Table of Contents
Cultivated Tragedy: Art, Aesthetics and Terrorism in Don DeLillo’s Falling Man
Jennifer Bartlett
McGill University
Aesthetic Freedom in Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals and The Critique of the Power of Judgment
Thomas Cook
University at Albany
Human Rights and the 18th Century Mind: or, Conjectural Savages, Fictional Humans and the Performance of Rights
Joel P. Sodano Jr.
University at Albany
The Right Thing or a Human Right: Rights, LIberties and Healthcare Reform
April Pierce and Lisa Backman
New York University and Oxford University
Where have all the Revolutionaries Gone? Human Rights and the Reinvention of Revolution in Rebiya Kadeer's Dragon Fighter
Katharine Lu
New York University
The Neglect of the Author in New Historicism
Patricia Ana Marquez
CUNY Brooklyn College
"We are the World": The Flight from Impotence in the Society of the Spectacle
Matt McGregor
University at Albany
The Illusion of Corporate Social Responsibility: Coca Cola and Corporate Citizenship
Jackie Hayes
University at Albany
Poster artist: Zachary Martin, "Untitled," 2009