Review Guidelines for Quiz 3


Your third quiz  will be 6 Dec in lecture - at the start of class. (5%, remember only the best 4 of 6 quizzes count... but you should try to do your best on each quiz)


Based on:

Reading from Nov 15, Nov 22, Nov 29

Fagan: Ch 9 African Exodus

KIT: Modern Human Diversity, Human Variation and Adaptation

Fagan: Ch 4 How did People Live? and Ch 5 Individuals and Interactions

Format: very short answer, fill in the blank. 20 minutes long. Some of the following will be on the quiz. If you study this, you will be very well prepared. At least 80% of the quiz will be taken from the material below.

N.B. The information that is in the textbooks, but not on this quiz review list, is also very important to your understanding of the subjects of archaeology and palaeoanthropology. You should, therefore, read it all. If you only study the bits mentioned below, you might do fine on the quizzes, but you will probably not do very well on your assignments and the take-home exam.


1) Know these definitions from the Fagan book: palaeoethnobotany, temper, faunal analysis, obsidian, debitage, reciprocity, redistribution, social stratification, Acheulian, Mousterian, Nariakotome


2) The differences between Neanderthal and modern Homo sapiens skeletons (including skulls): be able to list at least five features where there are differences


3) Be able to describe (in point form) the key physical characteristics of Homo erectus (Fagan p 235) and give some information about their technology and lifeways (236-243)


4) How is obsidian sourcing used in archaeology? What can it tell us? (Fagan 140-1)


5) How do archaeologists study ancient subsistence? (Fagan 106)


6) Know these definitions from the Kit chapter "Human Variation and Adaptation": cline, eugenics, biological determinism, zoonosis, pandemic


7) In the Kit chapter "Human Variation and Adaptation", there is a section entitled The Adaptive Significance of Human Variation, which includes subsections on Solar Radiation, Vitamin D, and Skin Colour (320-322), and The Thermal Environment (323-5). Be able to describe, in point form, the adaptive significance of human physical variation, as discussed in each of these sections.