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Judges Timeline -- Supreme Court of Canada
About the timeline:
- The timeline ends at the date of its creation, December 31 2006.
- There are two timescales in this timeline: the lower one presents more time in the viewport and the upper one presents less time but more detail. The time period presented in the upper timescale is always the same as that represented in the white portion of the lower timescale, which always remains centred in the viewport.
- Red bars (on either timescale) indicate the length of a judge's tenure. (Some tenures were too short to accomodate the judges' names, which then follow the red bar.)
- Click and drag either of the timescales to move the timeline.
- Double-click in any clear space to jump the timeline to that date.
- Click on any red timeline bar (or judge's name) to see more precise information on that judge's tenure.
SCC Website.
This timeline was researched and built by Julian Ho, a Junior Editor of The Court.
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