journal club




Mar 4

Feb 25
Egocentric and allocentric reference frames for catching a falling object (PDF) Joost
Feb 18
Reading Week

Feb 11
Visuomotor crowding: the resolution of grasping in cluttered scenes (PDF)
Feb 4

Jan 28 Been There, Seen That: A Neural Mechanism for Performing Efficient Visual Search by Koorosh Mirpour1, Fabrice Arcizet1, Wei Song Ong1,4 and James W. Bisley1,2,3,4 (PDF) Al
Jan  21
The effect of spatial-temporal audiovisual disparities on saccades in a complex scene. (PDF) Amir
Jan  7
Practice PhD Thesis Defense

Dec 17

Subsecond Timing in Primates: Comparison of Interval Production Between Human Subjects and Rhesus Monkeys (PDF)


Dec 10

A Neural Mechanism for Microsaccade Generation in the Primate Superior Colliculus (PDF)


Dec 3

Novel ‘hunting’ method using transcranial magnetic stimulation over parietal cortex disrupts visuospatial sensitivity in relation to motor thresholds (PDF)


Nov 5

The Role of the Superior Intraparietal Sulcus in Supporting Visual Short-Term Memory for Multifeature Objects (PDF)


Oct 29 

SfN Highlights


Oct 22



Oct 15

SfN Abstracts Presentations - abstracts available online


Oct 8

SfN Abstracts Presentations - abstracts available online


Oct 1

SfN Abstracts Presentations - abstracts available online


Sept 24

SfN Abstracts Presentations - abstracts available online


Sept 17

Role of the frontal eye field on eye-head coordination - practice thesis defense.


Sept 3

Immediate and delayed actions share a common visuomotor transformation mechanism: A prism adaptation study. (PDF)


Aug 27

Visuomotor transformation for interception: catching while fixating. (PDF)


Aug 20

Sensory transformations and the use of multiple reference frames for reach planning. (PDF)


Aug 13

Experimental test of visuomotor updating models that explains perisaccadic mislocalization. (PDF)


July 30

Movement Intention After Parietal Cortex Stimulation in Humans
Main Article (PDF) Supporting material (PDF)


July 23

Eye–head coordination in moderately aVected Huntington’s Disease patients: do head movements facilitate gaze shifts? (PDF)


July 16

Frontal Eye Field Neurons with Spatial Representations Predicted by Their Subcortical Input (PDF)


July 9

Pointing to two imaginary targets at the same time: Bimanual allocentric and egocentric localization in visual form agnosic D.F. (2009). David P. Carey, H. Chris Dijkerman, A. David Milner. Neuropsychologia Feb 7; 47(6): 1469–75 (PDF)


June 18

CVR Conference


June 11

Ventral and dorsal stream contributions to the online control of immediate and delayed grasping: A TMS approach (2009). N. R. Cohen, E. S. Cross, E. Tunik, S. T. Grafton, J. C. Culham. Neuropsychol. Jan 6; 47: 1553-62 (PDF)


May 21

Crawford Lab Meeting


May 14

Kin Presentation Practice Talk


April 30

Free choice activates a decision circuit between frontal and parietal cortex (2008). B. Pesaran, M. J. Nelson, R. A. Andersen. Lett Nature. May 15; 453: 406-10 (PDF)


April 16

Multiple parietal reach regions in humans: Cortical representations for visual and proprioceptive feedback during on-line reaching (2009). F. Filimon, J. D. Nelson, R. Huang, M. I. Sereno. J Neurosci. Mar 4; 29(9): 2961-71 (PDF)


April 9

Visual illusions, delayed grasping, and memory: No shift from dorsal to ventral control (2009). V. H. Franz, C. Hesse, S. Kollath. Neuropsychologia. Sep 11; 47: 1518-31 (PDF)


April 2

Decoding the cortical transformations for visually guided reaching in 3-D space (2008). G. Blohm, G. P. Keith, J. D. Crawford. Cer. Cor. Oct 8; [Epub ahead of print] (PDF)



