International Journal of Sociology of the Family

Volume 27, Number 2 (Autumn 1997)

Work Related Self Care of Young Australian Children
David De Vaus & Christine Millward [Int. J. Sociol. Fam. 27(2), 1997: 1-16]

Financial Management Practices and Attitudes of Chinese Urban Families Amidst a Changing Economy
Sheran Cramer & Zhi Zhou [Int. J. Sociol. Fam. 27(2), 1997: 17-32]

Environmental Contexts, Proximal Family Settings and South African Students' Self Concepts
Kevin Marjoribanks & Mzobanzi M.mboya [Int. J. Sociol. Fam. 27(2), 1997: 33-42]

Arranged, "Semi-Arranged", and "Love" Marriage Among South Asian Immigrant in the Diaspora and Their Non-Migrant Sisters in India and Fiji: A Comparative Study
Helen Ralson [Int. J. Sociol. Fam. 27(2), 1997: 43-68]

An Analysis of Parental Attitudes Toward Child Care Arrangements in Urban Chinese Families
Funming Zheng & William H. Meredith [Int. J. Sociol. Fam. 27(2), 1997: 69-78]

Women's Perceptions of Work, Family, and Society: A Comparative Analysis of Israelis and Soviet Immigrants
Liat Kulik [Int. J. Sociol. Fam. 27(2), 1997: 79-94]

Gender Role Expectations and Personal Advertisements: A Race Specific Analysis of Female Profilers
Steven Stack [Int. J. Sociol. Fam. 27(2), 1997: 95-106]

Early Child-Bearing Impacts on High School Graduation Rates of Low Income Single Mothers
Howard Gensler [Int. J. Sociol. Fam. 27(2), 1997: 107-113]

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