

Selected Papers from

Negotiating the Liminal:
Moving Between and Beyond Boundaries, Barriers and Borderlands

Annual Graduate Student Conference
hosted by the students in the Joint Programme in
Communication and Culture, York and Ryerson Universities

Table of Contents

A Necessary Violence:
Deconstructing Ann Hamilton's Tropos

Susan Brandoli
UBC Okanagan, MFA

Father of the Bottom:
Towards a Critique of Same-Sex Marriage

Marcos Moldes
York University, Communication and Culture

Morphing Bodies and Mechanicial Eyes:
A Reassessment of the Photographic Iconography of the Salpêtrière

Emily Pelstring
Concordia, Film Studies

Silence, The Affect Phrase, The Wait

Josh Schwebel

A Walk About the City:
Stalker, The Transurbance and the City Map

Danielle Wiley
Carleton University, Cultural Mediations

Thanks to:

Communication and Culture Graduate Student's Association, Ryerson Students' Union, Graduate Executive Committee, York University's Graduate Students' Association, Dr. Daniel Doz, Department of Communication and Design at Ryerson, York University's Faculty of Graduate Studies, Ryerson University 's School of Graduate Studies, Ryerson's PFACS, and to those who edited these articles: Alison Harvey, Jordana Lobo-Pires, Sanja Obradovic,Andrea Benoit, Trevor Cunningham, Heather Maguire, and Kelly Bronson

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