
2012 Sep 4 - James A. Mason

CardWorld2 is an extension of CardWorld1a, a small example model of understanding English in a limited pragmatic domain.  CardWorld2 differs from CardWorld1a in understanding descriptive adjectives about cards and accepting the verb "put" and the adverbs "also" and "too".  It also allows the user to point to two or more cards or piles in the same command.  See 
CardWorld2Documentation for more details.
contains all of the files necessary to run the example.  Just download the zip file to a directory of its own, extract all of the files from the zip archive, and use the following java command in that directory to run it:   (The class files in asddigraphs.jar are now included in cards2.jar.)

java -cp cards2.jar cards2.CardWorld

The model was compiled with Java jdk1.6.0_17 and should be run with JRE 6 or higher.

The file contains the Java source code for CardWorld2.

This link can be used to run CardWorld2 under Java Web Start (thanks to Roxanne Parent):

CardWorld home page

page last updated 2012 December 4