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Include with your submission:
1. The submission fee of $25 US funds payable to IRMS/IJSF.
2. Full contact information including mailing address, phone number, FAX, and e-mail address. Receipt of materials will be acknowledged by e-mail. If you do not have an e-mail address, please include a self- addressed, stamped postcard so that the Editorial Office can acknowledge receipt of your materials.
3. A brief biography of all authors including degrees, current affiliation and contact information.
4. An abstract summarizing the article that includes your e-mail address.
5. The manuscript prepared according to instructions for "Preparation of Copy" below. If you are submitting by mail send three hard copies of the manuscript and a 3.5" High Density floppy disk containing your manuscript as Word or Wordperfect file. Please label your disk clearly with the author(s) and title of the paper. We encourage electronic submission. If you are submitting electronically, please send items 3-5 as a Word or Wordperfect file attached to your e-mail and the submission fee by surface mail. The review process will commence once the submission fee is received.
Preparation of Manuscript:
For both electronic and hard copy submission follow the directions below. Manuscripts will not be reviewed until they comply with these requirements.
1. Manuscripts are normally 15 to 20 double spaced pages, 5000 words, including references. Slightly longer manuscripts may be reviewed but the journals reserve the right to ask authors to shorten articles prior to publication. Use clear black ink, only one side of 8.5"x 11" or A4 paper, 1 inch margins on all sides, non justified text on the right side, type size 12-14 points, and a simple typeface such as courier, enchanted, or times roman. Authors' names should appear only on the title page.
2. Use inclusive language.
3. Citing in text with a list of references with a separate heading at the end of the article is preferred. Footnotes should be avoided if possible and used only for substantive comments not included in the main text.
4. References should appear in a separate section titled "REFERENCES" at the end of the text and must be in American Psychological Association style (4th ed.). Please see a recent issue of the Journals or click here for a model.
5. Tables and figures should be camera ready, kept to a minimum, described in the text, and provided after the references with each on a separate page, numbered and referred to accordingly in text.
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