WHO: For those health care professionals who work in field situations with athletes. All scenarios are focused on sports medicine situations to prepare first responders to deal with emergencies commonly experienced in sport. This is an advanced level sport injury management course.

WHAT: The 4 day course includes the following:
Assessing, triage, and securing an emergency scene, oral airways, breathing devices (bag-valve-mask), suctioning, oxygen administration, airway management, concussions, baseline vitals (BP, pulse, resp), all levels of CPR, primary survey, enhanced secondary survey, musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries, traction splints, spine boards, cervical collars, sport equipment removal, splinting, transportation skills, female and male injuries, emergency child birth, related health concerns (i.e., diabetes, hypothermia, hyperthermia). There is a written test at the conclusion of this course. This is an advanced level course and basic first aid/cpr skills are necessary to take the course. All scenarios are related to sport injury and field/clinical injury management.
Re-certification course - This one day course is required every three years, but can be done after two years. Both practical skills and a written examination are included. There is a course fee and expenses.  Please email for details.

REQUIRED: Minimum Standard First Aid and Basic Rescuer CPR and sport related experience

Canadian Red Cross First Responder and Automated External Defibrillation Instructor
Certified Athletic Therapist
Certified Athletic Trainer

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: Limited to allow for extensive hands-on experience (maximum 16 for one instructor, minimum 8)

COST: There is a course fee and coverage of travel, accommodation and food for the instructor(s).  Please email for details.
Cost includes all Canadian Red Cross First Responder material - text, wallet card and crest, supplemental course material, all instruction.

For courses at York University, please register via the website:

For international courses, please contact Dr. Flint

CONTACT: Dr. Frances Flint (416) 736-2100 ext 77321 or
York University
Athletic Therapy Certificate Program
4700 Keele Street
North York, Ontario
Canada M3J 1P3
(416) 736-5996 (fax)
York University Athletic Therapy website: