in Depth. Vision Research, 33, 2359-2360.
- 233. Regan D (1993). Detection and Discrimination of Motion-Defined and Luminance-Defined Two-Dimensional Form. L. Harris and M. Jenkins(Eds.)Spatial Vision in Humans and Robots, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 281-312.
- 232. Regan D (1993). The Divergence of Velocity and Visual Processing. Perception, 22, 497-499.
- 231. Regan D and Lee BB (1993). A Comparison of the Human 40 Hz Response with the Properties of Macaque Ganglion Cells. Visual Neuroscience, 10, 439-445.
- 230. Regan D, Giaschi D and Fresco B (1993). Measurement of Glare Susceptibility Using Low-Contrast Letter Charts. Optom. and Vis. Sci, 70, 969-975.
- 229. Regan D, Giaschi D and Fresco B (1993). Measurement of Glare Susceptibility in Cataract Patients Using Low-Contrast Letter Charts. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 13, 115-123.
- 228. Regan D, Hamstra S (1993). Dissociation of Discrimination Thresholds for Time to Contact and for Rate of angular Expansion. Vision Research, 33, 447-462.
- 227. Regan D, Hamstra SJ, Hong XH and Kaushal S (1993). Nonlinearities in the Visual Processing of Motion and Form. Proc. Ieee Conf. on Systems, Man and Cyberbetics, 156-159.
- 226. Regan D, Nakano Y and Kaiser Pk (1993). Dissociation of Chromatic and Achromatic Processing of Spatial Form by the Titration Method. J. Opt. Soc. Amer, 10, 1314-1328.
- 225. Regan MP and Regan D (1993). Nonlinear Terms Produced by Passing Amplitude-Modulated Sinusoids Through Corey and Hudspeth's Hair Cell Transducer Function. Biological Cybernetics, 69, 439-446.
- 224. Regan MP and Regan D (1993). Rectification of Amplitude-Modulated Sinusoids with Particular Reference to a Hair Cell Transducer Function. Proc. Ieee Conf. on Systems, Man and Cyberbetics, 495-500.
- 223. Giaschi D, Regan D, Kothe AC, Sharpe JA and Hong XH (1992). Motion-Defined Letter Detection and Recognition in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Ann. Neurol, 31, 621-628.
- 222. Giaschi D, Regan D, Kraft S and Hong XH (1992). Defective Processing of Motion in the Fellow Eye of Unilateral Amblyopes. Invest Ophthal. Vis. Sci, 33, 2483-2489.
- 221. Regan D (1992). Detection and Discrimination of Spatial Form in Patients with Eye Or Visual Pathway Disorders. M. I. T. Press: Massachusetts, Fifth annual Retina Research Foundation Symposium. Contrast Sensitivity: From Receptors to Clinic, 309-337.
- 220. Regan D (1992). Nonlinearities in Psychophysical Models of the Processing of Spatial Form and Motion. Nonlinear Vison (Boca Raton: Crc Press), R. Pinter and B Nabet (Eds), 293-307.
- 219. Regan D (1992). Visual Judgements and Misjudgements in Cricket, and the Art of Flight. Perception, 21, 91-115.
- 218. Regan D and Hamstra S (1992). Dissociation of Orientation Discrimination From Form Detection for Motion-Defined Bars and Luminance-Defined Bars: Effects of Dot Lifetime and Presentation Duration. Vision Research, 32, 1655-1666.
- 217. Regan D and Hamstra S (1992). Shape Discrimination and the Judgement of Perfect Symmetry: Dissociation of Shape From Size. Vision Research, 32, 1845-1864.
- 216. Regan D, Giaschi D, Kraft S and Kothe AC (1992). Method for Identifying Amblyopes Whose Reduced Line Acuity Is Caused by Defective Selection and /Or Control of Gaze. Opthalmic and Physiological Optics, 12, 425-432.
- 215. Regan D, Giaschi D, Sharpe Ja and Hong XH (1992). Visual Processing of Motion-Defined Form: Selective Failure in Patients with Parietotemporal Lesions. J. Neurosci, 12, 2198-2210.
- 214. Regan D, Hamstra S and Kaushal S (1992). Visual Factors in the Avoidance of Front-To-Rear End Highway Collisions. Proc. Human Factors Soc. 36th annual Meeting,
- 213. Regan MP and Regan D (1992). A Frequency Domain Method for Isolating Specific KInds of Nonlinear Neural Processing and for Testing Nonlinear Multi-Neuron Models Against Data. Nonlinear Vison (Boca Raton: Crc Press), R. Pinter and B Nabet (Eds), 265-291.
- 212. Bodis-Wollner I and Regan D (1991). Spatiotemporal Contrast Vision in Parkinson's Disease and MPtp Treated Monkeys: the Role of Dopamine. London: Macmillan, Spatial Vision (D Regan (Ed.)), 250-260.
- 211. Collewjjn H, Steinman RM, Erkelens CJ and Regan D (1991). Binocular Fusion, Stereopsis and Stereoacuity with a Moving Head. Binocular Vision. London, Macmillan, D Regan (Ed.), 121-136.
- 210. Regan D (1991). A Brief Review of Some of the Stimuli and analysis Methods Used in Spatiotemporal Vision. Spatial Vision. London: Macmillan, D Regan (Ed.), 1-42.
- 209. Regan D (1991). A Sensitive Method for Quantifying Functional Loss Caused by Veiling Glare in Patients and in Elderly Nonpatients. Opt Soc of Amer Tech Digest, Vol. 1, 251-254.
