Detlev Zwick, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Marketing

Department of Marketing

324N Schulich School of Business

York University

Tel.: 416-736-2100-77199

Email: dzwick at schulich dot yorku dot ca


Latest »


Read my essay on Creative destruction, innovation and the ossification of capitalism in the Journal of Marketing Management.

Read my essay (with Vassilis Charitis and Alan Bradshaw) about the role and effect of Personal Data Markets in contemporary Capitalism, in TripleC.

Read my essay (with Michal Carrington and Ben Neville) on the role of activist marketers for CSR in the Journal of Business Ethics.

Read my essay (with A. Bradshaw) on Biopolitical Marketing in Theory, Culture & Society.

Read my essay on surveillance, big data, and prosumer capitalism in The Sociological Quarterly.

Read my essay (with A. Bradshaw) on Responsible Business as ideology in the Journal of Business Ethics.

See my essay (with Janice Denegri Knott) in the American Behavioral Scientist on "ebay and prosumption"

Read my (with Jason Pridmore) Special Issue in the journal Surveillance & Society on Marketing, Consumption and Surveillance. To see the essays click here...

To go straight to my essay click here...



Inside Marketing (with Julien Cayla), Oxford UP, is out!! [more here...]



Manufacturing Customers with Databases [here...]


Value Production through Customer Co-Creation [here...]


Marketing and the 'Infotransformation' of Markets [here...]



I am interested in strategic innovation of new marketing forms. In class, students are exposed to a wide range of material including case studies, scholarly texts, films, commercials, and theories of business and technology to develop a holistic and contextual understanding of marketing strategy in a world increasingly characterized by globally networked markets, marketing automation, datafication and transnational flows of information and innovation. Such an interdisciplinary teaching approach provides a unique opportunity for marketing students to acquire the tools and concepts necessary to navigate the ever-shifting terrain of competitive global capitalism.

In my current research I explore new marketing practices in the context of surveillance, datafication and algorithmic capitalism. I am particularly interested in the cultural and technological innovations through which  marketers hope to mobilize and valorize consumption in an ever-expanding range of everyday spaces cluttered with marketing messages.

Zwick & Cayla: Inside Marketing: Practices, Ideologies, Devices (Oxford)

Media »

Detlev Zwick talks to host of CBC's Cross-Country Checkup, Dunkin McCue, about the apparent demise of traditional brick-and-mortar retailers.

Detlev Zwick discusses launch of latest Blackberry phone.


Detlev Zwick on the Scott Thompson Show discussing the effect on the brand and franchisee relations of the Tim Horton law suit.


Detlev Zwick comments on how social media helps find talent for companies...



Detlev Zwick comments on Walmart implementing shipping fees for orders under $50....




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