Changes in saccaddic reaction time while maintaining neck flexion in men and women (2000). K. Fujiwara, K. Kunita, H. Toyoma. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. Sep 27; 81:317-24 (PDF)


February 26

Human visuospatial updating after noncommunicative rotations (2007). E. M. Klier, D. E. Angelaki, B. J. M. Hess. J. Neurophysiol. Apr. 18; 98:537-41 (PDF)


February 19

Electrical microstimulation thresholds for behavioral detection and saccades in monkey fromtal eye fields (2008). D. K. Murphey, J. R. H. Maunsell. PNAS. May 20; 105(20); 7315-20 (PDF)


February 12

Humans use visual and remembered information about object location to plan pointing movements (2009). A. Brouwer, D. C. Knill. J Vis. Jan 21; 9(1): 1-19 (PDF)


February 5

Direct evidence for cortical suppression of somatosensory afferents during visuomotor adaptation (2009). P. Bernier, B. Burle, F. Vidal, T. Hasbroucq, J. Blouin. Cer. Cortex. Jan 6; (Epub) (PDF)


January 29

The effects of landmarks on the performance of delayed and real-time pointing movements (2005). S. S. Obhi, M. Goodale. Exp. Brain. Res. Jul 22; 167: 335-44 (PDF)


January 22

Ruvim's Theses Defence Practice Talk


January 15, 2009

Functional interplay between posterior parietal and ipsilateral motor cortex revealed by twin-coil transcranial magnetic stimulation during reach planning toward contralateral space (2008). G. Koch, M. F. Del Olmo, B. Cheeran, S. Schippling, C. Caltagirone, J. Driver, J. C. Rothwell. J Neurosci. Jun 4; 28(23): 5944-53 (PDF)


December 18

Perceptual evidence for saccadic updating of color stimuli (2008). M. Wittenberg, F. Bremmer, T. Wachtler. J Vis. Jan. 29; 8(14): 1-9 (PDF)


December 4

The posterior parietal cortex encodes in parallel both goals for double-reach sequences (2008). D. Baldauf, H. Cui, R.A. Andersen. J Neurosci. Oct 1; 28(40): 10081-89 (PDF)


November 27

Effects of eye position on estimates of eye displacement for spatial updating (2005). M. Tanaka. NeuroReport. Aug. 22; 16(12): 1261-65 (PDF)


November 13

SFN Abstracts Presentations-abstracts available online

pre-SFN abstracts

November 6

SFN Abstracts Presentations-abstracts available online

pre-SFN abstracts

October 30

SFN Abstracts Presentations-abstracts available online

pre-SFN abstracts

October 23

Forward estimation of movement state in posterior parietal cortex (2008). G.H. Mulliken, S. Musallam, R.A. Anderson. PNAS. Jun. 17; 105(24): 8170-77 (PDF)


October 9

Saccade preparation signals in the human frontal and parietal cortices. (2008) C.E. Curtis, J.D. Connolly. J Neurophysiol. Nov 21; 99:133-45 (PDF)


October 2

Neural control of superficial and deep neck muscles in humans. (2007). J. Blouin, G.P. Siegmund, M. G. Carpenter, J.T. Inglis. J Neurophysiol. May 30; 98: 920-28 (PDF)


September 25

miR-19, miR-101 and miR-130 co-regulate ATXN1 levels to potentially modulate SCA1 pathogenesis. (2008) Y. Lee, R.C. Samaco, J.R. Gatchel, C. Thaller, H.T. Orr, H.Y. Zoghbi. Nat Neurosci. Aug 31; 1-3 (PDF)


September 18

Optic ataxia is not only "optic": Impaired spatial integration of proprioceptive information. (2007) A. Blangero, H. Otac, L. Delporte, P. Revol, P. Vindras, G. Rode, D. Boisson, A. Vighetto, Y. Rossetti, L. Pisella. NeuroImage. Mar 31; 36: T61-T68 (PDF)


