Indigenous Peoples and Archaeology:

From Conflict to Coalition


Anth 3510, Sept - Dec 2005                 Dr. Kathryn Denning

Sept 26, 2005... Welcome!   

Back to main 3510 page.



Plan for the day


1  Announcements/organizational stuff

2  Thomas King, The Truth About Stories, and Hughes, The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples

3  Either this week or next: A clip from If Only I Were an Indian. 1995.




Announcements / Reminders

1 Is anyone here for the first time today?

2 if you have had a problem obtaining the King or Hughes books, you may borrow the photocopy outside my office (Vari 2029); please return it intact as soon as possible, and within two hours. n.b. Anthro office area is locked before 8:30 and after 4:30.

3 For next week (Oct 3),  keep reading the Hughes book, 60-138.

4 Next week (Oct 3), we'll discuss the Hughes book some more, and the rest of the course. No class Oct 10 (Thanksgiving). Test (10%) Oct 17 on King and Hughes books.

5 If you didn't hand in the first little seminar participation assignment last week, please do so today.

6  Writing Assignment 1 (10%) - is due next week, Oct 3, in class. (There are extra handouts outside my office, Vari 2029)


Thomas King: The Truth About Stories


Your Homework from last week:


Thanks for sharing information about your interest in this course and background knowledge.

Coming back to this question:

c) Once you’ve read 1-119 of King’s book, consider his statement, “The truth about stories is that that’s all we are.”  What does this mean to you?


(Last week on King)






How People Become Indigenous


Saami, Scandinavia   -       



San, Kalahari



San 'became indigenous' because of the waves of migration of Bantu-speaking African peoples to the south. Europeans came later.





Indigenous Britons?!


extent of Roman Empire 395 AD





after Rome fell


Languages of the World


Linguistic distributions can show the effectiveness of colonization and assimilation.



Thomas King: The Truth About Stories

Lotte Hughes, The No-Nonsense Guide to Indigenous Peoples


Common themes? What common processes have different groups of indigenous people faced? What are the key issues facing indigenous peoples today? Be specific.