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Welcome to the Graduate Program in Theatre, Dance, & Performance Studies

Master of Arts (MA), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The MA/PhD Program in Theatre, Dance, & Performance Studies at York University emphasizes our collective interest in theatre, dance, performance, & cultural politics.

For us, this means teaching classes that explore performance both onstage and in everyday life in order to highlight the cultural, political, material, and ideological dimensions of performance practices, past and present. Studying performances across a broad range of cultural contexts--in theatres, dance studios, galleries, rituals, the media, the streets, the political arena, mass spectacles, interpersonal interactions, etc.--helps to capture performance's potential to frame critically nuanced responses to public events, and thus to model politically and ethically engaged forms of public life.



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Note for International Applicants: There are currently no funded positions. Should you still wish to apply, you will be considered for a non-funded position during the duration of the program.

Theatre, Dance, & Performance Studies at a Glance




Cultural Politics

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Rajat Nayyar was inspired by his grandmother’s teachings, to explore women’s vocal traditions in rural India for his doctoral research. Situated at the intersection of performance studies and audiovisual anthropology, his project reveals how women use their voices as a form of activism and resistance.

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The Graduate Program in Theatre, Dance, & Performance Studies at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.