Black Accents

Welcome to the site for the Accents of the African Diaspora Panel from the VASTA 2016 Conference in Chicago, IL, USA. Here you’ll find resources from the panelists for the 3 accents we covered. All resources are copyright their prospective creators, unless otherwise indicated.

[Please note that this site is still being built, and we'll have more material soon. Please check back with us!]

African American English — Philip Thompson & Margaret Kemp

African-American English Guide (pdf with sound)
African-American English Prosody (pdf)

Multi-cultural London English — Marina Tyndall

Jamaican Creole (Patwa) & Jamaican Standard English — Eric Armstrong & Alicia Richardson

Jamaican Accent Features—sound changes (pdf)
Slides from presentation (pdf)
Slides with notes (pdf)
YouTube channel of Jamaican samples
Jim Johnson's Accent Help resources
Paul Meier's Jamaican Dialect resources (coming soon!)