Indigenous Peoples and Archaeology: From Conflict to Coalition. Anth 3510, Sept - Dec 2005. Dr. Kathryn Denning

7 Nov 2005

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Plan for the day


1 Announcements/ organizational stuff, attendance.

2  Archaeology and Indigenous peoples  - lecture / discussion

3  Film: Totem: The Return of the G’Psgolox Pole. Director: Gil Cardinal        NFB: 2003       York Vid #7234     70 minutes.     Discussion to follow next week.

Web link:



Announcements / Reminders

 Today: hand in outline for Assignment 2. 

Heads-up: Class on November 28 (poster party day!) will be in Curtis 110. (If walking from our usual room in Bethune, turn right into Curtis before the red & white fire hydrant. Enter Curtis, turn left. The room is right there.)  Try to be there right at 11:30 so we can get set up quickly.

Remaining readings are all available outside my office (Vari 2029) and will also be posted in pdf form to this website shortly (here).