Selected Papers from
Intersections 2010: Encounters.
Situating "Relation" in Communication and Culture
9th Annual Graduate Student Conference
Hosted by the students in the Joint Program in
Communication and Culture, York and Ryerson Universities
Table of Contents
Beyond Stasis: The Medium of Moving Bodies in the Work of Choreographer Ginette Laurin
Niomi Anna Cherney
Concordia University
Incorporeal Encounters and Affective Relationality in Krzysztof Kieslowski’s The Double Life of Véronique
Justin Derry
York University
Media of Autonomy: Community Radios of Dakar
Jeanne Dorelli
Concordia University
The Cyborg Affect: Encountering Via Switch
Barbara Fornssler
European Graduate School
Encountering the “Ecopolis”: Foucault’s Epimeleia Heautou and Environmental Relations
Petra Hroch
University of Alberta
An Encounter with the Dead and a Fantasy of Communication: Intersubjectivity of Elegiac Poetry
Toshiaki Komura
University of Michigan
Canadian Identity and Canada’s Indian Residential School Apology
Jason Stabler
University of Victoria
Renegotiations of Canadian Space in Contemporary CBC Audio Distribution Models
Miles Weafer
York and Ryerson Universities
Edited by Paul Couillard and Sara Martel
With thanks to:
TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies
Communication and Culture Joint Graduate program
Communication and Culture Graduate Student Association
York University's Graduate Students' Association
Ryerson University's School of Graduate Studies
Department of Communication and Design at Ryerson Universityand all the reviewers