From Laetoli to Luna...


Social Lives of Places and Things

13 Mar 2006      Anth 3520



Major term assignment: proposal/biblio due last week.  See here. Handing proposals back in class today. If you miss class, i.e. you are just reading these notes online... I'll leave the marked proposals in a folder outside my office (Vari 2029) for you to pick up.





Mar  13

Archaeology of the Contemporary Past

- Buchli and Lucas: Bodies of evidence pp 121-125

- Legendre: Archaeology of World War 2: the Lancaster bomber of Fleville pp 126-137

- Buchli and Lucas: The archaeology of alienation: a late twentieth-century British council house pp 158-168


And: The Cultural Heritage of Space:


And: From Bear Pit to Zoo


Mar 20

No class — work on your papers and posters

No reading – catch up on any reading you’ve missed


Mar 27

Poster party and hand in papers

No reading






Plan for Class










What do you think about "archaeologizing" a modern abandoned home?


Why study the material culture and/or sites of war?



Why are people so interested in forensics, e.g. CSI?




What do zoos say about us and our relationship with animals?









Space... now a cultural landscape?

The Moon:

Google Mars


A Challenge: What should be done about these exploration sites?  Should they be considered cultural heritage and preserved for the future? If so, how? What should be the rules?