| j_spot online edition:
ISSN 1481 8 5842 |
Notes on Contributors
Chris Anderson-Irwin is a graduate of
the Graduate Programme in Social and Political Thought at York University.
His research interests include the relationship between metaphysics
and politics, religion and (post)modern philosophy, German idealism
and twentieth century Jewish thought.His article, "Beyond Economy, or the Infinite
Debt to the Other: Caputo and Derrida on Obligation and Responsibility
," appears in Vol. I., no. 3. Jeffrey Lamar Coleman holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Arizona State University and a Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of New Mexico. He teaches contemporary multicultural American literature at St. Mary's College of Maryland. His poetry and essays have appeared in several publications, including Blue Mesa Review, Brilliant Corners: A Journal of Jazz and Literature, Critical Essays on Alice Walker, Rattle, and the Sycamore Review. He is currently editing Words of Protest, Words of Freedom: Poetry of the American Civil Rights Movement. His article, Michael S. Harper's "Here Where Coltrane Is" and Coltrane's "Alabama": The Social/Aesthetic Intersections of Civil Rights Movement and poems Poetry Body Art Theatre, Brown-Winged Shoulders, Regions, Separation, appear in Vol II, no.1. Karen Engle is a
doctoral candidate in Sociology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton,
Alberta. Her article, "The Post of the Post" appears
in Vol. I, no. 4. She is currently writing her dissertation on photography,
memory and September 11, and will be spending the winter of 2003 in
New York as an intern at the photography magazine Aperture. Her
recent articles have appeared in West Coast Line and Nasty.
She acknowledges the assistance of the Social Sciences & Humanities
Research Council and the Canada Research Chair programme.
Caitlin Fisher is
a member of the j_spot collective, and along with M. Michael Schiff
is the co-founder, co-editor and co-publisher of this journal. She recently
completed her PhD in Social and Political Thought at York University
in the area of feminist hypertextual theory and practice and is currently
a Canada Research Chair at York University. She earned the Electronic Literature Organization's
2001 prize for fiction for her hypermedia novella entitled These
Waves of Girls. Margaret Gibson lectures in sociology
in the areas of gender studies and family studies at the University
of New England, Australia. She received her PhD (1999) at the University
of New South Wales, Australia. She has published on the blood/representational
politics of menstruation product advertisements, and on polygraph machines
as technologies of truth. She is currently working on a book in the
area of death studies. Her article, "Guiltless Credit and the Moral
Economy of Salvation ," appears in Vol. I, no. 3. James Gifford a doctoral candidate in English at the University of Alberta, where he divides his time between literary studies and opera performance. He has published a number of articles in journal such as Mosaic, Jouvert and In-between, and in 2002 he taught postcolonial literature at the Durrell School of Corfu, Greece. Since 2000, he has been on the Miall-Kuiken Reader Response research team in the Departments of Psychology and English at the University of Alberta. For more information, please see: http://www.ualberta.ca/~gifford . His article What is Žižek so Afraid Of?: Movement Against the Existential Hordes appears in Vol II, no. 1. John S. Howard is a Dean's Scholar in
the School of Law at Saint Louis University. He holds a Master
of Arts from the University of Texas at Austin and a Ph.D. from Saint
Louis University. Recent publications include Subjectivity and
Space: Deleuze and Guattari's BwO in the New World Order, in Kevin Jon
Heller and Eleanor Kaufman, eds., Deleuze and Guattari: New Mappings
in Politics, Philosophy, and Culture. (Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press, 1998), and "Theory Against Itself: New Historicism's
Return to Practice" in Jeffrey Williams, ed., PC Wars: Politics and
Theory in the Academy, (New York: Routledge, 1995). He is
a regular contributor to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and has
written a number of essays and articles on Romantic theory and poetry,
including a book-length study entitled Romantic Dialectics and the
Politics of the Subject, currently under consideration for publication.
The focus of his scholarly work has recently shifted from literary theory
to legal theory. In the summer of 2000 he will join the firm of
Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal as a commercial litigator. His article,
"Left Out: Politics and Postmodern
Hermeneutics," appears in Vol. I., no. 2. Anh Hua is a PhD candidate in History. His areas of research includes cultural production, race, the
body and imperialism. He has published an essay and a fictional piece
in the Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme. His article, "Primitive Spectacle in Black Narcissus,"
appears in Vol. I, no. 2. Lars Iyer is a Lecturer in philosophy
at the Centre for Research in Knowledge Science and Society at the University
of Newcastle, in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, and has published several
articles on European philosophy. His essay, "The
Movement of Testimony: Suffering
and Speech in Blanchot and Antelme," appeared
in Vol. II, no. 1. Chris McCutcheon was a graduate student
in the Graduate Programme in Social & Political Thought and a candidate
for the Graduate Diploma in German & European Studies at York University.
His work geminerally broached the tensions between politics and ethics
and their banes: representation, aesthetics, poetics, mimesis.
