Quiz 1 quiz review guidelines


Your first quiz (5%, remember only the best 4 of 6 quizzes count) will be October 12 in tutorial.

Based on:

Fagan 2-84. Remember to look at the TWO separate glossaries at the back of the book, 451 and 456.

Course Kit readings for Oct 11: Putting the World in Perspective, The Essence of Anthropology, and The Nature of Anthropology       

Format: very short answer, fill in the blank, label the diagram. 25 minutes long. Some of the following will be on the quiz. There will be nothing on the quiz that I have not mentioned below. If you study this, you will be very well prepared.

N.B. The information that is in the textbooks, but not on this quiz review list, is also very important to your understanding of the subjects of archaeology and palaeoanthropology. You should, therefore, read it all. If you only study the bits mentioned below, you might do fine on the quizzes, but you will probably not do very well on your assignments and the take-home exam.



* For these individuals, know where they worked (which site or region), the location of the site geographically, when they worked there, what was there, and why it's significant to archaeology today: Leonard Woolley, Austen Henry Layard, John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, Jacques Boucher de Perthes, Augustus Lane Fox Pitt-Rivers, Harriet Hawes

* Know what these different kinds of archaeologists do: CRM archaeologists, prehistorians, palaeoanthropologists, classical archaeologists, historical archaeologists, underwater archaeologists, biblical archaeologists, Egyptologists, Mayanists, Assyriologists, industrial archaeologists, salvage archaeologists

* Know the definitions for: prehistory, history, culture history, subsistence, stratigraphy, remote sensing

* Know the four major developments of world prehistory (p 15).

* Be able to locate the following on a map of the world: Giza, Ur, Nineveh, Olduvai Gorge, Stonehenge, Pompeii, Koster, Tenochtitlan, Tikal, Sipan, Angkor Wat. On the quiz, the places on the map will be marked -- you will have to label them correctly.

* Know the ethical responsibilities of archaeologists, p 37.

* Know the terms for the stages of archaeological research in diagram 2.3: Discovery/research design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, publication

* Know the date ranges for these kinds of archaeological dating (table 3.1 and box 3.4): historical records, dendrochronology, radiocarbon dating, potassium-argon dating



* From the reading “Putting the World in Perspective”, know the difference between the Mercator Projection and the Peters Projection.


From the reading “The Essence of Anthropology”:

* Know the four subfields of anthropology.

         * Know what subjects are covered in palaeoanthropology, primatology,  and forensic anthropology.


From the reading “The Nature of Anthropology”:

* What did the University of Arizona’s “Garbage Project” discover about beer consumption in Tucson?