September 11

Representations of a perceptual decision in developing oculomotor commands. (2000) J. I. Gold, M. N. Shadlen. Letters to Nature. Mar 23; 404: 390-94 (PDF)


September 4

Activity in the posterior and parietal cortex mediates visual dominance over kinesthesia. (2007) N. Hagura, T. Takei, S. Hirose, Y. Aramaki, M. Matsumura. N. Sadato, E. Naito. J Neurosci. Jun 27; 27(26): 7047-53 (PDF)


August 19

Brain circuits for the internal monitoring of movements. (2008) M. A. Sommer, R. H. Wurtz. Annu Rev Neurosci. Apr 2; 31: 317-38(PDF)


August 12

Updating target distance across eye movements in depth. (2008) S. Van Pelt, W. P. Medendorp. J Neurophysiol. Mar 16; 99:2281-2290(PDF)


July 29

The right parietal lobe is critical for visual working memory. (2008) M. Berryhill, I. Olsen. Neuropsychologia. Jan 19; 46: 1767-74 (PDF)


July 22

Pointing with the left and right hands in congenitally blind children. (2007) M. Ittyerah, F. Gaunet, Y. Rosetti. Brain and Cognition. Feb 7; 64:170-83 (PDF)


July 15

A hand and a field effect in on-line motor control in unilateral optic ataxia.(2008) A. Blangero , V. Gaveau , J. Luauté , G. Rode, R. Salemme, M. Guinard , D. Boisson , Y. Rossetti , L. Pisella. Cortex. May; 44(5):560-8. (PDF)


July 8

Coordination of eye and head components of movements evoked by stimulation of the paramedian pontine reticular formation. (2008) N.J. Gandhi, E.J. Barton, D.L. Sparks. Exp Brain Res.Jul;189(1):35-47. Epub 2008 May 6 (PDF)


June 17

Segregation of visual selection and saccades in human Frontal Eye Fields. (2008) C. H. Juan, N. G. Muggleton, O. J. Tzeng, D. L. Hung, A. Cowey, V. Walsh. Cereb Cortex. Mar 6 [Epub ahead of print]. (PDF)


June 10

Prehension deficits in amblyopia. (2007) S.Grant, D.R.Melmoth, M.J.Morgan, A.L.Finlay. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. Mar;48(3):1139-48. (PDF)


June 3

Effect of reversible inactivation of superior colliculus on head movements. (2008) M.M.Walton, B.Bechara, N.J.Gandhi. J Neurophysiol. May;99(5):2479-95. Epub Feb 27. (PDF)


May 27

Self-paced movements induce high-frequency gamma oscillations in primary motor cortex. (2008) D.Cheyne, S.Bells, P.Ferrari, W.Gaetz, A.C.Bostan. Neuroimage. Apr 23. [Epub ahead of print]. (PDF)


May 13

Saccades can be aimed at the spatial location of targets flashed during pursuit. (1990) J.Schlag, M.Schlag-Rey, P.Dassonville. J Neurophysiol. Aug;64(2):575-81. (PDF)


May 6

Reaching errors in optic ataxia are linked to eye position rather than head or body position. (2006) H.C. Dijkerman, R.D. McIntosh, H.A. Anemaa, E.H.F. de Haana, L.J. Kappelle, A.D. Milner. Neuropsychologia. 44(13):2766-73. (PDF)


April 29

A computational perspective on the neural basis of multisensory spatial representations. (2002) A. Pouget, S. Deneve and J-R Duhamel. Nat Rev Neurosci. Sep;3(9):741-7 (PDF)


March 11

Switching from automatic to controlled action by monkey medial frontal cortex. (2007) M. Isoda & O. Hikosaka. Nat Neurosci. Feb;10(2):240-8.(PDF)


March 4

Spatio-temporal brain dynamics underlying saccade execution, suppression, and error-related feedback. (2007) A.T. Herdman, J.D. Ryan. J Cogn Neurosci. Mar;19(3):420-32 (PDF)


