Review from Day 2:
Creating Matrices:
zeros(m, n) à Creates a m x n matrix or array that will be used in
à Creates a matrix or
arrays of zeros with the same size as A;
ones(m, n) à Create a m x n matrix or array that will be used in
à Creates a matrix or
ones of zeros with the same size as A;
Rounding Functions:
fix(X) à rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers
towards zero.
round(X) à rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers.
ceil(X) à rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers
towards infinity.
floor(X) à rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers
towards minus infinity.
Example: Applying the previous functions to X =
[-1.5 -1.49 1.49 1.5] results in:
fix(X) = [
-1 -1 1 1 ] round(X)
= [ -2 -1 1 2 ]
ceil(X) = [ -1
-1 2 2
] floor(X)
= [ -2 -2 1 1 ]
Note that fix behaves as ceil when X < 0 and as
floor when X > 0.
Random Number Generation:
rand(m, n)
generates a m x n array of uniformly distributed numbers between 1 and 0.
randn(m, n)
generates a m x n array of normally distributed numbers with mean 0 and std
deviation 1.
Saving and Loading Variables:
save and load are used to quickly store or retrieve
MATLAB variables. They work form both command line and m-files (programs)
Matrix and Array Operations:
; in a
matrix declaration separates rows. ,
separates columns.
end when
indexing an array stands for the last index in that dimension (the last row,
column, page, etc)
Setting columns or rows = [] is an effective
way to delete them.
Matrix Operations: + - * / ^ inv det ‘
Array or Vector Operations: + - .* ./ .^ .’
Remember the previous example: N = 1:12 Table
= N’*N.
Table is a square matrix, but it does not an inverse
because det(Table) = 0. 1/Table is the same as 1/0.
works because MATLAB treats this as row by row vector division. The result is
12 rows and each row represents Table(row, :) / N. The result for each
row is equivalent to s, where sv = u means u is
parallel to v, but s times longer.
Remember the previous example L = [2
1; 2 2]. Here are the results of some
L ^ 2 = L * L = [ 6, 4; 8, 6] L .^ 2 = L .* L = [ 4, 1; 4, 4]
L / L’ = [ 1.5, –1; 1, 0] L ./ L’ = [ 1, 0.5; 2, 1]
det (L) = 2 det(L')=
inv(L) = [ 1,
-0.5; -1, 1 ] inv(L')
= [ 1, -1; -0.5, 1 ]
Can you remember what this all means?
A little help: det([a, b; c, d]) = a * d – b * c.
Now the exercises. To get into the habit, keep your
code in a m-file. Create a new program, type in your code. Save it with a good
name, for example, ex1.m. Then, you can call it by typing ex1 from the command
Produce a table of 20
rows. Each row should have the row number (n), n squared and the nth power of
2. Use only matrix operations.
Let 1 be a white square
and 0 be a black square. Create a matrix that would represent a chess board.
randperm(N) is a random permutation of the integers from 1 to n.
For example, randperm(6) might be [2 4 5 6 1 3]. So let’s use it to produce very quick bingo cards. Bingo cards
have 5 rows and 5 columns. The first columns has 5 numbers between 1 and 15,
the second has 5 between 16 and 30, etc. A good way to start is to generate 5
different sequences of 15 numbers, use only the first 5 and put them all
together, column by column. Using the concatenation and other matrix
operations, create this 5 x 5 bingo card. Make this into a program, so we can
generate many cards.