- 208. Regan D (1991). Depth From Motion and Motion in Depth. Binocular Vision (D Regan (Ed.)). London: Macmillan, 137-169.
- 207. Regan D (1991). Detection and Spatial Discriminations for Objects Defined by Colour Contrast, Binocular Disparity and Motion Parallax. Spatial Vision (D. Regan (Ed.)). London: Macmillan, 135-178.
- 206. Regan D (1991). Do Letter Charts Measure Contrast Sensitivity?. Clin Vis Science, 6, 401-408.
- 205. Regan D (1991). Procedures for Establishing Low-Contrast Vision and Glare Susceptibility Standards for Pilots and Drivers, and the Selection of Personell for Visual Search and Surveillance. Proc. Symp. on Aeromedical Aspects of Vision, toronto,
- 204. Regan D (1991). Spatiotemporal Abnormalities of Vision in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. London: Macmillan, Spatial Vision (D Regan (Ed.)), 239-249.
- 203. Regan D (1991). Specific Tests and Specific Blindness: Keys, Locks and Parallel Processing. Optom and Vis Sci, Prentice Medal Lecture, 68, 489-512.
- 202. Regan D (Ed) (1991). Binocular Vision. London: Macmillan, Vol. 9 in Vision and Visual Dysfunction Series,
- 201. Regan D (Ed) (1991). Spatial Vision. London: Macmillan, Vol. 10 in Vision and Visual Dysfunction Series,
- 200. Regan D , Hong XH and Hamstra S (1991). Visual Sensitivity to Camouflaged Motion-Defined Objects and the Limits of Safety in Nap-Of-The-Earth Helicopter Navigation. Proc. Symp. on Aeromedical Aspects of Vision, toronto,
- 199. Regan D and Hamstra S (1991). Shape Discrimination for Motion-Defined and Contrast-Defined Form: Squareness Is Special. Perception, 20, 315-336.
- 198. Regan D and Hong XH (1991). Motion-Defined Letter Reading Test. Opt Soc Amertech Digest, Vol. 1, 260-263.
- 197. Regan D, Kothe AC and Sharpe JA (1991). Recognition of Motion-Defined Shapes in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis and Optic Neuritis. Brain, 114, 1129-1155.
- 196. Karnavas WJ, Bahill AT and Regan D (1990). Sensitivity analysis of a Model for the Rising Fastball and Breaking Curveball. Proc Ieee Syst Man and Cybernet, Los angeles,
- 195. Kothe AC and Regan D (1990). Crowding Depends on Contrast. Optom and Vis Sci, 67, 283-6.
- 194. Kothe a and Regan D (1990). The Component of Gaze Selection/Control in the Development of Visual Acuity in Children. Optom and Vis Sci, 67, 770-778.
- 193. Regan D (1990). High and Low Contrast Acuity. Optom and Vis Sci, 67, 650-53.
- 192. Regan D and Hong X (1990). Visual Acuity for Optotypes Made Visible by Relative Motion. Optom and Vision Science, 67, 49-55.
- 191. Regan D and Regan MP (1990). Ultra-High Resolution analysis of Auditory and Visual Brain Responses Using Zoom-Fft. New York: Plenum Press, Sj Williamson, M Hoke, G Stroink and M Kotani (Eds.), Advances in Biomagnetism, 205-207.
- 190. Regan D, Frisby J, Poggio G, Schor C and Tyler CW (1990). The Perception of Stereodepth and Stereomotion: Cortical Mechanisms. L. Spillman and J. S. Werner (Eds. the Neurophysiological Foundations of Visual Perception. Academic Press, 317-347.
- 189. Hong X and Regan D (1989). Visual Field Defects for Unidirectional and Oscillatory Motion in Depth. Vision Research, 29, 809-819.
- 188. Regan D (1989). Human Brain Electrophysiology: Evoked Potentials and Evoked Magnetic Fields in Science and Medicine. New York: Elsevier, 672 pp.
- 187. Regan D (1989). Magnetic Fields Generated by the Human Brain. Can. Res, 22, 11-15.
- 186. Regan D (1989). Orientation Discrimination for Objects Defined by Relative Motion and Objects Defined by Luminance Contrast. Vision Research, 29, 1389-1400.
- 185. Regan D (1989). To What Extent Can Visual Defects Caused by Multiple Sclerosis Be Understood in Terms of Parallel Processing?. New York: Raven, Vision and the Brain: the Organization of the Central Visual System (B Cohen (Ed.)), 317-29.
- 184. Regan MP and Regan D (1989). A Frequency Domain Technique for Using Evoked Magnetic Fields to Test Multi-Stage Models of Sensory Processing. Advances in Biomagnetism, New York: Springer, Sj Williamson, M Hoke, G Stroink and M Kotani (Eds.),, 201-204.
- 183. Regan MP and Regan D (1989). Evoked Potential Investigations of Nonlinear Processing Stages in Human Spatial Vision. Seeing Contour and Colour (Jj Kulikowski (Ed.)), 513-518.
- 182. Regan MP and Regan D (1989). Objective Investigation of Visual Function Using a Nondestructive Zoom-Fft Technique for Evoked Potential analysis. Can J Neurol Sci, 16, 168-179.
- 181. Regan D (1988). Low Contrast Letter Charts and Sinewave Grating Tests in Ophthalmological and Neurological Disorders. Clin Vis Sci, 2, 235-50.
- 180. Regan D (1988). Low-Contrast Visual Acuity Test for Paediatric Use. Can J Ophthalmol, 23, 224-7.