February 26

Underlying principles of visual shape selectivity in posterior inferotemporal cortex. (2004) S.L. Brincat and C.E. Connor. Nat Neurosci. Aug;7(8):880-6 (PDF)


February 19

Neuromuscular consequences of reflexive covert orienting. (2008) B.D. Corneil, D.P. Munoz, B.B. Chapman,
T.Admans and S.L. Cushing. Nat Neurosci. Jan;11(1):13-15 (PDF)


February 5

Role of the Primate Superior Colliculus in the Control of Head Movements. (2008) Mark M. G. Walton1, Bernard Bechara3 and Neeraj J. Gandhi. J Neurophysiol 98: 2022-2037 (PDF)


January 28

Functional dissociation of saccade and hand reaching control with bilateral lesions of the medial wall of the intraparietal sulcus: Implications for optic ataxia. (2007) P. Trillenberg, A. Sprenger, D. Peterson, D. Kompf, W. Heide, & C. Heimchen. NeuroImage 36, pp. T69-T76 (PDF)


January 22, 2008

Left frontal eye field remembers "where" but not "what". (2007) G. Campan, A. Cowey, C. Casco, I. Oudsen, & V. Walsh. Neuropsychologia 45, pp. 2340-2345 (PDF)


October 30

check abstracts on line:

pre-SFN abstracts

October 23

check abstracts on line:

pre-SFN abstracts

October 9

Optic ataxia is not only ‘optic’: Impaired spatial integration of proprioceptive information. A. Blangero,H. Otac L. Delporte, P. Revol, P. Vindras, G. Rode, D. Boisson, A. Vighetto,Y. Rossetti, and L. Pisellaa. NeuroImage 36 (2007) T61–T68. (PDF)


September 25

Extrinsic Cues Suppress the Encoding of Intrinsic Cues. Bhavin R. Sheth and Shinsuke Shimojo. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16:2, pp. 339–350 (PDF)


August 21

Oscillatory activity in human parietal and occipital cortex shows hemispheric lateralization and memory effects in a delayed double-step saccade task. W. Pieter Medendorp, Geerten F.I. Kramer, Ole Jensen Robert Oostenveld, Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen and Pascal Fries. Cereb Cortex. 2006 Dec 26. [Epub ahead of print]. (PDF)


August 14

Amplitude and direction of saccadic eye movements depend on the synchronicity of collicular population activity. (2004) M. Brecht, W. Singer and A.K. Engel. J Neurophysiol 92:424-432. (PDF)


August 7

Influence of the thalamus on spatial visual processing
in frontal cortex. Marc A. Sommer & Robert H. Wurtz. Nature. 2006 Nov 16;444(7117):374-7. Epub 2006 Nov 8 (PDF)


February 15

Amplitude and direction of saccadic eye movements depend on the synchronicity of collicular population activity. (2004) M. Brecht, W. Singer and A.K. Engel. J Neurophysiol 92:424-432. (PDF)


February 8

Hemiextinction induced by trascranial magnetic stimulation over the right temporo-parietal junction. (2006) I. G. Meister,* M. Wienemann, D. Buelte, C. Ggunevald, R. Sparing, N. Dambeck and B. Boroojerdi. Neuroscience 142 119–123(PDF)


February 1

Canceled - CPS conference


January 25

CPS conference presentations -

Alina, Jachin, Joe, Farshad

January 18, 2007

Spatial updating in area LIP is independent of saccade direction. (2006) L.M. Heiser and C.L. Colby. J Neurophysiol 95: 2751–2767. (PDF)


December 7

Integration of cognitive allocentric information in visuospatial short-term memory through the hippocampus. (PDF)


November 30

Spatial updating in area LIP is independent of saccade direction. (2006) L.M. Heiser and C.L. Colby. J Neurophysiol 95: 2751–2767. (PDF)


