Detlev Zwick, Ph.D.


Department of Marketing

Schulich School of Business

York University, Toronto, Canada

Email: dzwick at schulich dot yorku dot ca

324 Schulich School of Business

Tel.: 416-736-2100-77199

Fax: 416-736-5687



The Culture of Marketing
Marketing as Co-Creation
Consumption, Culture, and Space
Qualitative Research Methods


Interactive Marketing, e-Commerce Strategy
Sustainability and Marketing
High-Technology Strategy
Tourism, Leisure, and Sport Marketing











Associate Professor of Marketing, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada.





Assistant Professor of Marketing, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada.



Fall 2001-Spring 2002


Visiting Professor American University, Washington, DC










Books »

Zwick, Detlev and Julien Cayla (eds.) (2011). Inside Marketing: Practices, Ideologies, Devices. Oxford University Press.

Special Projects »

Special Issue Editor of:

Special Issue of Marketing Theory (with Bernard Cova and Daniele Dalli) entitled “Critical Perspectives on Consumers' Role as "Producers": Broadening the Debate on Value Co-Creation in Marketing Processes”. Publication April Issue, 2011.

Special Issue of Society & Surveillance (with Jason Pridmore, Infonomics and New Media Department, Zuyd University, Netherlands) entitled “Surveillance, Marketing and Consumption” (Volume 8, Issue 2). Publication Spring Issue, 2011.

Refereed Journal Articles »

Zwick, Detlev, and Alan Bradshaw (2016) "Biopolitical Marketing and Social Media Brand Communities." Theory, Culture & Society, 33(5), 91-115.

Zwick, Detlev (2015) "Defending the Right Lines of Division: Ritzer's Prosumer Capitalism in the Age of Commercial Customer Surveillance and Big Data." The Sociological Quarterly 56(3):484-98.

Bradshaw, A. and Zwick, D. (2015) ‘The Field of Business Sustainability and the Death Drive: A Radical Intervention. Journal of Business Ethics.

Shultz II, C. J., Peterson, M., Zwick, D. and Atik, D. (2014). My Iranian Road Trip – Comments and Reflections on Videographic Interpretations of Iran’s Political Economy and Marketing System. Journal of Macromarketing, 34(1), 87-94.

Zwick, D (2013). Utopias of the Ethical Economy. Ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 13(2), pp. 393-405. 

Zwick, D. and Denegri-Knott, J. (2012). 'Tracking Prosumption Work on eBay: Reproduction of Desire and the Challenge of Slow Re-McDonaldization', American Behavioral Scientist, 56(4), 439-458.

Pridmore, J., & Zwick, D. (2011). 'Marketing and the Rise of Commercial Consumer Surveillance', Surveillance & Society, 8(3), 269-277.

Cova, B., Dalli, D. & Zwick, D. (2011). 'Critical perspectives on consumers’ role as ‘producers’: Broadening the debate on value co-creation in marketing processes', Marketing Theory, 11(3), 231-241.

Zwick, D. and J. Denegri-Knott (2009). "Manufacturing Customers: The Database as New Means of Production." Journal of Consumer Culture. 9(2): 221-247.

Zwick, D and N. Dholakia (2008), ‘Infotransformation of Markets: Introduction to the Special Issue on Marketing and Information Technology’, Journal of Macromarketing, 28(4), 318-325.

Zwick, D., Bonsu, S. K. and Darmody, A. (2008) 'Putting Consumers to Work: ‘Co-Creation’ and New Marketing Govern-mentality', Journal of Consumer Culture, 8(2): 163-196.

Zwick, D., Denegri-Knott, J. and Schroeder, J. E. (2007), ‘Stock Trading as Political Activism? The Social Pedagogy of Wall Street’, Journal of Consumer Policy, 30 (3): 177-199.

Bonsu, S. K., and Zwick, D. (2007). ‚Exploring consumer ethics in Ghana, West Africa’, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31(6), 648-655.

Denegri-Knott, J., Zwick, D. and Schroeder, J. E. (2006) 'Mapping Consumer Power: An Integrative Framework for Marketing and Consumer Research', European Journal of Marketing, 40(9-10): 950-971.

Zwick, D. and Chelariu, C. (2006) 'Mobilizing the Hijab: Islamic Identity Negotiation in the Context of a Matchmaking Website', Journal of Consumer Behavior 5(4): 380-395.