- 179. Regan D (1988). Visual Sensory Loss in Patients with Parkinson's Disease. New York: A. R. Liss, I Bodis-Wollner, M. Piccolino (Eds), Dopaminergic Mechanisms in Vision. Neurology and Neurobiology 43, 221-26.
- 178. Regan D and Regan MP (1988). Objective Evidence for Phase-Independent Spatial Frequency analysis in the Human Visual Pathway. Vision Research, 28, 187-91.
- 177. Regan D and Regan MP (1988). The Transducer Characteristic of Hair Cells in the Human Ear: a Possible Objective Measure. Brain Res, 438, 363-5.
- 176. Regan MP and Regan D (1988). A Frequency Domain Technique for Characterizing Nonlinearities in Biological Systems. J theoret Biol, 133, 293-317.
- 175. Apkarian P, Tijssen R, Spekreijse H and Regan D (1987). Origin of Notches in Csf: Optical Or Neural?. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 28, 607-12.
- 174. Morgan MJ and Regan D (1987). Opponent Model for Line Interval Discrimination: Interval and Vernier Performance Compared. Vision Research, 27, 107-18.
- 173. Regan D (1987). Evoked Potentials and Color-Defined Categories. New York: Cambridge Univ Press, Categorical Perception (S Harnad (Ed.)), 443-51.
- 172. Regan D (1987). Human Visual Evoked Potentials. Human Event-Related Potentials (T Picton (Ed.)), Amsterdam: Elsevier, 159-243.
- 171. Regan D and Maxner C (1987). Orientation-Selective Visual Loss in Patients with Parkinson's Disease. Brain, 110, 239-71.
- 170. Regan D and Neima D (1987). Relation Between VEP and Visual Function in Lesions of the Optic Nerve and Visual Pathway. Proc Conf on Electric and Magnetic Activity of the Central Nervous System, Trondheim, Norway. Agard Conf. Proc. 432, 38, 1-8.
- 169. Regan D and Regan MP (1987). Dissecting the Visual and Auditory Pathways by Means of the Two-Input Technique. Proc Conf on Electric and Magnetic Activity of the Central Nervous System, Trondheim, Norway. Agard Conf Proc. 432, 6, 1-9.
- 168. Regan D and Regan MP (1987). Nonlinearity in Human Visual Responses to Two-Dimensional Patterns and a Limitation of Fourier Methods. Vision Research, 27, 2181-3.
- 167. Regan D and Regan MP (1987). Spatial Frequency Tuning, Orientation Tuning and Spatial Discrimination Ininvestigated by Nonlinear analysis of Pattern Evoked Potentials. Butterworths, SToneham M. A, C. Barber and T. Blum (Eds.) Evoked Potentials Iii, 190-197.
- 166. Collewijn H, Erkelens CJ and Regan D (1986). Absolute and Relative Disparity: a Re-Evaluation of their Significance in Perception and Oculomotor Control. Adaptive Processes in Visual and Oculomotor Systems, E Keller and Ds Zee (Eds),,
- 165. Erkelens CJ and Regan D (1986). Human Ocular Vergence Movements Induced by Changing Size and Disparity. J Physiol, 379, 145-69.
- 164. Regan D (1986). Binocular Vision. Encyclopaedia of Physics in Medicine and Biology. Pergamon, 33-4.
- 163. Regan D (1986). Form From Motion Parallax and Form From Luminance Contrast: Vernier Discrimination. Spatial Vision, 1, 305-18.
- 162. Regan D (1986). The Eye in Ballgames; Hitting and Catching. Sport En Zien. Haarlem: De Vrieseborch, 7-32.
- 161. Regan D (1986). Visual Processing of Four KInds of Relative Motion. Vision Research, 26, 127-45.
- 160. Regan D and Maxner C (1986). Orientation-Dependent Loss of Contrast Sensitivity for Pattern and Flicker Sensitivity in Multiple Sclerosis. Clin Vision Sci, 1, 1-23.
- 159. Regan D and Price P (1986). Periodicity in Orientation Discrimination and the Unconfounding of Visual Information. Vision Research, 26, 1299-1302.
- 158. Regan D and Spekreijse H (1986). Evoked Potentials in Vision Research: 1961-1985. Vision Research, 26, 1461-80.
- 157. Regan D, Collewijn H and Erkelens CJ (1986). Necessary Conditions for the Perception of Motion in Depth. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 27, 584-97.
- 156. Regan D, Erkelens CJ and Collewijn H (1986). Visual Field Defects for Vergence Eye Movements and for Stereomotion Perception. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 27, 806-19.
- 155. Regan D, Kaufman L and Lincoln J (1986). Motion in Depth and Visual Acceleration. K. R. Boff L, Kaufman and J. P. Thomas (Eds.) Handbook of Perception and Human Performance , Wiley, New York, 19.1-19.46.
- 154. Regan D (1985). Evoked Potentials and their Application to Neuro-Ophthalmology. Neuro-Ophthalmology, 5, 73-108.
- 153. Regan D (1985). Evoked Potentials in Diagnosis. Edinburgh: Churchill LivingsTone, Scientific Basis of Clinical Neurology (M Swash and C Kennard (Eds),),
- 152. Regan D (1985). Masking of Spatial Frequency Discrimination. J Opt Soc Am A, 2, 1153-9.
- 151. Regan D (1985). New Visual Sensory Tests in Neurology and Ophthalmology. Milan: Amplifon, Proc 7th Evoked Potential Workshop, Univ of California, Irvine (A Starr (Ed.),), 101-19.
