Department of Philosophy, Atkinson
AS PHIL 2130 3.0 W
Winter 2009
Introduction to Philosophy of Art & Literature
Course Schedule
Course Requirements:
**Students are expected to
attend class regularly & to prepare all the reading assignments.**
• Small group discussion
work = 15%
• mid-term
test (Monday, April 13th) = 20%
• short
essay (5-6 pages) (Due: Monday, May 4th) = 25%
• final
exam (scheduled during the exam period) = 40%
Short Essay:
The essay must be written on
the assigned topic(s) only. It must conform to the specified length
restrictions: materials in excess of the specified length will not be read or
graded. Late essays will be penalized 5% per day they are late. There will be no exceptions.
Mid-term Test:
This will be a 60 min. test
which will consist of one or two short answer questions.
Final Exam:
This will be a comprehensive
exam -- covering all of the course. It will be a combination short answer
questions and essay questions.
Small Group Discussion Work:
Students will be divided into small groups of
five students for discussion purposes & should expect that any class may
require them to break into small groups to work on discussion questions. On 4 occasions, as indicated on the course
schedule, write-ups of 3 of
these discussion questions must be handed in, each will be worth
These write-ups are NOT to exceed 4 pages in
length, type-written and double-spaced. Each
is due one week after the group
discussion exercise unless otherwise indicated on the course schedule. The last day to hand in these discussion
write-ups will be the last day of classes, Wednesday, May 20th.
Thomas E. Wartenberg, The Nature
of Art, Second Edition. (
Course kit available from
York University Bookstore
** Copies of these texts
have been ordered through the York University Bookstore and are available on
reserve in the York Library.