Each student will select a group of research papers on a Web mining topic. You
can discuss with the course instructor about the research topic that you are
going to work on for paper review and survey. You will make an oral presentation
to the class about your paper review and survey. The presentation will be for
90 minutes, including disussion and question time.
You should address the following issues in the presentation:
What are the objectives of the research? What problems do these papers solve?
What techique(s) or algorithm(s) do these papers propose?
In-dept desciption of the technique(s) or algorithm(s). Explain
the technique(s) or algorithm(s), including assupmtions, mathematical
derivations (if applicable) and steps of the algorithm(s). Use an illustrative
example if possible.
Summarize the experimental results for the technique(s) or algorithm(s) if
the papers report them.
What are the advantages of the technique(s) or algorithm(s)? What are the
limitations of the technique(s) or algorithm(s)?
What are the open (unresolved) issues?
What are the challenges and future work?
Answer questions from the audience.
All students are encouraged to ask questions whenever they do not understand
something. Comments on the presented research are also welcome.