- 150. Regan D (1985). Storage of Spatial-Frequency Information and Spatial-Frequency Discrimination. J Opt Soc Am A, 2, 619-21.
- 149. Regan D (1985). Visual Flow and Direction of Locomotion. Science, 227, 1063-5.
- 148. Regan D and Beverley KI (1985). Postadaptation Orientation Discrimination. J Opt Soc Am A, 2, 147-55.
- 147. Regan D and Beverley KI (1985). Visual Responses to Vorticity and the Neural analysis of Optic Flow. J Opt Soc Am A, 2, 280-3.
- 146. Regan D, Shapley RM and Spekreijse H (Eds.) (1985). Systems Approach in Vision. New York: Pergamon, 219 pp.
- 145. Spekreijse H, Dangelie G, Maier J and Regan D (1985). Flicker and Movement Constituents of the Pattern Reversal Response. Vision Research, 25, 1297-1304.
- 144. Neima D and Regan D (1984). Pattern Visual Evoked Potentials and Spatial Vision in Retrobulbar Neuritis and Multiple Sclerosis. Arch Neurol, 41, 198-201.
- 143. Neima D, Leblanc R and Regan D (1984). Visual Field Defects in Ocular Hypertension and Glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol, 102, 1042-5.
- 142. Quine DB, Regan D and Murray TJ (1984). Degraded Discrimination Between Speech-Like Sounds in Multiple Sclerosis and in Friedreich's Ataxia. Brain, 107, 1113-22.
- 141. Quine DB, Regan D, Beverley KI and Murray TJ (1984). Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Experience Hearing Loss Specifically for Shifts of Tone Frequency. Arch Neurol, 41, 506-8.
- 140. Regan D (1984). Chapters 11 and 12. Hillsdale, Nj: Erlbaum, In Cognitive Psychophysiology (E Donchin (Ed.)), 303-38.
- 139. Regan D (1984). Spatial Vision: VEP Evidence for Mechanisms Tuned to Spatial Frequency. Butterworth, Boston, R. H. Nodar and C. Barber (Eds.) Evoked Potentials Ii, 287-289.
- 138. Regan D (1984). Visual Factors in Flying Performance. Proc Tarp, Namrl Monograph, 33, 3-10.
- 137. Regan D (1984). Visual Psychophysical Tests in the Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. New York: Thieme-Stratton, The Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (Cm Poser (Ed.)), 64-75.
- 136. Regan D and Beverley KI (1984). Figure-Ground Segregation by Motion Contrast and by Luminance Contrast. J Opt Soc Am, 1, 433-42.
- 135. Regan D and Beverley KI (1984). Psychophysics of Visual Flow Patterns and Motion in Depth. L Spillman and Br Wooten (Eds), Sensory Experience, Adaptation and Perception. Hillsdale, Nj: Erlbaum, 215-40.
- 134. Regan D and Neima D (1984). Balance Between Pattern and Flicker Sensitivities in the Visual Fields of Ophthalmological Patients. Br J Ophthalmol, 68, 310-5.
- 133. Regan D and Neima D (1984). Low Contrast Letter Charts in Early Diabetic Retinopathy, Ocular Hypertension, Glaucoma and Parkinson's Disease. Br J Ophthalmol, 68, 885-9.
- 132. Regan D and Neima D (1984). Visual Fatigue and VEPs in Multiple Sclerosis, Glaucoma, Ocular Hypertension and Parkinson's Disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat, 47, 673-8.
- 131. Regan D, Beverley KI and Macpherson H (1984). Pattern Visual Evoked Potentials in Amblyopic Children. Butterworth, Boston, Evoked Potentials Ii (R. H. Nodar and C. Barber (Eds.)), 293-301.
- 130. Wilson HR and Regan D (1984). Spatial Frequency Adaptation and Grating Discrimination: Predictions of a Line Element Model. J Opt Soc Am A, 1, 1091-6.
- 129. Beverley KI and Regan D (1983). Texture Changes Versus Size Changes As Stimuli for Motion in Depth. Vision Research, 23, 1387-1400.
- 128. Burbeck CA and Regan D (1983). Dependence of Orientation and Size in Spatial Discriminations. J Opt Soc Am, 73, 1691-4.
- 127. Kruk R and Regan D (1983). Visual Test Results Compared with Flying Performance in Telemetry-Tracked Aircraft. Aviat Space Environ Med, 54, 906-11.
- 126. Kruk R, Regan D, Beverley KI and Longridge T (1983). Flying Performance on the Advanced Simulator for Pilot Training and Laboratory Tests of Vision. Human Factors, 25, 457-66.
- 125. Quine DB, Regan D and Murray TJ (1983). Delayed Auditory Tone Perception in Multiple Sclerosis. Can J Neurol Sci, 10, 183-6.
- 124. Regan D (1983). Spatial frequency mechanisms in human vision investigated by evoked potential recording. Vision Research, 23, 1401-1408.
- 123. Regan D (1983). Visual Psychophysical Tests in Demyelinating Disease. Bull Soc Belge Ophtal, 208-I, 303-21.
- 122. Regan D and Beverley KI (1983). Spatial Frequency Discrimination and Detection: Comparison of Postadaptation Thresholds. J Opt Soc Am, 73, 1684-90.
- 121. Regan D and Beverley KI (1983). Visual Fields Described by Contrast Sensitivity, by Acuity and by Relative Sensitivity to Different Orientations. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 24, 754-9.
- 120. Regan D and Beverley KI (1983). Visual Fields for Frontal Plane Motion and for Changing Size. Vision Research, 23, 673-6.
