I just stumbled upon this site and thought of this class.

Its a video/test that takes less than a half a minute…and, I think, humorously exemplifies some of the theories we’ve been discussing…



2 Responses to “”

  1. Sharanpal Ruprai Says:

    Ananya you are sooooo right - I am not sure if people have seen Elias Suleiman, Divine Intervention but watch the clip watch then the first five mins of the film - very funny and disturbing. And really it makes you watch the each scene of the film with an intensity that relates back to Michael Haneke’s Cache but with more absurdity.

  2. Sharlene Bamboat Says:

    Wow! That is nuts…

    This is similar to what Tori brought up last week- Zizek discussing the background in the film Children of Men, and also simialr to Sharanpal’s examples. I’ve posted the youtube link of Zizek discussing the film:


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