He was working on questions of subjectivity and violence in the work
of Levinas and Freud. His article, "Adorno and the Muse of the
Dialectic (a fable) ," appeared in Vol. I, no. 2. He was one of
the founding editors of j_spot:
the Journal of Social and Political Thought. David McNally is an Associate Professor in the departments of Political Science and Social and Political Thought at York University. McNally is the author of Political Economy and the Rise of Capitalism: A Reinterpretation, Against the Market: Political Economy, Market Socialism and the Marxist Critique, Bodies of Meaning: Studies on Language, Labor and Liberation, and Another World is Possible: Globalization and Anti-Capitalism. Selections from McNally's most recent book Another World is Possible: Globalization and Anti-Capitalism appear in Vol II, no 1. Motion (Wendy Braithwaite) is a Spoken Word poet and Hip Hop recording artist in Canada. Motion's poetry and video appear in Vol 2, no. 1. Wendy K. Olsen, is a Senior Lecturer in
Quantitative Development Economics and Lecturer in Quantitative Development
Economics, Development and Planning Project Centre, with a secondment
to Graduate School as a Lecturer in Research Methods, at the University
of Bradford, England. She holds a D.Phil. from Oxford. She has been
a visiting lecturer at the University of Manchester and has taught at
the University of Lancaster. Her publications include The Limits
to Conditionality: Grassroots Evidence from Rural India, Oxford
University Press, 2000, and Rural Indian Social Relations, Oxford
University Press, 1996. She is currently preparing a book called Statistics
for Skeptics. Her article, "Contract Labour and Bondage
in Andhra Pradesh, India," co-authored with R.V. RamanaMurthy (see
below), appears in Vol. I. no. 2. Her WebPages are at www.brad.ac.uk/staff/wkolsen Michael K. Palamarek is
a doctoral candidate in the Graduate Programme in Social & Political
Thought and in the Graduate Diploma in German and European Studies Programme,
both at York University, Toronto, Canada. His work focuses on the interconnections
between language and labour in contemporary critical social thought,
especially that of the early and later Frankfurt School. He is currently
preparing a project comparing the relation between language and labour
in the work of Theodor Adorno and Mikhail Bakhtin. R.V. RamanaMurthy, Assistant Professor,
NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, India. His article, "Contract Labour and Bondage
in Andhra Pradesh, India," co-authored with Wendy K. Olsen (see
above), appears in Vol. I. no. 2. Sandra Raponi is a graduate student in
the Combined Law and Philosophy Ph.D. Programme at the University of Toronto.
Her article, "Meaning and Melancholia in Beckett's
Endgame" appears in Vol. I, no. 4. Jasmine Rault is a doctoral candidate
in the Graduate Programme in Social & Political Thought at York
University. She completed the Master's programme in Women's Studies
at York last year. Her article, " Grotesque Performativity: Orlan
and The Limits of Materialization," appears in Vol. I, no. 2. M. Michael Schiff,
along with Caitlin Fisher, founded the graduate programme website, SPoT, in late 1997, from which j_spot the Journal of Social and Political Thought
devolved, and he was the grand panjandrum in the production and deliverance
of the first 3 issues. This journal remains an autonomous publication
edited and published by Michael and Caitlin Fisher. Michael's work as
a doctoral candidate in the Graduate Programmes in English and in Social
& Political Thought at York University has reached far afield. His
research is in the areas and intersections of feminist theory, abjection,
nations, sex and gender studies, intersexuality, and the arts and the
senses, and invariably involves the work of Julia Kristeva and Mikhail
Bakhtin. Publications include a journal article, in Janus
Head: Contemporary Philosophy, Literature, Phenomonological Psychology,
Art, and various proceedings from the several conferences at which
he presented each term. His introduction to j_spot Vol. I, no. 2, is
"'Weblish' or Perish, or, 'I Touch Myself': Reflections on j_spot
the Journal of Social and Political Thought." Jon Short is a Ph.D. candidate in the
Graduate Programme in Social & Political Thought, York University.
He holds a B.A. and M.A. in Political Science from the University of
Western Ontario. His dissertation research seeks to apply revisions
of the ontological tradition in the work of Adorno, Levinas, and Deleuze
to contemporary ecological, ethical, and political thought His
article, "Outside of Power? or The Power of
the Outside ," is published in Vol. I, no. 2. Kathy Walker was an
integral and highly-regarded member of the j_spot collective and a doctoral candidate
in Social and Political Thought, York University. Doug Wright completed his doctorate in
philosophy at the University of Toronto in the fall of 2000 and is presently
teaching at Erindale College. His research in the last several years
has been concerned with the relationship between philosophy and autobiography,
an interest reflected in the volume of papers that he produced for Routledge.
His article, "Heaven
and Hell in Rousseau's Confessions: Autobiography and Eschatology,"
appears in Vol. I., no. 4. Joanna Zylinska is Lecturer at University
of Surrey Roehampton, United Kingdom. She is the author of On Spiders,
Cyborgs and Being Scared: the Feminine and the Sublime (Manchester
University Press) and editor of a collection of essays on the work of
performance artists Stelarc and Orlan, The Cyborg Experiments: the
Extensions of the Body in the Media Age (Athlone/Continuum). She
is also the editor of a special issue of Strategies: Journal of Theory,
Culture & Politics, on 'Cultural Studies: Between Politics and
Ethics.' Her work on feminist ethics, women's fiction, cultural studies
and new technologies has appeared in numerous journals, including Women:
A Cultural Review, parallax and Anglica Wratislaviensia.
She is book reviews editor for Culture Machine
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