- 119. Regan D and Neima D (1983). Low-Contrast Letter Charts As a Test of Visual Function. Ophthalmology, 90, 1192-1200.
- 118. Beverley KI and Regan D (1982). Adaptation to Incomplete Flow Patterns: No Evidence for Filling in the Perception of Flow Patterns. Perception, 11, 275-8.
- 117. Cynader M and Regan D (1982). Neurons in Cat Visual Cortex Tuned to the Direction of Motion in Depth: Effect of Positional Disparity. Vision Research, 22, 967-82.
- 116. Regan D (1982). Comparison of Transient and Steady-State Methods. Proc Ny Acad Sci, 388, 46-71.
- 115. Regan D (1982). Visual Information Channeling in Normal and Disordered Vision. Psychol Rev, 89, 407-44.
- 114. Regan D (1982). Visual Sensory Aspects of Simulators. Vision Research for Flight Simulator (Washington: National Academy Press), W Richards and K Dismukes (Eds),, 65-71.
- 113. Regan D and Beverley KI (1982). How Do We Avoid Confounding the Direction We Are Looking with the Direction We Are Moving?. Science, 215, 194-6.
- 112. Regan D and Cynader M (1982). Neurons in Cat Visual Cortex Tuned to the Direction of Motion in Depth: Effect of Stimulus Speed. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 22, 535-50.
- 111. Regan D, Bartol S, Murray TJ and Beverley KI (1982). Spatial Frequency Discrimination in Normal Vision and in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Brain, 105, 735-54.
- 110. Regan D, Regal DM and Tibbles JAR (1982). Evoked Potentials During Recovery From Blindness Recorded Serially From an Infant and His Normally Sighted Twin. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 54, 465-8.
- 109. Tansley BW, Regan D and Suffield JB (1982). Measurement of the Sensitivities of Information Processing Channels for Frequency Change and for Amplitude Change by a Titration Method. Can J Psychol, 36, 723-30.
- 108. Kruk R, Regan D, Beverley KI and Longridge T (1981). Correlations Between Visual Test Results and Flying Performance on the Advanced Simulator for Pilot Training (Aspt). Aviat Space Environ Med, 52, 455-60.
- 107. Noseworthy J, Miller J, Murray TJ and Regan D (1981). Auditory Brainstem Responses in Post Concussion Syndrome. Arch Neurol, 38, 275-8.
- 106. Petersik JT, Beverley KI and Regan D (1981). Contrast Sensitivity of the Changing-Size Channel. Vision Research, 21, 829-32.
- 105. Raymond J, Regan D and Murray TJ (1981). Abnormal Adaptation of Visual Contrast Sensitivity in Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Can J Neurol Sci, 8, 221-34.
- 104. Regan D (1981). Electrophysiology and Psychophysics of Motion in Depth. Proc 18th Iscerg Symp, Amsterdam (1981). Docum Ophthal Proc Series, 27, 271-81.
- 103. Regan D (1981). Psychophysical Tests of Vision and Hearing in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. New York: Raven, Demyellnating Disease: Basic and Clinical Electrophysiology. Proc Vail Conf Ms Soc of Usa (Sg Waxman and Jm Ritchie (Eds.)), 217-37.
- 102. Regan D (1981). Visual Psychophysical Tests in Multiple Sclerosis As an Aid to Diagnosis, Localization of Pathology, and Assessment of Experimental therapy. New York: Cambridge Univ Press, Clinical Applications of Visual Psychophysics (Proc Nas/Nrc Symp),
- 101. Regan D and Beverley KI (1981). Motion Sensitivity Measured by a Psychophysical Linearizing Technique. J Opt Soc Am, 71, 958-65.
- 100. Regan D, Kruk R, Beverley KI and Longridge T (1981). The Relevance of Channel theory for the Design of Simulator Imagery. Proc Image Ii Conf, Arizona, 307-44.
- 99. Regan D, Raymond J, Ginsburg a and Murray TJ (1981). Contrast Sensitivity, Visual Acuity and the Discrimination of Snellen Letters in Multiple Sclerosis. Brain, 104, 333-50.
- 98. Beverley KI and Regan D (1980). Device for Measuring the Precision of Eye-H and Coordination While Tracking Changing Size. Aviat Space Environ Med, 51, 688-93.
- 97. Beverley KI and Regan D (1980). Temporal Selectivity of Changing-Size Channels. J Opt Soc Am, 11, 1375-7.
- 96. Beverley KI and Regan D (1980). Visual Sensitivity to the Shape and Size of a Moving Object: Implications for Models of Object Perception. Perception, 9, 151-60.
- 95. Regan D (1980). Control System and Physiological Monitoring Applications of Steady-State Evoked Potentials. Biocybernetic Applications for Military Systems. Darpa Conf, Chicago (1978). St Louis: Mcdonnell-Douglas, Report Mdc E 2191, Fe Gomer (Ed.), 175-202.
- 94. Regan D (1980). Detection and Quantification of Neuroophthalmological Abnormalities Using Psychophysical Measures of Visual Delay and Temporal Resolution. Boston: Little, Brown, Electrophysiology and Psychophysics: their Use in Ophthalmic Diagnosis. Tl Ophthal Clinics (S Sokol (Ed.)), 185-204.
- 93. Regan D (1980). New Visual Tests in Multiple Sclerosis. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, Topics in Neuro-Ophthalmology (Hs Thompson (Ed.)), 219-42.
- 92. Regan D (1980). Speedy Evoked Potential Methods for Assessing Vision in Normal and Amblyopic Eyes: Pros and Cons. Vision Research, 20, 265-9.
