Review Guidelines for Quiz 5

Your fifth quiz will be Mar 8 in tutorial - at the start of class. (5%, remember only the best 4 of 6 quizzes count... but you should try to do your best on each quiz)


Based on:

Reading from Jan 31, Feb 21, Feb 28, and Mar 7

Fagan Ch 12 315-344. The First Civilizations

Fagan Ch 13, Early Asian Civilizations

ONLINE: Jared Diamond: Why Did Human History Unfold Differently On Different Continents For The Last 13,000 Years?

Precontact Ontario   Read each section (tabs along side)

Fagan Ch 15,  Mesoamerican Civilizations


Format: very short answer, fill in the blank. NOTE! THE ANSWERS WILL BE SHORTER THAN USUAL THIS TIME. THE QUESTIONS MAY INCLUDE SOME MULTIPLE CHOICE and TRUE/FALSE. 20 minutes long. Some of the following will be on the quiz. If you study this, you will be very well prepared. At least 80% of the quiz will be taken from the material below.

Know the main characteristics of preindustrial civilizations (Fagan 317)

Fagan writes of "power in three domains" (320-1): what were they?

What do we know about the Sumerians?

Know the basics of the chronology of Egyptian civilization (335)

Know the characteristics of the Old Kingdom and the New Kingdom of Egypt.

Describe the burial mound of Emperor Shihuangdi.

Be able to locate the sites of Teotihuacan, Tenochtitlan, Chichen Itza, San Lorenzo, Tikal, and Copan on a map (392), and associate them with the appropriate culture (e.g. Olmec, Maya).

Know the information included about the Classic Maya collapse (401-403).

Review the details (time, place, key sites) of the Aztec civilization (409-415)

Know the characteristics that make a wild animal domesticable (see Diamond article).

Know the basic characteristics (dates, lifeways, general types of artifacts) of the PalaeoIndian, Archaic, and Woodland periods in Ontario history.

Know the general trends in the Late Woodland period in Ontario.