ASDParseTest - a simple Java
program for running an ASDParser to test parsing with example
This is an older, simpler program than
It is entirely command-line based, rather than having a graphical user
- - the Java source
code for a program to test an ASD grammar with the ASDParser.
ASDParseTest.class - the compiled
version of It will prompt for the name
of the file containing the grammar to be tested, the name(s) of the phrase
type(s) which are expected to result from a parse, a string to parse, and
the maximum number of parse steps to try. See the source file for
more details.
ASDParseTest can be run with one of the following commands:
In an MS-Windows command window: java -cp asddigraphs.jar;.
In a Unix command window: java -cp asddigraphs.jar:.
Alternatively, if you add the asddigraphs.jar file to your
system's CLASSPATH, then you can simply use
java ASDParseTest
If you want to see the parse trees for each step of the parse, run
with the option step at the end of the command:
In an MS-Windows command window: java -cp asddigraphs.jar;.
ASDParseTest step
In a Unix command window: java -cp asddigraphs.jar:.
ASDParseTest step
If asddigraphs.jar is in the system classpath:
ASDParseTest step
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