November 23

Executive control of countermanding saccades by the supplementary eye field.(2006) Stuphorn V, Schall JD. Nat Neurosci. 9(7):925-31. Epub 2006 May 28. (PDF)


November 16

Encoding of movement direction in different frequency ranges of motor cortical local field potentials. (2005) Rickert J, Oliveira SC, Vaadia E, Aertsen A, Rotter S, Mehring C. J Neurosci. 28;25(39):8815-24. (PDF)

Gunnar - last JC

November 9

Population coding of shape in area V4. (2002) Pasupathy A, Connor CE. Nat Neurosci. 5(12):1332-8. (PDF)


November 2

Spatial updating in area LIP is independent of saccade direction. (2006) L.M. Heiser and C.L. Colby. J Neurophysiol 95: 2751–2767. (PDF)

Gerry - cancelled

October 26

2006 - SFN Abstracts - good and bad memories


October 5

2006 - SFN Abstracts


September 28

2006 - SFN Abstracts


September 21

2006 - SFN Abstracts


September 14

Remembering “what” brings along “where” in visual working memory.(2005) I.R.Olson and C. Marshuetz . Perception & Psychophysics 67 (2), 185-194 (PDF)


September 7

Parietal updating of limb posture: An event-related fMRI study. Pellijeff A, Bonilha L, Morgan PS, McKenzie K, Jackson SR. (2006) Neuropsychologia. [Epub ahead of print] (PDF)


August 24

Primate memory saccade amplitude after intervened motion depends on target distance.(2005) N Li, M Wei and D E. Angelaki.J Neurophysiol 94:722-733 (PDF)


August 17

Frequency analysis of EMG activity in patients with idiopathic tortibollis. (2000) M.A.J. Tijssen, J.F.Marsden and P.Brown. Brain 123, 677-686 (PDF)


August 10

Remembering “what” brings along “where” in visual working memory.(2005) I.R.Olson and C. Marshuetz . Perception & Psychophysics 67 (2), 185-194 (PDF)


August 3

Amplitude and direction of saccadic eye movements depend on the synchronicity of collicular population activity. (2004) M. Brecht, W. Singer and A.K. Engel. J Neurophysiol 92:424-432. (PDF)


July 27

Interhemispheric imbalance during visuospatial attention
investigated by unilateral and bilateral TMS over human
parietal cortices. (2005) N Dambeck, R. Sparing, I.G. Meister, M. Wienemann, J. Weidemann, R.Topper, B. Boroojerdi. Brain Res. 1072(1):194-9. (PDF)


July 20

Dynamic ensemble coding of saccades in the monkey superior colliculus. (2006) H.H.L.M. Goossens and A. J. Van Opstal. J Neurophysiol 95:2326–2341. (PDF)


July 13

Multisensory stimulation with or without saccades: fMRI evidence for crossmodal effects on sensory-specific cortices that reflect multisensory location-congruence rather than task-relevance. (2005) E. Macaluso, C.D. Frith, and J. Driver. NeuroImage 26:414– 425 (PDF)


July 6

Big journal club - Denise will give a talk (CSE room 3033)


June 29

BIG Journal Club --- Big break


June 22

Parietal updating of limb posture: An event-related fMRI study. Pellijeff A, Bonilha L, Morgan PS, McKenzie K, Jackson SR. (2006) Neuropsychologia. [Epub ahead of print] (PDF)


June 15

Patrick Bryne from McMaster will be giving a talk. Title: Modeling spatial cognition: The parietal window hypothesis

Patrick Byrne

June 8

Head Movements Evoked by Electrical Stimulation in the Frontal Eye Field of the Monkey: Evidence for Independent Eye and Head Control (2006) Chen. Journal of Neurophysiology, in press (PDF)


June 1

Two cortical systems for reaching in central and peripheral vision. (2005) Prado, Clavagnier, Otzenberger, Scheiber, Kennedy, Perenin. Neuron, 48, 849-858. (PDF) (supplemental data)