- 91. Regan D and Beverley KI (1980). Visual Responses to Changing Size and to Sideways Motion for Different Directions of Motion in Depth: Linearization of Visual Responses. J Opt Soc Am, 11, 1289-96.
- 90. Regan D, Whitlock J, Murray TJ and Beverley KI (1980). Orientation-Specific Losses of Contrast Sensitivity in Multiple Sclerosis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 19, 324-8.
- 89. Beverley KI and Regan D (1979). Separable Aftereffects of Changing-Size and Motion-In-Depth: Different Neural Mechanisms?. Vision Research, 19, 727-32.
- 88. Beverley KI and Regan D (1979). Visual Perception of Changing-Size: the Effect of Object Size. Vision Research, 19, 1093-1104.
- 87. Regan D (1979). Electrical Responses Evoked From the Human Brain. Scientific American, 241 (1), 134-46.
- 86. Regan D and Beverley KI (1979). Binocular and Monocular Stimuli for Motion-In-Depth: Changing-Disparity and Changing-Size Feed the Same Motion-In-Depth Stage. Vision Research, 19, 1331-42.
- 85. Regan D and Beverley KI (1979). Visually-Guided Locomotion: Psychophysical Evidence for a Neural Mechanism Sensitive to Flow Patterns. Science, 205, 311-3.
- 84. Regan D and Cynader M (1979). Neurons in Area 18 of Cat Visual Cortex Selectively Sensitive to Changing Size: Nonlinear Interactions Between Responses to Two Edges. Vision Research, 19, 699-711.
- 83. Regan D and Tansley BW (1979). Selective Adaptation to Frequency-Modulated Tones: Evidence for an Information-Processing Channel Selectively Sensitive to Frequency Changes. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 65, 1249-57.
- 82. Regan D, Beverley KI and Cynader M (1979). Stereoscopic Subsystems for Position in Depth and for Motion in Depth. Proc R Soc Lond B, 204, 485-501.
- 81. Regan D, Beverley KI and Cynader M (1979). The Visual Perception of Motion in Depth. Scientific American, 241 (6), 136-51.
- 80. Tansley BW and Regan D (1979). Separate Auditory Channels for Unidirectional Frequency Modulation and Unidirectional Amplitude Modulation. Sensory Proc, 3, 132-40.
- 79. Cynader M and Regan D (1978). Neurones in Cat Parastriate Cortex Sensitive to the Direction of Motion in Three-Dimensional Space. J Physiol, 274, 549-69.
- 78. Hillyard SA, Picton TW and Regan D (1978). Sensation, Perception and Attention: analysis Using Erps. New York: Academic, E Callaway, P Tueting and Sh Koslow (Eds), Event-Related Brain Potentials in Man, 223-321.
- 77. Regan D (1978). Assessment of Visual Acuity by Evoked Potential Recording: Ambiguity Caused by Temporal Dependence of Spatial Frequency Selectivity. Vision Research, 18, 439-45.
- 76. Regan D (1978). Investigations of Normal and Defective Colour Vision by Evoked Potential Recording. Mod Probl Ophthal, 19, 19-28.
- 75. Regan D and Beverley KI (1978). Illusory Motion in Depth: Aftereffect of Adaptation to Changing Size. Vision Research, 18, 209-12.
- 74. Regan D and Beverley KI (1978). Looming Detectors in the Human Visual Pathway. Vision Research, 18, 415-21.
- 73. Regan D and Milner BA (1978). Objective Perimetry by Evoked Potential Recording: Limitations. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 44, 393-7.
- 72. Regan D, Beverley KI and Cynader M (1978). Stereoscopic Depth Channels for Position and for Motion. New York: Springer, Sj Cool and El Smith (Eds), Frontiers in Visual Science, 351-72.
- 71. Arden GB, Bodis-Wollner I, Halliday AM, Jeffreys A, Kulikowski JJ, Spekreijse H and Regan D (1977). Methodology of Patterned Visual Stimulation. Oxford Univ Press, Visual Evoked Potentials in Man: New Developments (Je Desmedt (Ed.)), 3-15.
- 70. Galvin RJ, Heron JR and Regan D (1977). Sub Clinical Optic Neuropathy in Multiple Sclerosis. Arch Neurol, 34, 666-70.
- 69. Regan D (1977). Colour and Contrast. Amsterdam: North Holland, H Spekreijse and Lh Van Der Tweel (Eds), Spatial Contrast: Report of a Workshop. Publ for Netherl and S Royal Academy of Sciences, 75-9.
- 68. Regan D (1977). Evoked Potential Indications of the Processing of Pattern, Colour, and Depth Information. Oxford: Oxford Univ Press, Visual Evoked Potentials in Man: New Developments (Je Desmedt (Ed.)), 234-49.
- 67. Regan D (1977). Evoked Potentials in Basic and Clinical Research. Amsterdam: Elsevier, Eeg Informatics: a Didactic Review of Methods and Applications of Eeg Data Processing (A Rmond (Ed.)), 319-46.
- 66. Regan D (1977). Fourier analysis of Evoked Potentials: Some Methods Based on Fourier analysis. Oxford: Oxford Univ Press, Visual Evoked Potentials in Man: New Developments (Je Desmedt (Ed.)), 110-7.
- 65. Regan D (1977). New Methods for Neurological Assessment: Overview. Proc San Diego Biomed Symp, New York: Academic, Vol. 16, 55-62.
