Review Guidelines for Quiz 4


Your fourth quiz  will be Feb 1 in tutorial - at the start of class. (5%, remember only the best 4 of 6 quizzes count... but you should try to do your best on each quiz)


Based on:

Reading from Jan 10, Jan 17, and Jan 24


Ch 6 Studying the Intangible

Ch 7 Explaining the Past

Ch 10 The Great Diaspora

Ch 11 The Earliest Farmers

KIT: Sexing and Aging the Skeleton, Kwaday dan Tsinchi

Format: very short answer, fill in the blank. 20 minutes long. Some of the following will be on the quiz. If you study this, you will be very well prepared. At least 80% of the quiz will be taken from the material below.

N.B. The information that is in the textbooks, but not on this quiz review list, is also very important to your understanding of the subjects of archaeology and palaeoanthropology. You should, therefore, read it all. If you only study the bits mentioned below, you might do fine on the quizzes, but you will probably not do very well on your assignments and the take-home exam.

1. List several methods used for determining the sex of a skeleton.

2. List several methods used for determining the age of a skeleton.

3. Briefly explain the architectural expression of sacred principles at two sites (Fagan Ch 6, section on Sacred Places).

4. Know the definitions from Fagan ch 7 box 7.2

5. Briefly explain invention, diffusion, and migration as sources of cultural change. (Fagan ch 7)

6. Briefly compare and contrast ethnoarchaeology and experimental archaeology.

7. List the four main characteristics of Cro-Magnon technology. (Fagan ch 10)

8. Know the definitions/basic info for these sites/terms: Beringia, Altamira, D'uktai, Lascaux, Mezhirich, Monte Verde

9. Briefly summarize the consequences of food production. (Fagan ch 11).