Zwick, D. and Dholakia, N. (2006). “The Epistemic Consumption Object and Postsocial Consumption: Expanding Consumer-Object Theory in Consumer Research.” Culture, Markets, and Consumption, 9(1), 17-43.

Zwick, D. and Dholakia, N. (2006). “Bringing the Market to Life: Screen Aesthetics and the Epistemic Consumption Object.” Marketing Theory, 6 (1), 41-62.

Zwick, D. (2005). “Where the Action is: Internet Stock Trading as Edgework.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(1). [accessible at:]

Zwick, D. and Dholakia, N. (2004). “Whose Identity is it Anyway? Consumer Representation in the Age of Database Marketing. Journal of Macromarketing, 24(1), 31-43.

Zwick, D. and Dholakia, N. (2004). “Consumer subjectivity in the Age of Internet: the radical concept of marketing control through customer relationship management.” Information and Organization, 14, p. 211-236.

Dholakia, N. and Zwick, D. (2004). "Cultural Contradictions of the Anytime, Anywhere Economy: Reframing Communication Technology." Telematics and Informatics, 21 (2),123-141.

Schroeder, J. and Zwick, D. (2004). “Mirrors of Masculinity: Representation and Identity in Advertising Images.” Consumption, Markets, and Culture, 7(1), 21-51.

Zwick, D. and Dholakia, N. (2001). “Contrasting European and American Approaches to Privacy in Electronic Markets: Property Right versus Civil Right.” Electronic Markets, 11, (4):116-120. (

Dholakia, N. & Zwick, D. (2001). “Privacy and Consumer Agency in the Information Age: Between Prying Profilers and Preening Webcams.” Journal of Research for Consumers, 1(1). (

Irwin, R.L., Zwick, D., Sutton, W. (1999). “Measurement of Excellence of American Professional Sport Franchises.” European Journal of Marketing, 33 (4), 314-327. (Reprinted in Journal of Consumer Marketing (1999), 16 (6); 603-615).

Chapters in Books »

Zwick, Detlev, and Alan Bradshaw (2014). "Capital’s new commons: consumer communities, marketing and the work of the audience in communicative capitalism." Pp. 157-72 in The Audience Commodity in a Digital Age, edited by Lee McGuigan and Vince Manzarolle. New York: Peter Lang.

Pridmore, J. and Zwick, D. (2012). ‘The Rise of the Customer Database: From Commercial Surveillance to Customer Production’, in Belk, R. and Llamas, R. (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption (pp. 102-112). London: Routledge

Zwick, D. and Schroeder, J. (2012). 'Stock trading in the digital age: Speed, agency, and the entrepreneurial consumer’, in Belk, R. and Llamas, R. (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption (pp. 208-222). London: Routledge

Zwick, D. (2012). ‘Online Investing as Digital Virtual Consumption: Individualism, the Screen and the Production of the Neoliberal Self’, in Denegri-Knott, J. and Molesworth, M. (eds.), Digital Virtual Consumption. London: Routledge.

Zwick, D. and Dholakia, N. (2011). ‘Strategic Database Marketing: Customer Profiling as New Product Development’, in Penaloza, L. Toulouse, N., and Visconti, L. (eds.) Cultural Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective. London: Routledge.

Dholakia, N., Zwick, D. and Denegri-Knott, J. (2009). ‘Technology, Consumers, and Marketing Theory’, in Maclaran, P., Saren, M., Stern, B., and Tadajewski, M. (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Marketing Theory (pp. 494-512). London: Sage.

Zwick, D., Schroeder, J. and Denegri-Knott, J. (2008) 'Unintended Politics of Investing: The Social Pedagogy of Wall Street', in D. Lilleker and R. Scullion (eds.) Voters or Consumers: Imagining the contemporary electorate, pp. 12-34. Newcastle, UK.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Dholakia, N., Zwick, D., and Pandya, A. (2005). “Dataveillance and Panoptic Marketspaces.” In Laura C. Rivero, Jorge H. Doorn, & Viviana E. Ferraggine (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications. Hershey, PA: Idea Book Publishing.

Zwick, D. and Dieterle, O. (2005). “The E-Business of Global Sport Sponsorship.” In John Amis & T. Bettina Cornwell (Eds.), Global Sport Sponsorship: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Oxford: Berg.