- 64. Regan D (1977). Rapid Methods for Refracting the Eye and for Assessing Visual Acuity in Amblyopia, Using Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials. Oxford: Oxford Univ Press, Visual Evoked Potentials in Man: New Developments (Je Desmedt (Ed.)), 418-26.
- 63. Regan D (1977). Speedy Assessment of Visual Acuity in Amblyopia by the Evoked Potential Method. Ophthalmologica, 175, 159-64.
- 62. Regan D (1977). Steady State Evoked Potentials. J Opt Soc Am, 67, 1475-89.
- 61. Regan D (1977). Visual Evoked Potentials and Visual Perception in Multiple Sclerosis. Proc San Diego Biomed Symp, New York: Academic, Vol. 16, 87-95.
- 60. Regan D and Spekreijse H (1977). Auditory-Visual Interactions and the Correspondence Between Perceived Auditory Space and Perceived Visual Space. Perception, 6, 133-8.
- 59. Regan D, Milner BA and Heron JR (1977). Slowing of Visual Signals in Multiple Sclerosis, Measured Psychophysically and by Steady-State Evoked Potentials. Oxford: Oxford Univ Press, Visual Evoked Potentials in Man: New Developments (Je Desmedt (Ed.)), 461-9.
- 58. Regan D, Murray TJ and Silver R (1977). Effect of Body Temperature on Visual Evoked Potential Delay and Visual Perception in Multiple Sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat, 40, 1083-91.
- 57. Regan D, Silver R and Murray TJ (1977). Visual Acuity and Contrast Sensitivity in Multiple Sclerosis: Hidden Visual Loss. Brain, 100, 563-79.
- 56. Galvin RJ, Regan D and Heron JR (1976). A Possible Means of Monitoring the Progress of Demyelination in Multiple Sclerosis: Effect of Body Temperature on Visual Perception of Double Light Flashes. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat, 39, 861-5.
- 55. Galvin RJ, Regan D and Heron JR (1976). Impaired Temporal Resolution of Vision After Acute Retrobulbar Neuritis. Brain, 99, 255-68.
- 54. Regan D (1976). Latencies of Evoked Potentials to Flicker and to Pattern Speedily Estimated by Simultaneous Stimulation Method. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 40, 654-60.
- 53. Regan D, Milner BA and Heron JR (1976). Delayed Visual Perception and Delayed Visual Evoked Potentials in the Spinal Form of Multiple Sclerosis and in Retrobulbar Neuritis. Brain, 99, 43-66.
- 52. Regan D, Varney P, Purdy J and Kraty N (1976). Visual Field analyzer: Assessment of Delay and Temporal Resolution of Vision. Med Biol Engng, 14, 8-14.
- 51. Beverley KI and Regan D (1975). The Relation Between Discrimination and Sensitivity in the Perception of Motion in Depth. J Physiol, 249, 387-98.
- 50. Heron JR, Milner BA and Regan D (1975). Measurement of Acuity Variations Within the Central Visual Field Caused by Neurological Lesions. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat, 38, 356-62.
- 49. Regan D (1975). Colour Coding of Pattern Responses in Man Ininvestigated by Evoked Potential Feedback and Direct Plot Techniques. Vision Research, 15, 175-83.
- 48. Regan D (1975). Recent Advances in Electrical Recording From the Human Brain. Nature, 253, 401-7.
- 47. Regan D, Schellart NAM, Spekreijse H and Van Den Berg TJTP (1975). Photometry in Goldfish by Electrophysiological Recording: Comparison of Criterion Response Method with Heterochromatic Flicker Photometry. Vision Research, 15, 799-807.
- 46. Beverley KI and Regan D (1974). Temporal Integration of Disparity Information in Stereoscopic Perception. Exp Brain Res, 19, 228-32.
- 45. Beverley KI and Regan D (1974). Visual Sensitivity to Disparity Pulses: Evidence for Directional Selectivity. Vision Research, 14, 357-61.
- 44. Cartwright RF and Regan D (1974). Semi-Automatic, Multi-Channel Fourier analyzer for Evoked Potential analysis. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 36, 547-50.
- 43. Heron JR, Regan D and Milner BA (1974). Delay in Visual Perception in Unilateral Optic Atrophy After Retrobulbar Neurities. Brain, 97, 755-72.
- 42. Milner BA, Regan D and Heron JR (1974). Differential Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis by Visual Evoked Potential Recording. Brain, 97, 755-72.
- 41. Regan D (1974). Electrophysiological Evidence for Colour Channels in Human Pattern Vision. Nature, 250, 437-49.
- 40. Regan D (1974). Visually Evoked Potential Methods with Clinical Application. Proc 11th Iscerg Symp, Bad Neuheim (1973). Docum Ophthal Proc Series, 4, 285-301.
- 39. Regan D and Spekreijse H (1974). Evoked Potential Indications of Colour Blindness. Vision Research, 14, 89-95.
- 38. Beverley KI and Regan D (1973). Evidence for the Existence of Neural Mechanisms Selectively Sensitive to the Direction of Movement in Space. J Physiol, 235, 17-29.
- 37. Beverley KI and Regan D (1973). Selective Adaptation in Stereoscopic Depth Perception. J Physiol, 232, 40-41.
- 36. Regan D (1973). An Evoked Potential Correlate of Colour: Evoked Potential Findings and Single-Cell Speculations. Vision Research, 13, 1933-41.
- 35. Regan D (1973). Evoked Potentials Specific to Spatial Patterns of Luminance and Colour. Vision Research, 13, 2381-2402.
