Digital literacies help us understand how communication happens in digital spaces. They help us appreciate the social, cultural and technological contexts for how people learn, share, inform, connect, engage with, dismiss and influence each other. Digital literacies allow us to question, understand, and potentially disrupt power and privilege as it functions in digital spaces.

The research clusters Find out how the clusters help facilitate discussion, sharing, inquiry, and pedagogic innovation IRDL members Would you like to find out more about current members? Are you thinking about joining? Get it done together Needing that push to get writing? Join IRDL for a drop-in session using the Pomodoro Technique

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The research clusters

The Institute for Research on Digital Literacies has a broad interdisciplinary mandate to engage and facilitate discussion, information sharing, comprehensive inquiry, and pedagogic innovation across four research clusters. Our goal is to respond quickly to changes in technology, media, and culture, and to promote inclusivity and diversity in research and scholarship in a digital age.

Learn more about the four research clusters:

Surveillance, Privacy and AI

Digital Literacies Across Generations and Age

Digital Learning, Technology and New Pedagogies

Digital Culture, Critical Literacies and Social Media

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Kaneff Tower, room 715
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3

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