Andrews, D.L., Pitter, R., & Zwick, D. (2003). “Soccer, race, and suburban space.” In Wilcox, R., Andrews, D. L., & Pitter, R. (Eds.). Sporting dystopias: The making and meaning of urban sport cultures (pp. 197-220). Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.

Zwick, D. (2001). Reflections on Postmodern Ethnography: Textuality, Representation, and the Subject. In C. Hallinan & J. Hughson (Eds.), Sporting Tales: Ethnographic Fieldwork Experience (pp. 45-58). North Sydney: Australian Society for Sports History Incorporated.

Zwick, D., & Andrews, D.L.   (1999).   “The Suburban Soccer Field: The Culture of Privilege in Contemporary America.” In G. Armstrong & R.Giulianotti (Eds.).  Football in the Making: Developments in the World Game (pp. 211-222),  London: Macmillan.

Andrews, D.L., Pitter, R., Zwick, D., & Ambrose, D. (1998). “Soccer’s Racial Frontier: Sport and the Segregated Suburbanization of Contemporary America.”  In G. Armstrong, & R. Giulianotti (eds.). Entering the Field: Explorations in Anthropology (pp. 261-283), Oxford: Berg.


Recent Conferences »

Zwick, D. and Bradshaw, A. (2016) Big Data and Biopolitical Marketing: Contradictions of Surveillance Capitalism. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Macromarketing Society,  Dublin, 12-15 July, 2016.

Kosuke, M & Zwick, D. “Why are they paying for emoticons?”. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Macromarketing Society, Loyola University, Chicago, June 25-29, 2015. 

Zwick, D. & Selimovic, A. “Neoliberal Marketing is Ludo-marketing: Gamification as biopolitical extraction.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Macromarketing Society, Royal Holloway, July 3-7, 2014.

Keynote speaker at The Costs of Culture workshop. Organised by the Centre for Culture,Organisation and Values and sponsored by the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS). University of Leicester, School of Management, 14 - 15 May 2014.














Independent online marketing and media strategy consulting for small and medium-sized businesses.





Consultant with the Research Institute for Telecommunications and Information Marketing, University of Rhode Island. Clients included large European and American companies and government institutions.





Market Research Consultant, Bureau of Sport and Leisure Commerce, University of Memphis. Clients included more than a dozen professional sport franchises, FedEx, the NBA and others. 





Co-founder and CEO of national amateur tennis tournament series in Germany. Attracted more than 5000 players and delivered an audience in excess of 100.000. 3-tiered sponsorship program included 5 national sponsors for the series and many local sponsors for each event.















BSUS 6300 Sustainable Management Practices

MGMT 5150 Leadership Skills

MKTG 6525 Interactive and High-Tech Marketing





MKTG 4560 Interactive and High-Tech Marketing

MKTG 4320 Sport, Leisure, and Tourism Marketing





Web 2.0 Communication Strategy













Ph.D (1997-2001)


Marketing, Minor in Cultural Studies


University of Rhode Island, Dissertation Supervisor: Nikhilesh Dholakia

M.S. (1995-1997)


Physical Cultural Studies


University of Memphis, Thesis supervisor: David Andrews

M.A. (1995)


Culture, Sport, and Society Program


Joint Program, Universiy of Cologne/Université de Montpellier (France)









Ad Hoc Reviewer








Editorial Board Member


Anthropological Quarterly

New Media & Society

European Journal of Cultural Studies

Journal of Consumer Culture

Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of Macromarketing

Journal of Marketing and Public Policy
Culture, Markets, and Consumption


Journal of Macromarketing

Marketing Theory





2014   Invited Key Note Speaker: "Cost of Culture", Centre for Culture, Organisation and Values, Leicester University.    
2014   Invited Faculty, "Politics of Consumption" Seminar, Royal Holloway, London.    
2012   Invited Talk: "Marketing and Customer Communities", Rochester Institute of Technology.    
2011   Invited Talk, Inside Marketing: Individualization, Valorization, Consumption as Enterprise, Royal Holloway, University of London.    


  SSHRC Workshop Grant ($21,000)    
2004   York University Junior Faculty Fund ($2000)    
2000     Winner of the Marketing Science Institute Alden G. Clayton Award for Doctoral Dissertation Proposals ($5000).    
2000-2001   University of Rhode Island Dissertation Fellowship Award for Most Outstanding Proposal ($10,000).    
2000   University of Aalborg, Denmark, Researcher in Residence with the Computer Science Department ($5000).    



AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow for the University of Rhode Island.