- 34. Regan D (1973). Parallel and Sequential Processing of Visual Information in Man: Investigation by Evoked Potential Recording. New York: Academic, Photophysiology, Vol 8, 185-208.
- 33. Regan D (1973). Rapid Objective Refraction Using Evoked Brain Potentials. Invest Ophthalmol, 12, 669-79.
- 32. Regan D and Beverley KI (1973). Disparity Detectors in Human Depth Perception: Evidence for Directional Selectivity. Science, 18, 877-9.
- 31. Regan D and Beverley KI (1973). Electrophysiological Evidence for the Existence of Neurones Sensitive to the Direction of Depth Movement. Nature, 246, 504-6.
- 30. Regan D and Beverley KI (1973). Relation Between the Magnitude of Flicker Sensation and Evoked Potential Amplitude in Man. Perception, 2, 61-5.
- 29. Regan D and Beverley KI (1973). Some Dynamic Features of Depth Perception. Vision Research, 13, 2369-79.
- 28. Regan D and Beverley KI (1973). The Dissociation of Sideways Movements From Movements in Depth: Psychophysics. Vision Research, 13, 2403-15.
- 27. Regan D and Richards W (1973). Brightness Contrast and Evoked Potentials. J Opt Soc Am, 63, 606-11.
- 26. Richards W and Regan D (1973). A Stereo Field Map with Implications for Disparity Processing. Invest Ophthalmol, 12, 904-9.
- 25. Milner BA, Regan D and Heron JR (1972). Theoretical Models of the Generation of Steady-State Evoked Potentials, their Relation to Neuroanatomy and their Relevance to Certain Clinical Problems. Adv Med Biol, 24, 157-69.
- 24. Regan D (1972). Cortical Evoked Potentials. Adv Behav Biol, 5, 177-92.
- 23. Regan D (1972). Evoked Potentials in Psychology, Sensory Physiology and Clinical Medicine. London: Chapman and Hall; New York: Wiley, Reprinted 1975, 328 pp.
- 22. Regan D (1972). Evoked Potentials to Changes in the Chromatic Contrast and Luminance Contrast of Checkerboard Stimulus Patterns. New York: Plenum, The Visual System (Gb Arden (Ed.)), 171-87.
- 21. Spekreijse H, Van Der Tweel LH and Regan D (1972). Terocular Sustained Suppression: Correlations with Evoked Potential Amplitude and Distribution. Vision Res, 12, 521-6.
- 20. Regan D and Richards W (1971). Dependence of Evoked Potentials and Apparent Size. Vision Research, 11, 679-84.
- 19. Regan D and Sperling HG (1971). A Method of Evoking Contour-Specific Scalp Potentials by Chromatic Checkerboard Patterns. Vision Research, 11, 173-6.
- 18. Regan D and Tyler CW (1971). Some Dynamic Features of Colour Vision. Vision Research, 11, 1307-24.
- 17. Regan D and Tyler CW (1971). Temporal Summation and Its Limit for Wavelength Changes: an analog of Bloch's Law for Color Vision. J Opt Soc Am, 61, 1414-21.
- 16. Regan D and Tyler CW (1971). Wavelength-Modulated Light Generator. Vision Research, 11, 43-56.
- 15. Regan D (1970). Evoked Potentials and Psychophysical Correlates of Changes in Stimulus Colour and Intensity. Vision Research, 10, 163-78.
- 14. Regan D (1970). Objective Method of Measuring the Relative Spectral Luminosity Curve in Man. J Opt Soc Am, 60, 856-9.
- 13. Regan D and Cartwright RF (1970). A Method of Measuring the Potentials Evoked by Simultaneous Stimulation of Different Retinal Regions. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 28, 314-9.
- 12. Regan D and Heron JE (1970). Simultaneous Recording of Visual Evoked Potentials From the Left and Right Hemispheres in Migraine. . London: Heinemann, Background to Migraine (Al Cochrane (Ed.)), 66-77.
- 11. Regan D and Spekreijse H (1970). Electrophysiological Correlate of Binocular Depth Perception in Man. Nature, 255, 92-4.
- 10. Regan D (1969). Chapters 3 and 4. Evoked Potentials and Psychophysics. Neurosci Res (Dm Mackay (Ed.)), 7, N3,
- 9. Regan D (1969). Evoked Potentials and Colour Vision. Univ of Istanbul, 7th Iscerg Symp, Istanbul, 37-50.
- 8. Regan D and Heron JR (1969). Clinical Investigation of Lesions of the Visual Pathway: a New Objective Technique. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat, 32, 479-83.
- 7. Van Der Tweel LH, Regan D and Spekreijse H (1969). Some Aspects of Potentials Evoked by Changes in Spatial Brightness Contrast. Univ of Istanbul, 7th Iscerg Symp, Istanbul, 1-11.
- 6. Regan D (1968). A High Frequency Mechanism Which Underlies Visual Evoked Potentials. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 25, 231-7.
- 5. Regan D (1968). Chromatic Adaptation and Steady-State Evoked Potentials. Vision Research, 8, 149-58.
- 4. Regan D (1968). Evoked Potentials and Sensation. Percept Psychophys, 4, 347-50.
- 3. Regan D (1966). An Apparatus for the Correlation of Evoked Potentials and Repetitive Stimuli. Med Biol Engng, 4, 168-77.
- 2. Regan D (1966). An Effect of Stimulus Colour on Average Steady-State Potentials Evoked in Man. Nature, 210, 1056-7.
- 1. Regan D (1966). Some Characteristics of Average Steady-State and Transient Responses Evoked by Modulated Light. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 20, 238-48.