May 25

Eye-centered, head-centered, and intermediate coding of remembered sound locations in area LIP. (1996) Stricanne, Andersen, Mazzoni. Journal of Neurophysiology, 76 (3), 2071-2076. (PDF)


May 18

Sensorimotor transformations in cortical motor areas. (2003) Kakei, Hoffman, Strick. Neuroscience Research, 46, 1-10. (PDF)


May 11

Present your favourite VSS abstract


May 4

No journal club - VSS


April 27

BIG Journal Club - present a VSS abstract or practice your presentantion


April 20

Aarlenne presenting her PhD defense talk


April 13

Alina presenting her progress report


April 6

Farshad presenting his MSc defense talk


March 30

BIG Journal Club - Mike will be presenting his recent TMS work


March 23

Anatomy of Motor Learning. I. Frontal Cortex and Attention to Action (1997) Jueptner, Stephan, Frith, Brooks, Frackowiak and Passingham. Journal of Neurophysiology, 77, 1313 – 1324.(PDF)


March 16

Chronometry of visual responses in frontal eye field, supplementary eye field, and anterior cingulate cortex.(2005) Pouget, Emeric, Stuphorn, Reis, Schall. Journal of Neurophysiology, 94(3), 2086-2092. (PDF)


March 9

Where the eye looks, the hand follows: Limb-dependent magnetic misreaching in optic ataxia. (2005) Jackson, Newport, Mort, Husein, Current Biology, 15, 42-46. (PDF)


March 2

Neural basis of object-centered representations. (1998) Deneve & Pouget In: Advances in neural information processing systems, 10 Jordan, Kearns and Solla (Eds), MIT Press. Copies on Gerry's desk.


February 23

BIG Journal Club - any volunteers???


February 16

Cortical inhibitory circuits in eye-movement generation. Schiller & Tehovnik, European Journal of Neuroscience, 18, 3127-3133. (PDF)


February 9

Updating visual space during motion in depth. (2005) Li, Angelaki, Neuron, 48, 149-158. (PDF)


February 2

Single-Pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of Parietal and Prefrontal Areas in a Memory Delay Arm Pointing Task.(2003) Smyrnis, Theleritis, Evdokimidis, Muri and Karandreas, J Neurophysiol, 89, 3344–3350. (PDF)


January 26

Joe presenting his job talk. Beer afterwards!


January 19

The influence of future gaze orientation upon eye-head coupling during saccades. Oommen, Smith and Stahl. Experimental Brain Research, 155,9-18. (PDF)


January 12

Group Meeting in 3033 CSE - Aarlenne presenting her talk for comments. New time! 1.00 pm


January 5, 2006

Error Parsing in Visuomotor Pointing reveals Independent Processing of Amplitude and Direction. (2005) Vindras, Desmurget and Viviani. J Neurophys, 94, 1212-1224.(PDF)


December 15

No meeting - Christmas Lab Party


December 8

Neural Correlates of Reach Errors (2005) Diedrichsen, Hashambhoy, Rane, Shadmehr. J Neurosci, 25(43), 9919-9931. (PDF)


December 1

How much memory does oculomotor search have? (2003) McCarley, Wang, Kramer, Irwing, Peterson. Psychological Science, 14, 422- 426. (PDF)


November 24

Group Meeting in 3033 CSE - probably present favourite SFN presentation


November 17

No meeting - SFN


November 10

No meeting - SFN prep


November 3

SFN Abstracts - Choose one or two abstracts to present


October 27

Group Meeting in 3033 CSE - some SFN presentations - Gunnar, Alina


October 20

SFN Abstracts - Choose one or two abstracts to present


October 13

SFN Abstracts - Choose one or two abstracts to present


October 6, 2005

Direct Evidence for a Parietal-Frontal Pathway subserving spatial awareness in Humans. (2005) Schotten, Urbanski, Duffau, Volle, Levy, Dubois and Bartolomeo. Science, 309, 2226-2228 (PDF)
