Follow this link for some views of an ASDEditor window as it appears to a user. Yellow nodes are initial nodes -- nodes at which subphrases can begin. White nodes are non-initial nodes. Final nodes -- ones at which subphrases end -- have phrase types written in blue to the right of them. Grey nodes and edges with a black spot in their center "handles" are ones which have been selected by the user of the editor. An edge leaves from the right side of a node and enters the left side of a node. However in some cases (such as the edge leaving the node and 1) they appear to come from or go to another part of the node box, because the box is drawn over the edge. An edge that connects a node to itself has its "handle" appearing above the node by default, as in the example of the edge that connects the node PREPPHRASE 1 to itself.
Depending on whether or not the file asddigraphs.jar
has been
added to your system's CLASSPATH, you can run the ASDEditor from a
window with the command
java asd/ASDEditor
java -cp asddigraphs.jar asd/ASDEditor
In the latter case, the file asddigraphs.jar must be in
subdirectory from which you are issuing the command.
The ASDEditor allows you to do such things as
When you select a word and one of its instances in the upper left (or upper right) two panes, the corresponding node and all nodes connected to it are displayed in the bottom pane, if they are not displayed there already.
When you select a node in the bottom pane, if you hold the
Control key
down while you make the selection, the choice of whether the node
be selected as a left node versus a right node, as
by the buttons above the bottom pane, will be changed before
node selection is made. This makes it easier to change
between the
left and right lists, without having to press one of the buttons
the bottom pane.
When you select an edge in the bottom pane, by clicking on its
circular "handle" in the center of the edge, the selections in the
panes at the top are updated correspondingly.
A node or edge handle in the bottom pane can be moved by first
selecting it (by clicking on it and releasing the click) and then
dragging it to the desired new position.
When you drag nodes displayed in the bottom pane of the ASDEditor window, notice that dragging with the shift key down has a different effect than dragging without the shift key down, when a node is linked by edges to other nodes. Specifically, dragging with the shift key pressed causes all of the nodes and edges in a connected component of the digraph to move together.
last revision: 2015 Mar 27